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Part II: E. Public Relations File, 1956-1967 (continued)
Speeches, Articles, and Interviews, 1956-1966 (continued)
“Textbooks, Civil Rights, and the Education of the American Negro,” 1965, May 10
National Council of Social Workers, Ninety-second Annual Forum, 1964, May 24
Maryland State College, commencement, 1965, May 30
United States Conference of Mayors, 1965, May 31
New York Times, “Quiet Revolution,” 1965, June 2
Ebony article, “The High Cost of Discrimination,” first draft, 1965, June 11
New York Times, “New Hope for Harlem,” 1965, June 11
Commencement addresses, 1965, June
“Practice of Racial Democracy,” General Conference of Industrial Conference Board, 1965, June
“Agenda for the Future,” 1965 Conference of the National Urban League, 1965, Aug.
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, Thirtieth National Conference, “The Anti-Poverty Program: Its Strengths and Weaknesses,” 1965, Oct. 27
“Negroes-The New Power,” Action Symposium on the Troubled Environment, 1965, Dec. 8-10
“Beyond Today's Struggle” Equal Opportunity Day dinner, 1965, Dec. 14
“Manpower Is It Being Effectively Utilized?” 1965, Dec. 15
Zuckert, Adrienne, “A United Council for Fair Employment,” 1964, Mar. 25
BOX II:E46 Articles
Allen, Francis A., “Critique of 14th Amendment Aspects of Racial Discrimination in the Selling and Leasing of ’Private Housing',” undated
Banner, Warren M., “Statistics on Color or Race,” 1962
Berry, Edwin C., “The Menace of Unemployment,” 1964, Sept.
Chalmers, W. Ellison, “A More Productive Role for the Negro in the South's Economy,” 1964, Apr. 23
Church, John Q., “The United States Bill of Rights in California Education,” undated
Dorsen, Norman, “Critique on Horowitz's Paper on Racial Discrimination in the Selling and Leasing of Housing”
Finley, Otis E.
“Discrimination: 1963,” 1963, Jan.
“Test Interpretation and the Individual Potential of Disadvantaged Minority Youth,” 1964, Feb.-Mar.
Granger, Lester B., “Community Organization,” undated
Horowitz, Harold W., “14th Amendment Aspects of Racial Discrimination in the Selling and Leasing of ’Private Housing'”
Jaffe, Frederick S., “Negro Fertility and Family Size Preferences-Implications for Programing of Health and Social Services”
Johnson, Reginald A., “The Magic Tip Point: Fact or Fancy?” and “Freedom of Selection,” 1963
Ross, Sherwood, radio scripts, Civil Rights News Roundup
1965, June 8
1965, June 15
1965, June 22
1965, June 29
1965, July 6
1965, July 13
1965, July 20
Silberman, Charles E., “The Businessman and the Negro,” 1963, Sept.
Weaver, Robert C., “The Family on the Urban Frontier,” 1962, May
Young, Whitney M.
“Role of the Community Organizer in Desegregation,” 1956, July
“Some Pioneers in Social Work, Brief Sketches, Student Workbook,” 1957
“Can We Build a Talent Bank in a Decade?” The American Teachers Association Bulletin, 1962, Mar.
“Should There Be Compensation for Negroes?” Domestic Marshall Plan 1963, Oct. 6
“Automation-Double Jeopardy for the Negro,” 1963, Oct. 7-9
BOX II:E47 “Why Some Negroes Shy Away from Social Workers,” The Dockette, 1964, Feb.
“Social Work in the Racial Crisis,” 1964, Feb. 17
“The Urban League and Its Strategy,” 1964, July 28
“The Negro at the College Door,” 1964, Nov.
Christian Century, “A Cry from the Dispossessed,” 1964, Dec. 9
New York Herald Tribune, “The New American Revolution,” 1964
“Integration: Opportunity and Obligation,” Parent's Magazine, 1965, Apr. 30
Harper's Magazine article, 1965, Apr.
Daedalus, 1965, May
Charles A. Davis and Associates, “Negro Life and Race Relations,” 1965, July 14
“The Spectre of Automation Haunts the Negro Worker,” New York Times supplement, 1965, Dec. 30
“Social Work and the Internal Migrant,” undated
“The High Cost of Discrimination,” undated
To Be Equal column
No. 1, “How Much Are Negroes Worth?” Apr.
No. 2, “What Wallace Didn't Tell Wisconsin,” Apr.
No. 3, “The Eagle and Freedom,” Apr. 21
Nos. 4-8, 10-19, untitled
No. 9, “Harlem's Operation Bootstrap”
No. 20, “Setback for Cities,” May 14
No. 21, “Negroes and the Ballot,” Aug. 19
No. 22, “The White Backlash: Fact and Fiction,” Aug. 26
No. 23, “Unions on the Move,” Sept. 2
No. 24, “On the Road to Greater Responsibilities,” Sept. 8
No. 25, “Education and Artificiality,” Sept. 16
No. 26, “Birchites Like Bull Connor,” Sept. 16
No. 27, “Our Immigration Laws Need an Overhaul,” Sept. 23
No. 28, “Revolution in the Office,” Sept. 29
No. 29, “Bigotry and the Blood Bank” Oct. 7
No. 30, “What Negroes Want,” Oct. 14
No. 31, “The Middle in Medicine,” Oct. 21
No. 32, “Hank Aaron's Choice,” Oct. 28
No. 33, “Nation Repudiates Racism,” Nov. 5
No. 34, “The Negro: Image and Reality,” Nov. 11
No. 35, “Crisis in Housing,” Nov. 18
No. 36, “The Speaking of Jobs,” Nov. 25
No. 37, “Mobilization for Youth,” Dec. 2
No. 38, Washington, D.C., column, Dec. 8
No. 39, “Race and Relief,” Dec. 16
No. 40, “The Urban League,” Dec. 23
No. 41, untitled column, on university students and civil rights and on infant mortality rates, Dec. 29
BOX II:E48 1965
No. 1, New Year's reflections, Jan. 6
No. 2, “Reason and Race,” Jan. 15
No. 3, “Do Negroes Require Special Help?” Jan. 20
No. 4, “The South Will Rise Again,” Jan. 28
No. 5, “Selma, the South, and the World,” Feb. 3
No. 6, “Home Rule for Washington, D.C.,” Feb. 9
No. 7, on churches, Feb. 16
No. 8, Malcolm X, Feb. 24
No. 9, “Negro and the Business World,” Mar. 2
No. 10, “Use Troops in Selma,” Mar. 9
No. 11, “With Nightsticks Swinging,” Mar. 15
No. 12, “Young Views on Rights Movement,” Mar. 22
No. 13, “From Montgomery to Cape Kennedy,” Mar. 29
No. 14, “What's Job Corps Like?” Apr. 1
No. 15, “Our Invisible Boycott,” Apr. 13
No. 16, “Race, Housing, and Syracuse,” Apr. 14
No. 17, “Our Latch-Key Children,” Apr. 20
No. 18, “Crime, Negroes, and the Police,” Apr. 28
No. 19, “Crime, Negroes, and the Police,” May 5
No. 20, “Crime and the Rich,” May 12
No. 21, “Project Head Start,” May 20
No. 22, “Some Questions and Answers,” May 27
No. 23, “The Profit-Takers,” June 23
No. 24, “Of Reds and Rights,” June 30
No. 25, “Of Reds and Rights,” July 7
No. 26, on Southern justice, July 13
No. 27, “Negroes and ’The Silver Platter',” July 21
No. 28, on guaranteed income, July 23
No. 29, “Where Poverty Is Paradise,” Aug. 11
No. 30, “When to March,” Aug. 17
No. 31, “Those Crime Figures,” Aug. 25
No. 32, “What's Good for Business,” Sept. 1
No. 33, “Who Benefits Most?” Sept. 8
No. 34, “Those All-White Books,” Sept. 15
No. 35, “Concern in the White House,” Sept. 22
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