The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part II: D. Program Department File, 1956-1968 (continued)
General Department File, 1961-1966 (continued)
“R” miscellaneous, 1962
Religious resources
Notes, 1961
Report, 1962
Research Department, 1963
Resolution from Annual Delegate Assembly, 1963
“S” miscellaneous, 1962-1963
Scope and activities, Program Department, 1962-1963
Skills bank, 1963-1965
Southern Regional Office
Correspondence, 1962
BOX II:D7 Reports, 1962
Staff meeting, 1964
Statewide Committee on Human Relations, the attorney general's committee, 1962
“T” miscellaneous, 1962
Training program grant, application, 1964
“U” miscellaneous, 1962
United Seamen's Service, 1962-1963
“V” miscellaneous, 1962-1963
Vocational Guidance Department, 1962
“W” miscellaneous, 1962-1963
Washington Bureau, 1961-1962
BOX II:D8 Washington Conference, 1962
Welfare controversy, New York state, 1962
Western Regional Office
Correspondence, 1962
Reports, 1962
White House correspondence, 1962
Wisconsin Public Welfare Association, 1964
“Y” miscellaneous, 1962-1963
BOX II:D9-D12 Education and Youth Incentives File, 1958-1965
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, minutes, programs, notes, news releases, and printed matter. Arranged alphabetically by topic, type of material, or name of person, organization, program, or event and therein chronologically.
BOX II:D9 “A-B” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
African Methodist Episcopal Church, Division of Educational Institutions, 1964
Albany, N.Y., 1963
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Alpha Gamma Lambda chapter, 1963
American Jewish Congress, 1963-1965
American Library Association Conference, 1965
American Missionary Association College Centennials, 1962
American Oil Co., 1963
American Teacher's Association, 1962
Amsterdam News, New York, N.Y., 1965
Anderson, Margaret (Mrs. Raymond), 1965
Associated Community Teams, 1963
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1961-1962
Behavioral research laboratories, 1965
Big Brothers Movement of America, 1962-1964
B'nai B'rith vocational service, 1962-1965
Bridgeport, Conn., 1963
Bronx Community College, Bronx, N.Y., 1958
Brownell, Samuel Miller, 1963
Bowers, Joan Scott, 1965
“C-D” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Campbell Soup Co., 1963
Camp Fire Girls, 1964
Capital Press Club, 1964-1965
Catholic Interracial Council, 1963-1965
“Changing Times,” 1963-1965
Child Study Association of America, 1961-1962
College Entrance Examination Board, 1963
BOX II:D10 Committee of Racial Equality, correspondence, 1964
Conference on Africa, 1965
Congratulation letters, 1965
Constitutional Rights Foundation, 1964-1965
Coordinating Council on Education for the Disadvantaged, 1965
Cranbury School, Cranbury, N.J., a college preparatory school for underprivileged boys, 1962-1963
Decision Systems, 1965
Delta Pi Epsilon, 1964
Delta Sigma Theta, 1964
Democratic National Committee, news releases, 1963-1964
BOX II:D11 Joint Council on Economic Education, 1962-1965
“K-L” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Leadership Development Project, Bay Area Urban League, San Francisco, Calif., 1963
“M” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Memoranda, 1963-1965
“N” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
National Student Nurses Association, 1965
New York Personnel and Guidance Association Conference, 1964-1965
BOX II:D12 “O-P” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Potomac Films, 1964
Proposals, 1961-1965
“R” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
“S” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
State University of New York, Buffalo, N.Y., 1963
Tomorrow's Scientists and Technicians, Southern field, 1961
“T” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
“U-Z” miscellaneous, 1960-1965
White House Conference on Education, 1963
BOX II:D13-D19 Health and Welfare File, 1959-1966
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, statements, minutes, programs, notes, and printed matter. Arranged alphabetically by topic, type of material, or name of person, organization, program, or event and therein chronologically. Files relating to a National Health Survey are filed at the end.
BOX II:D13 “A-Y” miscellaneous, 1961-1963
Adoptions, 1961-1963
Aid to dependent children, 1961-1963
American Public Health Association, 1962-1963
American Public Welfare Association, 1962-1963
Child Study Association of America, 1963
Child Welfare League of America, 1962
Children's Bureau, grants, 1962-1963
Community Service for Newcomers, 1962
Committee structure, 1963
Domestic workers, 1961-1963
Drug addiction, 1962
Eastern Union County Urban League, N.J., 1961-1962
Family Service Association of America, 1963
BOX II:D14 Health care for the aged, 1962-1963
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 1962-1963
Health Studies Project, 1963-1964
Hill Burton Hospitals, 1962
Hospital discrimination, 1963-1965
Illegitimacy, 1963
Imhotep National Conference on Hospital Integration, 1962-1963
Infant Mortality, 1963
Memoranda, general staff and interdepartmental, 1962-1963
Memoranda to Urban League executive directors, 1963-1966
Mental health, 1963-1966
BOX II:D15 Miscellany
National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials, 1961-1962
National Association of Social Workers, 1960-1963
National Service Corps, 1962-1963
National Social Welfare Assembly
Correspondence, 1963
Individual services, 1962-1963
Leisure time activities, 1962
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