The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part VI: Southern Regional Office, Printed Matter, 1919-1978 (continued)
BOX VI:G21-33 1936-1945
BOX VI:G34-39 1946-1949
BOX VI:G40 1950
BOX VI:G41 1951-1952
BOX VI:G42 1953-1956
BOX VI:G43 1957
BOX VI:G44 1958
BOX VI:G45 1959-1978
BOX VI:H1-H6 Part VI: Southern Regional Office, Miscellany
Miscellaneous reports by the Southern Regional Office and the United Community Defense Service, stenographic notes, bulletins, check lists, blueprints, guest book, appointment books, calendars with appointment notations, diploma, invitations, fragments, and other material.
Organized by type of material.
BOX VI:H1-H6 Miscellany
BOX VI:I1-I5 Part VI: Southern Regional Office, Jesse O. Thomas Papers, 1911-1919
Letters sent and received, including related and attached personnel applications, notes, memoranda, reports, articles, and speeches.
Arranged by periods that reflect Thomas's career before accepting the first directorship of the Southern Regional Office.
BOX VI:I1 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1911-1914
Principal's Office correspondence, Voorhees Normal and Industrial School, Denmark, S.C.,1916-1918
“A” miscellaneous
“Ba-C” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
“D-G” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Gibson, E. A.
“H” miscellaneous
Inspection Committee
“K-L” miscellaneous
BOX VI:I2 “Ma-My” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Manafee, Martin
Myers, I. R.
“Mc” miscellaneous
“McClain, Iva
McGuinn, N. S.
“N” miscellaneous
Newton, Marie
O'Neal, Ollie
Orsot, Antonio
BOX VI:I3 1918
“P-Ro” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Reid, F.
“Sc-St” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Southern Voice
“T” miscellaneous
Teachers' ratings
“V-Z” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX VI:I4 Office file, Department of Labor, 1918-1919
“A” miscellaneous
Articles, reports, speeches
“B-E” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Family correspondence
“H” miscellaneous
Haynes, George Edmund
“J-L” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX VI:I5 “M-Mc” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
“N-T” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Tuskegee Association, Tuskegee, Ala.
“W” miscellaneous
Whitehurst, Hattie
BOX VI:J1-J6 Part VI: Southern Regional Office, Nelson C. Jackson Papers, 1930-1946
Letters sent and received, lecture notes, reports, studies, statistical charts, minutes of meetings, press releases, newspaper clippings, and printed matter.
Organized in four files: general correspondence, office file from the Social Protection Division (Region 7) of the Federal Security Agency, subject file, and a printed matter file. This series comprises the personal papers of Jackson before his appointment as director of the Southern Regional Office in 1946.
BOX VI:J1 General correspondence, 1930-1946
Office file, Federal Security Agency
Birmingham, 1943-1944
Mobile, 1944-1945
Montgomery, 1943-1944
Community organization activities, 1943-1944
General, 1943-1945
Jacksonville, 1942-1945
Miami, 1944-1945
Orlando, 1944-1945
Pensacola, 1944
Tallahassee, 1943-1945
BOX VI:J2 Tampa, 1944-1945
General, 1942-1945
Atlanta, 1943-1945
Jeanes Teachers Association, 1944
Miscellany, 1942-1945
(2 folders)
Mississippi, 1944-1945
Rapid treatment centers, 1943-1945
Regional office, 1944-1945
Selective Service, 1943-1945
Social services, 1944-1945
South Carolina
General, 1944-1945
Charleston, 1944-1945
Greenville, 1943-1945
Statistics, 1940-1945
BOX VI:J3 Tennessee
Correspondence and reports, 1942-1945
Notes and charts, 1944-1945
Travel, 1943-1945
Tuskegee Army Flying School, Tuskegee, Ala., 1943-1945
Subject file
Atlanta School of Social Work, Atlanta, Ga., lecture notes, circa 1940
Committee on Racial Equality, 1942-1944
Community organization syllabus
Correspondence and reports
BOX VI:J4 1941
(4 folders)
New Jersey Relief Administration, correspondence and reports, 1934-1935
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Class notes, 1938-1939
Syllabus, 1941-1943
BOX VI:J5-6 Printed matter
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