The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part I: P. Scrapbooks, 1920-1960 (continued)
Subject, 1931-1960 (continued)
BOX I:P22 REEL 14 1957
BOX I:P23 REEL 14 Awards project, 1949
BOX I:P24-26 REEL 14 Equal Opportunity Day, 1958
BOX I:P27 REEL 15 Famous amateurs art exhibit, 1949
BOX I:P28 REEL 15 Freedom trail ball, 1948
BOX I:P29 REEL 15 Golden anniversary press book, 1960
BOX I:P30 REEL 15 Headquarters building dedication, 1956
BOX I:P31-32 REEL 15 Industrial Relations Department literature, 1931-1933
BOX I:P33 REEL 16 Veterans' housing and employment, 1945-1946
BOX I:P34 REEL 16 Vocational Opportunity Campaign, 1941-1942
BOX I:P35-36 REEL 16-17 Workers' councils, 1934-1936
BOX I:P37 REEL 18 Youth guidance project, 1946
BOX I:Q1-Q7 Part I: Q. Addition, 1924-1961
Correspondence, reports, speeches, articles, and printed matter.
Arranged by department, with miscellany and printed matter at the end.
BOX I:Q1 Administration Department
General Department File
Community Chests and Councils, 1947-1949
Community Services Department
General Department File
Church and race relations, 1958-1960
Council on Social Work Education, 1956
Housing Activities Department
General Department File
Ebony magazine, Freda DeKnight, 1948-1950
Speaking engagements, Reginald A. Johnson, 1948-1961
Industrial Relations Department
General Department File
AFL-CIO, 1956-1957
“Negroes and the Building Trades Unions,” 1957
Southern Industry Project File
Brown, Theodore, conference, 1956
Public Relations Department
Johnson, Reginald A., 1953, 1958
Johnson, Reginald A., 1952-1960
Young, Whitney M., Jr., 1953
BOX I:Q2 Related organizations
Administrative and Clerical Council File
Biographical information, “A-Y”
(4 folders)
Religious resources project
Correspondence, 1957-1961, undated
(4 folders)
BOX I:Q3 Minutes of meetings, 1958-1961
Progress reports and correspondence plan, 1958-1961
(2 folders)
Drawings and blueprints, 1952
Kits, Equal Opportunity Day, 1957
Rockefeller report, 1960
(2 folders)
BOX I:Q4 Printed matter
Urban League
(2 folders)
Jottings, 1953, 1956-1959
General, 1924-1930
(2 folders)
BOX I:Q5 General, 1940-1959, undated
(8 folders)
BOX I:Q6 Non-league
(6 folders)
BOX I:Q7 Non-league (includes newspaper clippings)
(5 folders)
BOX II:A1-A92 Part II: A. Administration Department File, 1953-1966
BOX II:A1-A55 General Department File, 1953-1966
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, minutes, itineraries, speeches and statements, programs, surveys, financial records, publicity material, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic, type of material, or name of person, organization, program, or event and therein chronologically.
BOX II:A1 “A” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Administration and Clerical Council, 1962-1965
African-American Labor Center, 1965
BOX II:A2 1964
Community Services Council, National Advisory Council, 1962
American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa
(5 folders)
BOX II:A3 1965
America's Many Faces Project, 1961-1962
Association of Fair Housing Committees, 1962
Atlanta Council on Human Relations, Atlanta, Ga., 1962
“B” miscellaneous, 1961-1965
Bahamas branch, proposal, 1965
Birmingham, Ala., 1963-1965
Board for Fundamental Education, 1965
BOX II:A4 Book reviews, 1961
Bowers, Joan, 1964-1965
Breezy Point, 1963
“C” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Cabinet meetings, 1964-1965
Calendar of events, 1962
Chest appeal, special proposal, 1961
BOX II:A5 Child Welfare League of America, 1962
Citizens' Crusade Against Poverty, 1965
Citizens' Housing and Planning Council of New York, 1964-1965
City of New York, N.Y., president of Manhattan, 1965
Civil rights, 1962-1965
Clark, Isobel C., 1964
Colleges and universities, 1965
Commerce and Industry Council, 1963-1965
BOX II:A6 Committee affiliation
Action, Inc., 1965
American Committee for World Festival of Negro Art, 1965
Citizen's Committee to Honor Jackie Robinson, 1962
Cleveland Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1965
Committee of 100, 1960
Committee on Public Welfare, 1962
Committee on Vocational Education, 1964-1965
Cranbury School, Cranbury, N.J., 1964-1965
Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, 1964-1965
Estes Kefauver Memorial Foundation, 1965
Family of Man Award dinner, 1965
International Conference on Social Work, 1965
International Convocation Pacem in Terris, 1965
BOX II:A7 John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass., 1965
Miles College, Birmingham, Ala., 1965
Mobilization for Youth, 1962
Modern Community Developers, 1962-1965
National Advisory Council to the Office of Economic Opportunity, 1964-1965
National Association of Social Workers, 1962
National Book Committee, 1965
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