The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part I: F. Research Department, 1916-1963 (continued)
Field Research Material, 1934-1963 (continued)
Vital statistics
Vocational training and guidance
BOX I:F29 1942-1963 [In this grouping, the folder headings for Baltimore, Md., are listed in full, but for all other cities only a brief outline is given.]
Baltimore, Md.
Board of directors
Budget of Baltimore Urban League
Business, 1949
Church, 1949
Community Relations Committee
Constitution and bylaws
Corrections, changes, and comments on Baltimore study
Parts 1-2
(2 folders)
Crime and delinquency
Education Committee
(2 folders)
BOX I:F30 Executive secretary
(2 folders)
Historical background, 1949
Housing, 1949
Industrial Committee
Labor unions, 1949
Minutes of Advisory Committee
Race relations
BOX I:F31 Recreation, 1949
Recreation Department report, 1948
Report of the Committee on the Urban League Study, Council of Social Agencies
Revised study of the Baltimore Urban League and the community
Social agencies
(2 folders)
Special schedules
Staff evaluation and job description
BOX I:F32 Boston, Mass.
“A-H” miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX I:F33 “L-S” miscellaneous
(9 folders)
BOX I:F34 Canton, Ohio
(17 folders)
BOX I:F35 Charleston, S.C.
(14 folders)
BOX I:F36 Charleston, W.Va.
(16 folders)
BOX I:F37 Cleveland, Ohio
“A-I” miscellaneous
(18 folders)
BOX I:F38 “N-W” miscellaneous
(10 folders)
BOX I:F39 Columbus, Ohio
(3 folders)
Dayton, Ohio
(10 folders)
BOX I:F40 Denver, Colo.
“A-S” miscellaneous
(18 folders)
BOX I:F41 Miscellaneous
(6 folders)
Detroit, Mich.
“A-E” miscellaneous
(11 folders)
BOX I:F42 “H-S” miscellaneous
(11 folders)
Downingtown, Pa.
(4 folders)
BOX I:F43 Evanston, Ill.
(17 folders)
BOX I:F44 Fort Wayne, Ind.
(17 folders)
BOX I:F45 Gary, Ind.
“A-Y” miscellaneous, 1942-1945
(16 folders)
BOX I:F46 “A-R” miscellaneous, 1955
(10 folders)
BOX I:F47 “R-S” miscellaneous, 1955
(4 folders)
Grand Rapids, Mich.
(7 folders)
BOX I:F48 Greenwich, Conn.
(13 folders)
Hamilton, Ohio
“A-E” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX I:F49 “E-S” miscellaneous
(8 folders)
Hanford, Wash.
(10 folders)
Hartford, Conn.
“A-C” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX I:F50 “C-S” miscellaneous
(12 folders)
Houston, Tex.
“A-H” miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX I:F51 “L-S” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
Kansas City, Mo.
“A-I” miscellaneous
(12 folders)
BOX I:F52 “J-V” miscellaneous
(11 folders)
BOX I:F53 Little Rock, Ark.
(13 folders)
Los Angeles, Calif.
“B-C” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX I:F54 “E-V” miscellaneous
(12 folders)
Louisville, Ky.
“A-E” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX I:F55 “H-V” miscellaneous
(12 folders)
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