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Part II: E. Public Relations File, 1956-1967 (continued)
Speeches, Articles, and Interviews, 1956-1966 (continued)
American Association of School Administrators, 1964, Feb. 15
Community Action Assembly, 1964, Dec. 10
“Equal Opportunity in Education-New Perspectives and Recommendations,” 1963, Jan. 24
Kimball, Lindsley F., Equal Opportunity Day dinner, 1965, Nov. 18
King, Ruth Allen, New York State Department of Commerce, 1964, Dec. 11
Kirk, Grayson, 1964, Apr. 9
Kravitz, Sanford L., “America's Youth and Their Problems,” 1962, Sept. 1
Kruse, Arthur H., “New Directions in Public Relations,” United Community Funds and Councils of America, 1964, Feb. 4.
Law, H. B., annual meeting, Chicago Urban League, Chicago, Ill., 1964, Mar. 5
Lear, Walter J., National Conference of the Urban League, 1964, Aug. 4
Leeth, Jack D., National Conference of the Urban League, 1964, Aug. 3
Levine, Louis, National Urban League Conference, 1962, Sept. 1
Lowell, Stanley H., Anti-Defamation League Testimonial, 1963, Nov. 17
McFarland, Paul, “PR Prosody and Prose,” United Community Funds and Councils of America, 1964, Feb. 4
McGraw, B. T.
Fifth Annual Press Institute, Capital Press Club, 1962, May 19
“Equal Opportunity in Housing Trends and Implications,” 1963, May 4
McNeil, C. F., fund-raising clinic, National Urban League Conference, 1961, Sept. 5
McRae, Robert H., Public Relations Institute, “Change and Crisis in Public Welfare,” 1964, June 8
Macy, Mrs. Edward W.
Princeton, N.J., 1961, Apr. 19
“Religious Resources,” 1963, July 27
Martin, Louis
Democratic National Committee at Student Assembly of Shaw University, 1964, Mar. 23
National Newspaper Publishers Association, 1964, June 29
Mays, Ella K., National Urban League Religious Resources Committee, 1962, Sept. 5
Mickels, Elon H., National Conference of the Urban League, 1964, Aug. 3
Miller, Loren, National Conference of the Urban League, 1963, Aug. 29
Motley, A.W., “A Community's Greatest Asset: Its Youth,” 1962, Sept. 1
BOX II:E39 Myrdal, Gunnar, “Poverty in Plenty”
Nickerson, Albert L.
Remarks on receiving Equal Opportunity Day Award, 1964, Nov. 17
Introduction of Joseph L. Block at Equal Opportunity Day dinner, N.Y., 1965, Nov. 18
Nicklis, John O., National Social Welfare Assembly, 1963, Dec. 3
Oettinger, Catherine Brownell, Joint Conference of State, Territorial, and Mental Health Authorities, 1963, Oct. 16
O'Neal, Frederick, in memory of John F. Kennedy, Equal Opportunity Day dinner, 1964, Nov. 17
Parris, Guichard
Directors of National Public Relations Health and Welfare Agencies, 1963, Feb. 19
Newman Club, N.Y., 1963, Oct. 15
St. Gregory Barbarigo, N.Y., 1963, Nov. 12
Catholic Lawyers Guild, N.Y., 1964, Mar. 23
Drafts, 1963-1964
Pilchik, Ely, Fourth International Living Project, 1964, Apr. 12
Proctor, Samuel D.
Eastern Regional Conference on Poverty, National Urban League, 1965, Oct. 14
“Leadership in the Computer Age”
Puryear, Mahlon T.
Excerpts, Annual Conference “Automation and the Retaining of Negro Workers,” 1962, Sept. 3
“Merit Employment-Unfinished Business,” 1962, Oct. 3
“Problems and Trends in Job Development and Employment,” 1963, July 29
American Teachers Association, Annual Conference, 1963, Aug. 2
“Equality of Opportunity,” 1964, Aug. 4
Labor Relations Council Conference, 1964, Nov. 13
Remarks, Community Action Assembly, 1964, Dec. 11
“Characteristics of the American Labor Force,” 1964, Dec.
“The Negro Worker-His Status, His Problems, His Needs,” 1964, Dec.
Springfield College, Springfield, Mass.
Randolph, A. Philip
Equal Opportunity Day, 1962, Nov. 19
Negro Leaders Conference, Interchurch Center, 1965, Jan. 30-31
Ranschoff, Daniel J., “Count the Feathers,” United Community Funds and Councils of America, 1964, Feb. 5
Reid, Ogden R., State Commission Against Discrimination, 1963, Nov. 2
Reuther, Walter P.
National Conference of the Urban League, 1963, July 30
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1964, Mar.
Riesman, David, “Two Ways of Life,” 1963, July
Robertson, Thomas F., Public Relations Society of America, New York chapter luncheon, 1964, June 17
Robinson, George H., “Area Development Administration Helps Build Lifelines to Equal Opportunity,” 1964, Dec.
Rowan, Carl T., National Conference of the Urban League, 1964, Aug. 5
Schwulst, Karl B., “Race and Housing: The Basic American Dilemma,” 1959, Apr. 14
Scruggs, Ramon S.
Commencement address, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Mich., 1963, June 1
Annual meeting, Columbus Urban League, Columbus, Ohio, 1964, Jan. 14
United Community Funds and Councils of America, Public Relations Clinic, “Some New Strains on the Quality of Mercy,” 1964, Feb. 5
BOX II:E40 San Diego Urban League, San Diego, Calif., 1964, Mar. 1
United Church Women of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1964, May 1
Townsend Community Center Dedication Day, 1964, May 7-8
Newark Council of Social Agencies, Newark, N.J., 1964, June 10
Grace Episcopal Church, dinner meeting, 1964, Sept. 22
Executive seminar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., “The Negro Civil Rights, Industry,” 1965, Feb. 17
American Press Institute Seminar, 1965, May 5
Homecoming convocation, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., “A New Day Is Here,” 1965, Oct. 21
Segal, Martin E.
“Older People-Their Needs and Their Market,” 1962, Nov. 14
Equal Opportunity Day dinner, N.Y., 1965, Nov. 18
Shriver, Sargent, Community Action Assembly, 1964, Dec. 9
Silver, James W., “Mississippi: The Closed Society,” 1963, Nov. 7
Simons, Savilla Millis, National Conference on Social Welfare, 1962, May 29
Spurlock, Osma, James J. Hoey Awards, 1961 Oct. 29
Stanton, Frank, Second Annual National Broadcast Conference, 1964, July 7
Steeger, Henry
Annual Conference National Urban League, 1961, Sept. 4
Anderson Urban League, Anderson, Ind., 1962, May 21
Equal Opportunity Day dinner, 1963, Nov. 19
Dayton, Ohio, 1965, May
Steele, Percy C., Jr., National Conference of Urban League, 1965, Aug. 2
Sullivan, David, Equal Opportunity Day, 1962, Nov. 19
Tanneyhill, Ann, New York Personnel and Guidance Association, Merit Award, 1963, Nov. 15
Taylor, Hobart, Jr., National Urban League Conference, 1963, July 31
Thomas, Julius A.
Industrial Relations Society meeting, “Equal Opportunity-Progress and Problems,” 1962, Jan. 31
“The Negro Worker, Progress and Problems,” 1962, May 24
Turner, John B., and Whitney Young
“Who Has the Revolution, or Thoughts on the Second Reconstruction,” 1965, May 14-15
Weaver, Galen, Congregational Christian Church, 1960, Apr.
Weaver, George, L-P
National Urban League Conference, Dayton, Ohio, 1961, Sept. 6
Lecture series on the Negro in America, 1964, Mar. 4
Graduating class, American Institute for Free Labor Development, 1964, Sept. 3
Charter day convocation, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga., 1964, Oct. 16
Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1964, Oct. 23
Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va., 1964, Nov. 1
Weaver, Robert C.
Potomac chapter, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 1961, June 27
National Conference on Social Welfare, Eighty-eighth Annual Forum, 1961, June
“Equal Opportunity in Housing,” 1963, Feb. 8
Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., 1963, Sept. 25
National Conference of the Urban League, 1964, Aug. 3
New York Bar Association, 1965, April 22
Wilkins, Roy, Fifty-fifth Annual NAACP Convention, 1964, June 22
Wirtz, Willard, Public Relations Society of America, 1964, Mar. 18
Worthy, James C., “Responsibilities in Race Relations,” 1961, Feb. 23
Young, Whitney M.
“Social Work and Its Responsibility to Youth in a Changing World,” 1959, Jan. 27
BOX II:E41 Massillon Urban League, Massillon, Ohio, 1959, May 15
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