The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part V: Washington Office, General Office File, 1971-1985 (continued)
16 Mar.1983-28 Apr. 1984 (continued)
(7 folders)
BOX V:26 1 May-28 Nov. 1984
(3 folders)
Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, 1981
Meese, Edwin, 1984
Membership, National Urban League, 1976
Midwinter meeting, 1980-1982
(2 folders)
Military, 1981-1984
Minimum wage, 1981
Mission statements, 1975
BOX V:27 Monthly reports, 1980-1982, undated
(2 folders)
National Alliance of Business, 1982
National Coalition for Lead Control, 1982
National Consumer Cooperative Bank, undated
National Planning and Evaluation Department, 1978-1984
(2 folders)
National Urban Coalition, 1979
National urban policy, undated
New Opportunities for Tax Exempts: A Conference on Lobbying, location unknown, 1977
Nuclear freeze, 1983
BOX V:28 Older Americans Act of 1981, 1981
Organization, Washington Operations, 1980, undated
Poverty, 1982-1984
Profit-making enterprises, undated
Program Policy and Planning Committee, 1981-1982
(2 folders)
Proposal development and review forms, 1976
Reagan, Ronald, circa 1981
Research Department, budget for fiscal year 1979-1980, circa 1979
Revenue foregone, 1982
Senate races, 1984
Small business, 1983-1984
Social security, 1984
Solidarity Day, 1981, undated
Technology, 1983, undated
UNICEF, 1981
Unions, 1975
BOX V:29 United States Catholic bishops, 1984
United Way, 1984
Vocational Education Act of 1963, 1981
Voter education program, 1980-1985, undated
(4 folders)
Voting records, 1982-1983, undated
Voting Rights Act, 1982
Working Committee on Concerns of Hispanics and Blacks, 1978
Young, Whitney M., 1971-1981
BOX V:29-46 Part V: Washington Office, Publicity File, 1963-1988
Incoming and outgoing correspondence, office memoranda, press releases, testimonies, printed matter, reports and newsletters.
Arranged alphabetically by publication title, type of material, or name of individual and therein chronologically.
BOX V:29 A Call to Action, 1969
"Achievements, Setbacks, and Outlook for the Second Session of the Ninety-fifth Congress," circa 1980-1981
Affiliate Ownership of Real Estate--Some Considerations, 1977
BOX V:30 "An Analysis of the New Federalism and Proposed Welfare Reforms," 1969
An Analysis: The Federal Budget, Key Components for the Poor, 1982
Annual Affiliate Data Collection Report, 1977
Annual Report of the Economic Development Technical Assistance Project, 1981
Annual reports
National Urban League, 1972-1983
Washington Operations, circa 1977-1984
Beyond Racism, 1969
Black economic summit meeting, Washington, D.C., 1974
Brochures, National Urban League, undated
"Can Enterprise Zones Work?" 1982
"CETA Authorization," 1978
"Comments of the NUL," 1976
Congressional Digest
(2 folders)
BOX V:31 1978-1984, undated
(3 folders)
Constituent Leadership Directory, 1981
Correspondence, 1973-1983, undated
(4 folders)
The Decade Ahead, circa 1969
BOX V:32 Directory of Special Projects, 1979-1980
(2 folders)
Discrimination and Minority Youth Employment, 1979
Discussion Paper, 1974-1979
(3 folders)
Economic Policies and Black Progress: Myths and Realities, 1981
"The Economists, the Minimum Wage, and the Poor," 1980
"Energy and the Cities," 1979
BOX V:33 "Energy Stamp Program: Pilot Program Recommendations," 1974
Equal Opportunity Day: Program and Promotion Booklet, 1977
Evaluation Status Report, 1981
A Final Report on Project Star (Serving to Advance Rehabilitation), circa 1972
Full Employment: A Policy Paper, 1984
Guide to Working with Black Families in the Adoptive Process, 1981
Guidelines for Relationships between the National Urban League and Its Auxiliaries, 1977
Guidelines for Urban League Seminars for Volunteers and Staff, 1977
Handbook: National Urban League, 1973
BOX V:34 "High Tech: New Hopes, Old Problems," 1983
Issues 1979, 1979
Issues 1980, 1981
Issues 1981, 1982
Legislative Alert, 1980
Legislative Update, 1982, undated
"Legislative Update on Fiscal Year 1985 Federal Budget," circa 1984
"Lobbying Provision of the Tax Reform Act and Its Implications for the National Urban League and Its Affiliates," 1977
Minority Economic Development: A Strategy for Urban Survival, 1978
Mobilizing for the Challenges of the 1980s: NUL's Plan for the Future, 1980-1981
"1985 Federal Budget: An Examination of Impacts on the Poor and Minorities," 1984
"The National Alliance of Business Program for 1980-82 to Strengthen Business Support and Involvement in Meeting the Employment and Training Needs of the Hard-to-Employ," undated
BOX V:35 A National Survey of Employer Attitudes and Practices toward Youth, 1980
National Urban League Blueprint for Action, 1982-1983
National Urban League: Fiscal Year 1979-80 Goals, Objectives, and Action Summaries, circa 1979
"National Urban Network and Youth Program Development," 1977
News from National Urban League
(4 folders)
BOX V:36 1980-1983, undated
News from National Urban League Conference, 1969-1977
News from the Washington Bureau, 1976-1979
News from Washington Bureau, 1974
Newsletter, National Urban League, Washington Bureau, 1974-1978
(2 folders)
Newspaper and magazine clippings, 1963-1982
(2 folders)
NUL Planning System, 1981
BOX V:37 "The NUL's 1943 Chicago Conference Revisited," 1979
Partnerships, 1983
A Periodic Survey of the Black Community in America, 1979-1980
(2 folders)
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