The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part II: A. Administration Department File, 1953-1966 (continued)
General Department File, 1953-1966 (continued)
BOX II:A34 1964-1965
Mississippi, 1965
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1965
Moynihan, Daniel P., report, 1965
“N” miscellaneous
BOX II:A35 1965
NAACP, 1962-1965
National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service, 1962
National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials, 1962-1965
National Budget and Consultation Committee, 1962-1963
BOX II:A36 National campaign, 1959-1962
National Conference on Poverty in the Southwest, 1964
National Conference on Social Welfare, 1961-1962
National Association of Social Workers, Executive Committee, 1962
National Capital Housing Authority, 1962-1964
National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, 1963
National Council of Negro Women, 1965
National Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1965
National Council of the Churches of Christ, 1965
National Council on the Aging, 1964
National Education Association of the United States, 1965
National Housing Conference, 1964
National League for Nursing, 1965
National Medical Association, Seventh National Conference Hospital Integration, 1963
BOX II:A37 National Safety Council, 1965
National Skills Bank, 1963
National Social Welfare Assembly
General, 1961-1965
Ad Hoc Committee, 1961
Administrative Committee, 1962
Committee on Personnel, 1961-1962
Committee on Social Issues and Policies and subcommittee, 1962
Executives of affiliate organizations
Intergroup relations, 1961-1962
Members, Conference of Executives, 1960-1962
Quota and Support Committee, 1961-1962
BOX II:A38 Survey of employment, 1961-1962
Uniform accounting project, 1963
National training laboratories, 1962
Nation Urban League
Board of trustees, biographical data, 1965
Guild, 1961-1965
History Committee, 1965-1966
Marshall Plan, 1963
Meeting with the vice president, 1962
Poverty workshop, 1964
New York City Department of Welfare, 1964
BOX II:A39 New York City government, 1964
New York City housing and redevelopment board, 1964
New York City housing authority, 1964
New York state government, 1964
Negro American Labor Council, 1965
Newburgh plan, 1961
Non-league and organizational support cultivation, 1963
North City Congress, Philadelphia, Pa., 1965
Northern Student Movement, 1964-1965
BOX II:A40 “O” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965
Organizing an Urban League affiliate, procedures, 1963
Organization of new leagues, 1965
“P” miscellaneous
BOX II:A41 1965
Peace Corps, 1961-1962
Personnel and training
Correspondence, 1963
Correspondence concerning scholarships, 1963
Leadership development project, correspondence, 1963
Material concerning, 1961-1966
Reports, quarterly, undated
Phelps-Stokes Fund, Joint Consultation Committee, 1963
Plotz and Seligman funds, 1961
Policy statements, 1962-1965
Poverty program, National Urban League workshops
Mideastern region, 1965
BOX II:A42 Southern, 1965
Western, 1965
Powell, Adam Clayton, 1963
President's Commission on Law Enforcement, 1965
President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 1962-1965
BOX II:A43 Program Department
Activities report, 1962
Correspondence, 1961-1965
Education and youth incentives, correspondence, 1964-1965
Material concerning, 1963
Health and welfare, correspondence, 1963-1965
Correspondence, 1953-1965
Material concerning, 1963
BOX II:A44 Job development and employment
Correspondence, 1963-1965
Reports and proposals, undated
BOX II:A45 National Skills Bank
Activity report, 1964
Correspondence, 1962-1964
Organization of new leagues, 1964-1965
Project consultants, 1965
Prospectus, 1961
Religious resources
Material concerning
BOX II:A46 1965
Summary reports, 1961-1964
Special programs, correspondence, 1964-1965
Staff meetings, 1963-1965
Project ENABLE, joint project of OEO, Family Association of America, and National Urban League, 1965-1966
Public Relations Department
Correspondence, 1961-1966
Proposal, 1961
BOX II:A47 Public welfare situation, 1962
Puryear, Mahlon T., 1964
“Q” miscellaneous, 1961
“R” miscellaneous, 1963-1965
Regional directors' meetings, 1964-1965
Reorganizing of National Urban League, 1961
Research Department
Correspondence, 1960-1965
Reports, 1962-1964
BOX II:A48 Ribicoff, Abraham, 1961
“S” miscellaneous, 1961-1965
School boycott situation, 1964
Selma, Ala., 1965
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