The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part II: A. Administration Department File, 1953-1966 (continued)
General Department File, 1953-1966 (continued)
“R” miscellaneous, 1963-1965
Regional directors' meetings, 1964-1965
Reorganizing of National Urban League, 1961
Research Department
Correspondence, 1960-1965
Reports, 1962-1964
BOX II:A48 Ribicoff, Abraham, 1961
“S” miscellaneous, 1961-1965
School boycott situation, 1964
Selma, Ala., 1965
Seminar for public relations professionals, 1963
BOX II:A49 Service plan for non-National League affiliate communities, 1961
Small business administration, 1964-1965
South-Wide Advisory Committee, 1963
Southern Christian Leadership Council, 1965
Southern Conference Educational Fund, 1962
Southern field, 1961
Southern regional council, 1961-1965
Statewide Conference on Migration, 1962
Steeger, Henry, 1960
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 1962-1965
Stock sale, 1961
Surgeon General's Consultant Group on Nursing, 1962
“T” miscellaneous
BOX II:A50 1965
Taconic Foundation projects
America's Many Faces Project, photography search, 1959-1961
Duplicate bills and financial statements, 1960-1961
Film proposal, 1959-1961
General, 1960-1961
Negro press supplement
General, 1960-1961
Publisher's correspondence, 1959-1961
Requests from colleges, 1960
Requests from local leagues, 1960-1961
Requests from other sources, 1960-1961
Responses, 1960-1961
New York Times supplement
General, 1960-1961
Requests from agencies and organizations, 1960-1961
Requests from individuals, 1960-1961
BOX II:A51 Requests from local leagues, 1960-1961
Responses, 1960
Report, financial, 1959-1960
Telegrams, 1962-1964
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1962
Thomas, Julius A., 1965
Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964
BOX II:A52 1965
Transmittals, 1960
Trenton Council on Human Relations, 1964
Turner, John B., consultant, 1965
“U” miscellaneous, 1964-1965
United Automobile Workers, 1963
United Fund
Favorable replies, 1962
Negative replies, 1962
Pending appeals, 1963
United States Commission on Civil Rights, 1964-1965
United States Committee for the United Nations, 1964
United States Mission to the United Nations, 1962
United States National Committee for Unesco, 1964
United States Senate Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower, 1963
Urban America, 1965
Urban League Youth Community, 1965
BOX II:A53 “V” miscellaneous, 1962-1965
Vocational services
Correspondence, 1961
Memoranda, 1961
Volunteers service, Mrs. Noise Cahn, 1960-1961
“W” miscellaneous, 1962-1967, undated
Washington, D.C., activities
Department of Commerce, National Conference on Small Business Committee, 1961
Department of Labor
BOX II:A54 1962
Department of State
General, 1961-1962
Abboud, El Ferik Ibrahim, reception, 1961
Conference on Equality of Employment Opportunity, 1961
Foreign service recruitment, 1961-1962
Hampton, Va., meeting, 1961
Washington Conference for National Urban League Executives, 1962
BOX II:A55 Washington Office, establishment, 1961-1962
Weaver, Robert C., appointment, 1961
Weekly calendar, 1962-1963
White House, 1961-1965
White House Conference on International Cooperation, 1965
White House Conference “To Fulfill These Rights,” proposed, 1965
White Plains Community Church, White Plains, N.Y., 1965
Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wis., 1962-1963
“Y” miscellaneous, 1964-1965
“Z” miscellaneous, 1965
BOX II:A56-A60 Regional Offices File, 1961-1966
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and printed matter exchanged between the national office, regional offices, and the Washington Bureau.
Arranged by region or bureau, then by type of material, and therein chronologically.
BOX II:A56 Eastern region
Memoranda and reports, 1964-1966
Miscellany, 1965
Mideastern region
Correspondence, 1964-1965
Memoranda, 1964-1966
Reports, 1964-1965
Miscellany, 1965-1966
Midwestern region
BOX II:A57 1965-1966
Memoranda and reports, 1964-1965
Miscellany, 1964
Western region
Correspondence, 1961-1965
Memoranda and reports, 1961-1966
Miscellany, 1963
BOX II:A58 Southern region
Correspondence, 1961-1965
BOX II:A59 Memoranda and reports, 1961-1963
Miscellany, 1963-1966, undated
Washington Bureau
Correspondence, 1961-1965
BOX II:A60 Correspondence, 1965-1966
Memoranda and reports, 1961-1966
Miscellany, 1961-1963
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