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Part II: E. Public Relations File, 1956-1967 (continued)
Speeches, Articles, and Interviews, 1956-1966 (continued)
Informational materials consisting of statements of positions and beliefs, 1961, Oct. 19
Jack and Jill Eastern Region, N.J., 1961, Oct. 21
Commerce and Industry Council, meeting, 1961, Oct. 30
“School Segregation and Economic Opportunity,” 1961, Nov. 8
Equal Opportunity Day dinner of National Urban League, 1961, Nov. 16
Informational materials consisting of statements of position and belief, 1962, Feb. 7
Columbus Urban League meeting, 1962, Feb. 22
“Social Work and the Internal Migrant,” 1962, Apr. 28
“Unequal Employment Opportunity and Its Effect on Family Functioning,” NCSW, 1962, May 28
Special Workers Committee on Nuclear Disarmament, 1962, May 30
“Lack of Manpower: Professional Problem Number One,” 1962, May 31
Florida A & M College, Tallahassee, Fla., commencement convocation, 1962, June 2
Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky., commencement convocation, 1962, June 3
Harlem Neighborhoods Association, Inc., annual meeting, 1962, June 13
National Newspaper Publishers Association, annual meeting, 1962, June 22
American Teachers Association, 1962, July 25
BOX II:E42 National Insurance Association, annual convention, 1962, July 27
National Urban League Conference, 1962, Sept. 5
International Union of Electrical Workers Tenth Constitutional Convention, 1962, Sept. 10
Morland Commission Special Hearing on Public Welfare, 1962, Sept. 12
Southern Christian Leadership Conference Sixth Annual Convention, 1962, Sept. 27
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1962, Oct.
New York Herald Tribune, article, 1962, Oct. 14
“Unless Something Special Happens,” Negro American Labor Council Third Annual Convention, 1962, Nov. 9
AFL-CIO Executive Council, 1962, Nov. 13
Equal Opportunity Day Banquet, 1962, Nov. 19
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Sixth Annual Meeting, 1962, Dec. 27
National Conference on Religion and Race, 1963, Jan. 14
“Equal Opportunity in Education-New Perspectives and Recommendations,” presented to Francis Keppel, commissioner of education, 1963, Jan. 24
Civil Rights Action and the Urban League, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., 1963, Feb. 13
Capital Press Club, Washington, D.C., 1963, Feb. 21
Impression of Mary McLeod Bethune, 1963, Mar. 8
National Civil Liberties Clearing House Fifteenth Annual Conference, 1963, Mar. 28
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Cornerstone Baptist Church, N.Y., 1963, Mar. 31
United Presbyterian Church, New York, N.Y., 1963, Apr. 19
Langston University, Langston, Okla., commencement exercises, 1963, May 26
Prince Hall Masons, Annual Award Banquet, 1963, June 7
Staupers, Mabel, luncheon, 1963, June 9
Girl Friends Cotillion, 1963, June 14
“Hailing New York State School Desegregation Ruling of 1963,” June 18
Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 1963, July 25
National Urban League Annual Conference, 1963, July 31
National Urban League's “Marshall Plan,” condensation, 1963, Aug. 19
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 1963, Aug. 28
White Plains Community Church, “New Challenges in Today's Race Relations,” 1963, Sept. 23
“The Social Worker's Responsibility,” 1963, Sept. 26
West Main Street Community Center, Stamford, Conn., 1963, Oct. 5
“Automation-Double Jeopardy for the Negro Worker,” 1963, Oct. 7
Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Nebr., public affairs meeting, 1963, Oct. 14
International City Managers Association, 1963, Oct. 15
National Conference on Youth Employment, 1963, Nov. 6
United Press International, 1963, Nov. 6
“The Racial Crisis-Implication of and for Family Services,” 1963 Biennial Conference of Family Service Association of America, 1963, Nov. 14
1963 Equal Opportunity Day dinner, 1963, Nov. 19
National Social Welfare Assembly, presidents and executives annual dinner, 1963, Dec. 2
“Jobs and Race Relations,” 1963, Dec. 6
“The American Civil Liberties Union-Today and Tomorrow,” 1963, Dec.
BOX II:E43 All-purposes speeches, 1963
“Compensatory Activities to Close the Gap,” 1963
Boston Conference on Religion and Race, Boston, Mass., excerpts of remarks, 1964, Jan. 13
Testimonial dinner for William L. Evans, Buffalo, N.Y., 1964, Jan. 30
1964 Biennial Conference of the United Community Funds and Councils of America, 1964, Feb. 6
Freedom Now Rally, 1964, Feb. 15
“Social Work and the Racial Crisis, Toward the Elimination of Discrimination-Challenge and Responsibility,” National Association of Social Workers, 1964, Feb. 17
U.S. News and World Report, 1964, Feb. 24
Child Study Association, Fortieth Annual Conference, 1964, Mar. 9
National Association of Social Workers, 1964, Mar. 22
American Orthopsychiatric Association, annual meeting, 1964, Mar.
“The Challenge of Freedom,” 1964, Apr.
Social Worker's Forum, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., 1964, Apr. 10
Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Poverty Program, regarding the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, 1964, Apr. 14
Transcript of hearing “Ad Hoc Committee War on Poverty Program, House of Representatives,” 1964, Apr. 14
New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y., 1964, Apr. 16
League of Women Voters National Conference, statement, 1964, Apr. 17
Stephen Smith Home for the Aged, centennial banquet, 1964, May 4-5
Johns Hopkins Institute, Baltimore, Md., 1964, May 7
Human Relations Council, Shortridge High School, 1964, May 9
Appended ad-lib comments, 1964, May 12
National Council of Senior Citizens, 1964, May 14
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, 1964, May 18
“Toward the Elimination of Discrimination-Challenge and Responsibility” National Conference on Social Welfare, Ninety-first Annual Forum, 1964, May 25
“News Media Over the Manifestation of Teenage Violence, 1964, June 4
“What Eleanor Roosevelt Meant to Me,” 1964, June 11
American Civil Liberties Union, Biennial Conference ,1964, June 23
National Newspaper Publishers Association, 1964, June 26
BOX II:E44 Conference on Employment Problems of Automation and Advanced Technology, 1964, July 20
National Urban League Conference, opening session, 1964, Aug. 2
“Bridging the Discrimination Gap,” National Urban League Conference, 1964, Aug. 2-3
Fourth Secretarial Training Project, 1964, Sept. 10
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 1964, Sept. 15
Adam Clayton Powell Day, 1964, Sept. 19
Luncheon meeting, Crystal Room, Pick-Carter Hotel, 1964, Sept. 23
American Public Health Association, 1964, Oct. 6
National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1964, Oct. 7
San Diego, Calif., 1964, Oct. 30
Victory Baptist Church, voter rally, 1964, Oct. 30
National Association of Public School Adult Education Conference, 1964, Oct. 31
Equal Opportunity Day dinner, 1964, Nov. 17
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Thirty-first Annual Conference, 1964, Dec. 3
Community Action Assembly, Washington, D.C., 1964, Dec. 9
“A Marshall Plan for America,” 1964 Dec.
“Civil Rights Today and Tomorrow: The Settlement and the Civil Rights Struggle in the Neighborhood,” 1964
Alfred Leonard Junior High School, New Rochelle, N.Y., 1965, Jan. 8
Council on Social Work, 1965, Jan. 21
National Council of Churches, State of the Race Conference, 1965, Jan. 30
Church and Race, 1965, Feb. 15
“Full Partnership of the Negro in the American Dream,” 1965, Feb. 26
National Education Association, Twentieth National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, Ill., 1965, Mar. 8
BOX II:E45 Temple Beth Am, Miami, Fla., 1965, Mar. 10
Child Welfare League, 1965, Mar. 22
Michigan Activities Center, 1965, Mar. 24
Chicago Urban League Women's Board, Chicago, Ill., 1965, Apr. 24
“A Challenge to the Port Authority,” 1964, Apr. 27
“Summer Prospects and Alternatives for Harlem,” 1965, Apr. 27
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, “Cultural Implications of the Negro Revolution,” 1965, May 4
“Textbooks, Civil Rights, and the Education of the American Negro,” 1965, May 10
National Council of Social Workers, Ninety-second Annual Forum, 1964, May 24
Maryland State College, commencement, 1965, May 30
United States Conference of Mayors, 1965, May 31
New York Times, “Quiet Revolution,” 1965, June 2
Ebony article, “The High Cost of Discrimination,” first draft, 1965, June 11
New York Times, “New Hope for Harlem,” 1965, June 11
Commencement addresses, 1965, June
“Practice of Racial Democracy,” General Conference of Industrial Conference Board, 1965, June
“Agenda for the Future,” 1965 Conference of the National Urban League, 1965, Aug.
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