The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part I: C. Housing Activities Department, 1941-1964 (continued)
Affiliates File, 1943-1963 (continued)
Minneapolis, Minn., 1946-1961 (continued)
(2 folders)
Morristown, N.J., 1949-1961
(2 folders)
BOX I:C58 Muskegon, Mich., 1952-1961
New Brunswick, N.J., 1945-1961
New Haven, Conn., 1960-1961
New Orleans, La., 1949-1955
New York, N.Y.
(2 folders)
BOX I:C59 1960-1961
Bronx branch, 1956-1957
Brooklyn, branch, 1951-1956
Newark, N.J., 1948-1961
(3 folders)
Oakland, Calif., 1944-1960
(2 folders)
Oklahoma City, Okla., 1948-1961
Omaha, Nebr.
BOX I:C60 1961
Philadelphia, Pa., 1944-1961
(2 folders)
Phoenix, Ariz., 1944-1961
(2 folders)
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1950-1961
(3 folders)
Pontiac, Mich., 1950-1954
Portland, Oreg., 1950-1960
(2 folders)
Providence, R.I. 1950-1955
BOX I:C61 1956-1961
Richmond, Va., 1948-1953
St. Louis, Mo., 1948-1961
(4 folders)
St. Paul, Minn., 1954-1960
(2 folders)
San Diego, Calif., 1957-1961
BOX I:C62 San Francisco, Calif., 1948-1961
(2 folders)
Seattle, Wash., 1943-1960
(3 folders)
South Bend, Ind., 1957-1961
Springfield, Ill., 1950-1951, 1956-1961
(2 folders)
Springfield, Mass., 1948-1961
(2 folders)
Tampa, Fla., 1958
BOX I:C63 Tulsa, Okla., 1952-1962
Warren, Ohio, 1950-1961
(2 folders)
Washington, D.C., 1943-1961
(3 folders)
White Plains, N.Y.
BOX I:C64 1958-1961
Wichita, Kans., 1956-1961
Winston-Salem, N.C., 1945-1961
(2 folders)
Housing inventory, city reports, 1952
(5 folders)
BOX I:D1-D41 Part I: D. Industrial Relations Department, 1922-1962
BOX I:D1-D20 General Department File, 1923-1962
Correspondence and office memoranda, printed and near-print material, reports, notes, newspaper clippings, news releases, and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically by name of person, subject or organization and therein chronologically.
BOX I:D1 1923-1940
"A" miscellaneous, 1926-1929
Activity and field reports, 1925-1932, 1938
(3 folders)
American Federation of Labor
General, 1925-1935
(3 folders)
Baskerville, B. C., 1934
American Fund for Public Service, 1926-1930
American Management Association, 1926
American Negro Labor Congress, 1940
Annual reports, 1929-1933
BOX I:D2 Appeals to governors, 1931-1933
(2 folders)
"B-I" miscellaneous, 1926-1940
Barbers and hairdressers organizations, 1933
Black Workers and the New Unions, correspondence, 1939-1940
Bowers, Henry S., 1925-1926
Brotherhood of Dining Car Employees, 1926-1938
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, 1936
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, 1933-1934
Brotherhood of Trainmen, 1933-1935
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1925-1937
Building trades, Negro participation, 1934
Cayton, Horace R., 1934
Chicago., Ill., proposed conference on economic status of Negroes, 1931
BOX I:D3 Citizens Conference on Vocational Education, 1933
Commission on Interracial Cooperation, 1930-1931
Committee for Industrial Organization, 1935-1936
Committee on Care of Transient and Homeless, 1937-1938
Committee on Race Relations, 1929-1932
Conference on the employment of Negroes, 1931
Council on Interstate Migration, 1939
Dining-car employees, 1926-1938
Durham Fact-Finding Conference, Durham, N.C., 1929-1930
Eastern and Gulf Marine Cooks' and Stewards' Union, 1932-1933
Executive board, reports, 1925-1931
Executive secretary, reports, 1930-1931
Expansion of department, 1929
Field trips, T. Arnold Hill
Southwest, 1938
Midwest and South, 1938
Midwest, 1939
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 1925-1930
Harlem Labor Committee, New York, N.Y., 1935
BOX I:D4 Harmon Foundation, 1930-1931, 1936
Harris, Abram Lincoln, 1935
Hickok, Mrs. Charles V., 1930-1934
Hillsdale Conference, 1927
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance, 1936
Industrial campaign memoranda, 1924-1929
Industrial Committee, memorandum, 1929
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1925, 1935
International Longshoremen's Association, 1933
International Association of Machinists, 1936
"J-P" miscellaneous, 1926-1934
Kentucky Home Society for Colored Children, 1925-1929
Labor program, 1934
Lathers' union, Chicago, Ill, 1923-1926
Laundry workers' union, New York, N.Y., 1936
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