The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part II: D. Program Department File, 1956-1968 (continued)
Affiliates File, 1959-1966 (continued)
Rhode Island, 1960-1965
Richmond, Va., 1960-1964
St. Louis, Mo., 1960-1965
BOX II:D69 St. Paul, Minn., 1961-1964
San Diego, Calif., 1960-1964
San Francisco, Calif.
BOX II:D70 1962-1965
Special report, 1963
BOX II:D71 Seattle, Wash., 1962-1965
South Bend, Ind., 1961-1963
Springfield, Ind., 1961-1965
BOX II:D72 Springfield, Mass., 1960-1965
Springfield, Ohio, 1962-1965
Stamford, Conn., 1963
Tampa, Fla., 1960-1964
Tulsa, Okla., 1960-1964
BOX II:D73 Warren, Ohio, 1960-1965
Washington, D.C.
1960-1963, Apr.
BOX II:D74 1963, May-1965, undated
(2 folders)
Adoption project, 1960
Employment of Negro electricians on Washington construction projects, 1960-1962
Job Development Project, 1959-1961
BOX II:D75 Leadership Training Project, 1962
Neighborhood Improvement Project, 1960
Tract system, 1961
Westchester County, N.Y., 1961-1965
Wichita, Kans., 1960-1965
Winston-Salem, N.C., 1960-1964
BOX II:D76-D78 Reginald A. Johnson Papers, 1958-1963
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein alphabetically by name of person, organization, program, or event and therein chronologically.
BOX II:D76 Correspondence
Association for Middle Income Housing, 1963
Citizen's Housing and Planning Council, 1963
Columbus-Park Apartments Association, 1960-1963
Grace Congregational Church, 1960-1962
Manhattanville Community Centers, Inc., 1959-1963
(2 folders)
Morningside Heights Housing Corp., 1961-1963
Board of directors, 1962-1963
Budget Committee, 1962-1963
Garage Committee, 1963
Grounds and Decor Committee, 1962-1963
Management Committee, 1961-1963
Pamphlet, “This Is Your Home,” 1963
Priorities Committee, 1961-1963
Minutes of meetings
Grace Congregational Church Housing Committee, 1960-1962
Citizen's Housing and Planning Council, 1962
Manhattanville Community Centers, Inc., 1958-1959
Manhattanville-Hamilton Grange, Inc., 1962-1963
Morningside Heights Housing Corp.
Board of directors, 1961-1963
BOX II:D77 Management Committee, 1961-1963
Priorities Committee, 1961
Tenant Selection Committee
Association for Middle Income Housing, financial report, 1963
Manhattanville Community Centers, Inc., 1958
Morningside Heights Housing Corp.
Committee reports, 1960-1963
Financial reports, 1961-1963
Citizen's Housing and Planning Council, 1963
Columbus-Park Towers, Inc.
Housing Group of Grace Church
Manhattanville Community Centers, Inc.
Manhattanville Hamilton-Grange, Inc.
Morningside Heights Housing Corp.
(2 folders)
Board of directors
Budget Committee
Committee reports
Financial reports
Garage Committee
Management Committee
Priorities Committee
Tenant Selection Committee
BOX II:E1-E62 Part II: E. Public Relations File, 1956-1967
BOX II:E1-E28 General Department File, 1958-1967
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, proposals, surveys, studies, lists, manuals, schedules, calendars, speeches and statements, scripts, transcripts, news releases, publicity material, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic, type of material, or name of person, organization, program, or event.
BOX II:E1 “A” miscellaneous
Abboud, El Ferik Ibrahim
Activities reports, 1960-1964
Addams, Jane, Hall of Fame, 1967
Addressograph-Multigraph Co.
Adoption and foster care report, 1959
Advertising Council proposal, 1964
Altamont Conference, 1963
Altamont Staff Conference, 1961
AFL-CIO, 1961-1963
“A Morning for Jimmy,” 1963
American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa, 1962-1963
Annual Delegate Assembly, 1964-1965
Annual report
Comments, 1964
Printing, 1963
Answers to questions submitted by Dayton Daily News, 1964
Apter, David, 1963
BOX II:E2 Assessment project, 1963
“B” miscellaneous
Baker Associates, Inc.
Booker, Simeon, 1961-1962
Boy Scouts of America, 1962-1963
Breezy Point Beach, 1962-1963
“C” miscellaneous, 1961-1964
Cabinet meeting, 1961-1963
Center for Information on America, 1963
Changing Times Reprint Service, 1963
“Charm by Choice”
Correspondence, 1962-1963
Financial budget
Press conferences, 1964
Proposal for Ebony cover
BOX II:E3 Promotion
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