The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part V: Washington Office, Publicity File, 1963-1988 (continued)
Point of View, 1978-1983
Point/Counterpoint, 1981-1983
Population Policy and the Black Community, 1974
Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Parenthood Project (Final Report), 1979-1981
BOX V:38 Press advisories, 1978-1979
Press Release, Office of Washington Operations, National Urban League, 1979-1984
Press releases, miscellaneous, 1969-1983, undated
"Program for the Education and Development of Board Officers of Urban League Affiliates," 1979
"Program for the Education and Development of Affiliate Board Members," 1981
(2 folders)
Proposal: Targeted Outreach Program: CETA Title III, 1981
Quarterly Economic Report on the Black Worker, 1975-1978
Readings in Child Protection, 1980
BOX V:39 "Recommendations of the National Urban League," 1974
"Revenue Sharing--The Unfulfilled Promise," 1975
The Rites of Passage: A Black Perspective, 1982
"Running the Gauntlet: Black Men in America," 1984
A Selected Annotated Bibliography: Minority Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy, 1980
Showcase News, 1983
"The Sixth Annual James L. Anderson Community Services Awards Banquet," circa 1981
Special Alert, circa 1980-1981
Special Policy Report on the Socio-Economic Status of Blacks, 1976
Special Report, 1974-1982
(2 folders)
Special Reports on Federal Resources, circa 1972-1974
Brown, Ronald Harmon, 1970-1977
(2 folders)
BOX V:40 Cooper, Maudine Rice, 1976-1983
(3 folders)
Glasgow, Douglas G., 1984
Jacob, John E., 1981-1982
(2 folders)
Jordan, Vernon E.
(2 folders)
BOX V:41 1979-1981, undated
(2 folders)
Unidentified, 1976-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Young, Whitney M., 1967-1970, undated
Staff Quarterly
Fall 1980-Summer 1981
(2 folders)
BOX V:42 Winter 1981-Fall 1982
The State of Black America, 1976-1988
Brown, Ronald Harmon, 1975-1979
Cooper, Maudine Rice, 1974-1982
Jordan, Vernon E., 1977-1981
Others, 1977-1984
"A Statistical Overview of Black America," 1982
The Street Academy: The Five Year Experience, A Final Report, 1977
Brown, Ronald Harmon
BOX V:43 1975-1979
(4 folders)
Cooper, Maudine Rice
(2 folders)
BOX V:44 1979-1983, undated
(5 folders)
Jordan, Vernon E., 1974-1981
BOX V:45 Others, 1971-1984
Testimony list, 1974-1982
To Be Equal, 1974-1982
(6 folders)
BOX V:46 Toward a National Youth Development Policy (A Call to Action), 1978
Transcripts, radio and television, 1968-1981
Urban Policy Watch, undated
Urban League News, 1973-1977
"The Utility Crisis in Black America," 1978
Washington Bureau, What It Is. . . What It Does. . ., circa 1970
"Washington Operations Update: Meeting of the Chief Executive Officers, National Urban League, Inc.," 1981
"Workfare: An Urban Analysis," 1982
"Youth Employment: Current and Proposed Legislation," 1977
BOX VI:A1-A227 Part VI: Southern Regional Office, General Office File, 1919-1979
Letters sent and received, supplemented by telegrams, reports, memoranda, press releases, minutes of meetings, surveys, charts, printed matter, and a few newspaper clippings.
Arranged by year and therein alphabetically by name or subject. Units within each year are in chronological order to the month.
BOX VI:A1 1919
“A-F” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
“H” miscellaneous
Industrial information
“J-N” miscellaneous
(6 folders)
Neely, A. J.
“P-W” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Thomas, Jesse O. (family)
“A” miscellaneous
American Civil Liberties Union
American Railway Express Co.
American Red Cross, Atlanta, Ga.
Appeal, letters of
“B” miscellaneous
Big Brother and Sister movement
BOX VI:A2 Bryant, P. James
“C” miscellaneous
Campfield, Cyrus
Clinton, George W.
Committee on Church Cooperation
“D-E” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Eagan, John J.
“F” miscellaneous
Foster, Lemuel L.
“H” miscellaneous
Hill, T. Arnold
Holsey, Albon L.
Hosmer, C. B.
“I-J” miscellaneous
BOX VI:A3 “K-L” miscellaneous
Labor (Negro)
“M-Q” miscellaneous
Minutes (miscellaneous)
Neely, A. J.
“R” miscellaneous
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