The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part II: A. Administration Department File, 1953-1966 (continued)
Whitney M. Young Papers, 1961-1965 (continued)
Constitutional Rights Foundation, 1964
Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr., 1964
Equal Employment Opportunity Council, 1964
Equal Opportunity dinner, 1964
First Unitarian Church, Milwaukee, Wis., 1964
Focal Point, 1964
Freedom Now Rally, New York, N.Y., 1964
General Electric School, Crotonville, N.Y., 1964
Geneva, Switzerland, Conference on Employment Problems of Automation and Advance Technology, 1964
George Williams College, Chicago, Ill., 1964
Great Neck Committee for Human Rights, 1964
Harvard Law School Forum, Cambridge, Mass.,1964
Houston Council on Human Relations, Houston, Tex., 1964
Indianapolis, Ind., 1962-1964
Indiana Conference on Social Welfare, 1964
BOX II:A89 Industrial Relations Association, 1963-1964
Institute of Government, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1964
Kentucky Welfare Association, 1964
Massachusetts Conference on Social Welfare, 1964
Michigan chapter, Public Relations Society of America, 1964
Minnesota Education Association, 1964
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., 1964
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 1964
National Association of Manufacturers, 1964
National Association of Public School Educators Conference, 1964
National Association of Social Workers, Human Rights Assembly, Washington, D.C., 1964
National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1964
National Conference on Social Welfare, 1964
National Conference on Solicitations, 1964
National Council of Senior Citizens, 1964
National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers, 1963-1964
National Industrial Conference Board, Council of Executives, 1963-1964
National Newspaper Publishers Association, 1964
National Workshop from Religious Liberals, Unitarian Universalist, 1964
National YWCA Institute, East Lansing, Mich., 1964
New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y., 1963-1964
New York Association of Industrial Communicators, 1964
BOX II:A90 New York Personnel Management Association, 1964
Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1964
Philadelphia Fellowship Commission, Philadelphia, Pa., 1964
Phoenix, Ariz., 1964
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, 1964
Public Relations Institute, 1964
Public Relations Society of America
Michigan chapter, 1964
New England chapter, 1964
“Racial Challenge and Business Community,” Arden House Conference, 1963-1964
Religion and race, 1964
St. George's Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1964
Salem Baptist Church, Jenkintown, Pa., 1964
San Diego, Calif., 1964
Seminar for Urban Pastors, Stony Point, N.Y., 1963-1964
Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy, 1964
Stephen Smith Home for the Aged, Philadelphia, Pa., 1964
Teacher Education Conference, Hunter College, New York, N.Y., 1964
Testimonial dinner, William L. Evans, 1964
Urban League Conference, 1964
Unitarian Church, Princeton, N.J., 1964
UAW Leadership Studies, 1963-1964
University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.
University of California, University Extension Service, 1964
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., 1964
Urban League Voter Rally, Los Angeles, Calif., 1964
Wayne State University Alumni Association, Detroit, Mich., 1964
Western Electric Company, Equal Employment Opportunity Conference, 1964
White Plains Student Aid Society, White Plain, N.Y., 1964
Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1964
Zion Baptist Church, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1961-1965
BOX II:A91 Not accepted
1962-1964, Nov.
BOX II:A92 1964, Dec.-1965, Jan.
To Be Equal, 1963-1965
White House, general, 1963
White House Conference on International Cooperation, 1965
Writings and columns, 1962-1965
YMCA, national board, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1962-1964, undated
BOX II:B1-B22 Part II: B. Community Services Department File, 1958-1962
BOX II:B1-B11 General Department File, 1958-1962
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, minutes, itineraries, statements, programs, surveys, financial records, newsletters, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic, type of material, or name of person, organization, program, or event and therein chronologically.
BOX II:B1 “A” miscellaneous, 1961
Adirondack Workshop, 1961-1962
Administrative memoranda and minutes of staff meetings, 1960-1961
Aid to dependent children, 1960-1961
American Heritage Foundation, “Register and Vote Campaign,” 1960
Atlanta University Alumni Association, circa 1960
“B” miscellaneous, 1961
Boy Scouts of America, 1960-1961
Bylaw amendments, 1961
“C” miscellaneous, 1961
BOX II:B2 Child Welfare League of America, 1961
Citizen's Committee for Children of New York, 1961
Community organization questionnaire, Feb. 1961
Conference on Preservation of Democratic Processes, Greenwich, Conn., 1961-1962
Conference on the Southern Voter, 1961
Conference on Unemployed Out-of-School Youth, 1961
Council of National Organizations on Children and Youth, 1959-1962
BOX II:B3 Council on Social Work Education, 1960-1962
Courier correspondence, publication, 1959-1961
“D” miscellaneous, 1960-1961
“E” miscellaneous, 1961
Equal Opportunity Day summary, 1961
“F” miscellaneous, 1961
Family life, 1960-1961
Field visits, National Urban League staff, 1961
“G” miscellaneous, 1961
“H” miscellaneous, 1961
“I” miscellaneous, 1961
International Conference on Social Work, 1960-1962
“J” miscellaneous, 1961
Jones, Jeweldean, 1961
BOX II:B4 “K” miscellaneous, 1961
“L” miscellaneous, 1961-1962
Local league analysis, 1961
“M” miscellaneous, 1961
Major emphasis, community services, highlights, 1960 program, 1961
Masons, publications, 1961
Memoranda, general, 1961
Memoranda, Granger to Jackson, 1961
Memoranda, Julius A. Thomas, 1960-1961
Memoranda, Reginald Johnson, 1960-1961
Michigan Welfare League
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