The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part I: G. Vocational Services Office, 1930-1962 (continued)
Projects and Programs File, 1930-1962 (continued)
Baltimore, Md., 1958
Boston, Mass., 1959-1961
Bridgeport, Conn., 1960-1961
Buffalo, N.Y., 1958-1962
Canton, Ohio, 1958-1960
Charleston, S.C., 1960-1962
Chicago, Ill., 1959-1960
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1958-1961
Cleveland, Ohio, 1958-1961
Clinton, Tenn., 1958-1960
Columbus, Ohio
BOX I:G13 1961
(2 folders)
Dayton, Ohio, 1961
(2 folders)
Denver, Colo., 1958-1960
Detroit, Mich., 1960-1961
Elizabeth, N.J., 1959-1961
Englewood, N.J., 1958-1960
Farrell, Pa., 1958-1960
Flint, Mich., 1958-1962
Fort Wayne, Ind., 1958-1960
Fort Worth, Tex., 1960
Gary, Ind., 1958-1961
Goldsboro, N.C., 1960
Grand Rapids, Mich., 1958-1962
Hartford, Conn., 1958-1960
Jacksonville, Fla., 1958-1960
Kansas City, Mo., 1958-1959
Little Rock, Ark., 1958-1959
BOX I:G14 Los Angeles, Calif., 1958-1962
Louisville, Ky., 1958-1960
Macon, Ga., 1959-1960
Marion, Ind., 1959-1960
Massillon, Ohio, 1959-1961
Memphis, Tenn., 1959-1960
Miami, Fla., 1958-1960
Milwaukee, Wis., 1958
Minneapolis, Minn., 1959-1960
Morris County, N.J., 1958-1960
Muskegon, Mich., 1959-1960
New Brunswick, N.J., 1958-1960
New Haven, Conn., 1960
New Jersey State Council of Urban Leagues, 1959-1960
New Orleans, La., 1958
New York, N.Y., 1958-1959
Newark, N.J., 1958-1962
Oakland, Calif., 1958
Oklahoma City, Okla.
BOX I:G15 1961
Omaha, Nebr., 1958-1960
Philadelphia, Pa., 1958-1962
Phoenix, Ariz., 1958-1960
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1958-1960
Pontiac, Mich., 1959-1960
Portland, Oreg., 1960
Providence, R.I., 1958-1959
Richmond, Calif., 1960
Richmond, Va., 1958-1960
St. Louis, Mo., 1958-1960
BOX I:G16 St. Paul, Minn., 1958-1961
San Diego, Calif., 1958-1960
San Francisco, Calif., 1958
Seattle, Wash., 1958
South Bend, Ind., 1959-1960
Springfield, Ill., 1958-1959
Tampa, Fla., 1961
Tulsa, Okla., 1958-1960
Warren, Ohio, 1959-1962
Washington, D.C., 1958-1961
White Plains, N.Y., 1958-1960
Winston-Salem, N.C., 1958-1961
BOX I:G17 General alphabetical
All leagues reports, 1961
Babow, Irving, 1958
Brooks, Denton, 1958
Campanella, Joe, fellowship proposal, 1958-1959
Career club pins, 1959-1962
(3 folders)
Financial memoranda, 1958-1959
Mailing list
Messmore and Damon, 1956
BOX I:G18 Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga., scholarship, 1958-1960
National Association of Broadcasters, 1958
National Aviation Education Council, 1958-1959
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
National Council on the Participation of Women in Science, 1958-1959
National Foundation, 1958-1959
National Medical Association, 1958
National Science Foundation, 1958-1959
National Sponsoring Committee
Evans, James C., 1958
Invitations and acceptances, 1958-1959
New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1959
New listing, 1958-1961
Washington, D.C., conference, 1958
National Technical Advisory Committee
General, 1958-1959
Choate, Robert B., Jr.
BOX I:G19 Holland, Jerome H., 1958-1960
Invitations and acceptances, 1958-1959
Kiehl, Robert, 1958
Mahoney, Robert M., 1958-1959
Wilkins, J. Ernest, 1958-1959
National Urban League Board Committee, 1958-1959
Petty cash, 1960
Phelps-Stokes Fund, 1956-1959
Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H., 1958-1959
Planning conference, 1958
BOX I:G20 President's Committee on Government Contracts, 1958-1959
Press conference, 1958
Press memoranda, special contracts, 1958
Press releases, 1958
Rickey, Branch, 1958
Robinson, Jackie, 1958
Saturday Review, 1958
Science Research Associates, 1960
Seventeenmagazine, 1958
Sororities and fraternities
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, undated
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 1958
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, 1958-1959
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