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W. Edwards Deming papers, 1795-1994

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Subject File, 1927-1994 (continued)
Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers See also Container 20, same heading
(2 folders)
BOX 116 1977-1993, undated
(2 folders)
History, 1978-1982
United Nations Subcommission on Statistical Sampling, 1947-1951
(2 folders)
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo., 1958-1983
W. Edwards Deming Institute, 1982-1994, undated
W. Edwards Deming Institute for the Improvement of Productivity and Quality, Miami, Fla., 1982-1985, undated
World population, 1950
BOX 117-133 Writings, 1928-1993
Articles, papers, book production files, forewords, interviews, reviews, letters to editors, speeches and lectures, poems, and notes.
Arranged in two sets. Set I contains published articles and papers arranged roughly chronologically by numerical designations assigned by Deming and his staff. Set II contains a variety of writings arranged alphabetically by format and chronologically thereunder. Books are arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 117 Set I
(2 folders)
Articles and papers, 1928-1991
(6 folders)
BOX 118 60-119
(8 folders)
BOX 119 120-171
(6 folders)
Set II
Articles and papers
(7 folders)
BOX 120 1943-1955
(22 folders)
BOX 121 1956-1965
(21 folders)
BOX 122 1966-1969
(19 folders)
BOX 123 1970-1977
(39 folders)
BOX 124 1978-1987
(28 folders)
BOX 125 1988-1991, undated
(28 folders)
Authorization for copyrighted material, 1933-1981
BOX 126 Books
New Economics for Industry, Government, Education, 1993
(3 folders)
Out of the Crisis, 1988
(2 folders)
Sample Designs in Business Research
Drafts, 1960
(2 folders)
BOX 127 (2 folders)
General, 1960-1991
Graphs, 1952-1959
"Some Notes on Interpolation"
Drafts, 1942-1962
(5 folders)
BOX 128 Set II
"Some Notes on Interpolation"
Miscellany, 1937
Some Notes on Least Squares, 1933
(2 folders)
Some Theory of Sampling
Errata, 1950-1953
Publication, 1948-1970
Statistical Adjustment of Data
Calculations, 1933-1935
Publication, 1942-1964
(8 folders)
BOX 129 1976, undated
(2 folders)
Manuscripts and notes, 1937-1981
(9 folders)
BOX 130 Forewords, 1936-1993, undated
Fragments, 1952-1990, undated
(2 folders)
General, 1980-1992, undated
(2 folders)
Robert B. Reich, 1986, undated See also Container 17, Reich, Robert B.
Letters to the editor
General, 1931-1992, undated
Malpractice in medicine, 1975-1977
Miscellaneous, 1961-1988, undated
BOX 131 Notes
Bound, 1953-1982
(3 folders)
Unbound, 1936-1993, undated
(3 folders)
Poems, undated
By Deming, 1936-1993
Of Deming's work, 1939-1993
(2 folders)
BOX 132 Speeches and lectures
(28 folders)
BOX 133 1972-1993, undated
(14 folders)
Statements and observations, 1969-1992, undated
Unidentified, 1953-1954, undated
BOX 133-139 Academic File, 1917-1992
Notebooks, notes, correspondence, reports, and academic studies.
Arranged alphabetically by institution and thereunder by topic or type of material.
BOX 133 Institutions
Agriculture Department, Graduate School, Washington, D.C.
Class lists, 1931-1945
General, 1936-1964
"Notes on the Theory of Infinite Processes," lectures by C. Winston, 1938-1940
"Six Lectures on Interpolation, Approximation, and Mechanical Quadrature," by J. Shohat, 1939
"Ten Lectures and Discussions on Science: Its History, Philosophy, and Relation to Democracy," edited by Deming, 1939
(2 folders)
BOX 134 American University, Washington, D.C., 1978-1979, undated
George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
"Applied Statistical Theory," notes by Deming, 1980-1981
(5 folders)
BOX 135 General, 1976-1990
New York University, New York, N.Y., 1950-1992, undated See also Containers 15 and 114, same heading
(4 folders)
University College, London, England, 1936
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.
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