| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946
(continued) |
General Correspondence, 1850-1910
(continued) |
Young, F. J. (continued) |
Digital content available
Zimmerman, Agnes |
Digital content available
Unidentified |
Digital content available
Correspondence of persons other than
Elizabeth Blackwell |
Digital content available
BOX 59-60 REEL 44-45 |
Speech, Article, and Book File,
Drafts and printed copies of speeches, articles, and books and a bibliography,
reviews, notes, poetry, and translations. |
Arranged alphabetically by title, with bibliography, book reviews, notes,
poetry, stories, and translations filed at the end of the series. |
BOX 59 REEL 44 |
Address Delivered at the Opening of the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary (New York: E. O. Jenkins, 1869, 13 pp.) |
Digital content available
Address on the Medical Education of Women (New York: Baptist & Taylor, 1864, 16 pp.) |
Digital content available
“Anatomy,” draft |
Digital content available
BOX 59 REEL 45 |
Christian Socialism: Thoughts Suggested by the Easter Season (Hastings, England: Sold by D. Williams, [1882?], 15 pp.) |
Digital content available
Christianity in Medicine: An Address Delivered Before the Christo-Theosophical Society,
December 18th, 1890
(St. Leonards, England: J. F. Nock, undated 24 pp.) |
Digital content available
Counsel to Parents on the Moral Education of Their Children, 3rd ed. (New York: Brentano's Literary Emporium, 1881, 162 pp.) |
Digital content available
Criticism of Gronlund's Co-Operative Commonwealth; Chapter X--Woman. Given Before the Fellowship of the New Life (St. Leonards, England: J. F. Nock, [1892?], 12 pp.) |
Digital content available
Erroneous Method in Medical Education (Westminster, England: Women's Print Society, [1891?], 8 pp.) |
Digital content available
How To Keep a Household in Health: An Address Delivered Before the Working Woman's College (London: Printed by W. W. Head, Victoria Press, 1870, 24 pp.) |
Digital content available
The Human Element in Sex: Being a Medical Enquiry Into the Relation of Sexual Physiology to Christian Morality, 2nd ed. (London: J. & A. Churchill, 1884, 58 pp.) |
Digital content available
The Influence of Women in the Profession of Medicine; Address Given at the Opening of the Winter Session of the London School of Medicine for Women (London: G. Bell, 1889, 32 pp.) |
Digital content available
Medicine and Morality, reprinted from The Modern Review (London: W. Speaght, 1881, 14 pp.) |
Digital content available
“A Miscarriage of Justice,” letter to the
editor, The Observer,
5 Sept. 1896, p. 7 |
Digital content available
On the Decay of Municipal Representative Government: A Chapter of Personal Experience (London: Moral Reform Union, [1885?], 16 pp.) |
Digital content available
“On the Education of Women Physicians,”
draft |
Digital content available
On the Humane Prevention of Rabies (St. Leonards, England: J. F. Nock, [1891?], 3 pp.) |
Digital content available
“The Position of Women,” (Philadelphia)
The Press,
25 Aug. 1857, p. 1,
with author's notation identifying it as her first “public writing” |
Digital content available
Purchase of Women: The Great Economic Blunder, pt. 1 (London: J. Kensit, [1886?], 42 pp.) and a reprint, with foreword by Millicent
Garrett Fawcett (London: G. Bell, [1916], 54 pp.) |
Digital content available
The Religion of Health (Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1878, 22 pp.) and a second edition |
Digital content available
Rescue Work in Relation to Prostitution and Disease; An Address Given at the Conference of Rescue Workers Held in London,
June, 1881 (London: T.
Danks, 1881, 20 pp.), with
notes in the author's hand |
Digital content available
Rescue Work in Relation to Prostitution and Disease; Read Before the Association for the Advancement of Women, at Its Annual Congress, Held at Buffalo, N.Y.,
October 1881 (New York,
Fowler & Wells, 1882, 7
pp.) |
Digital content available
The Responsibility of Women Physicians in Relation to the Contagious Diseases Acts: Address Given to a Medical Meeting in London,
April 27th, 1897 (St.
Leonards, England: J. F. Nock, [1897?], 15 pp.), with revisions in the author's hand |
Digital content available
Scientific Method in Biology (London: E. Stock, 1898, 80 pp.), inscribed by the author |
Digital content available
A Serious Protest Sent to the Alumnae Association of the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary (St. Leonards, England: J. F. Nock, [1890?], 8 pp.), and To the Alumnae Association of the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary (St. Leonards, England: J. F. Nock, [1890?], 8 pp.) |
Digital content available
BOX 60 REEL 45 |
“Signs of the Times,” draft |
Digital content available
Why Hygienic Congresses Fail: Lessons Taught by the International Congress of
1891 (London: G. Bell,
1892, 40 pp.) |
Digital content available
Wrong and Right Methods of Dealing with Social Evil, as Shewn by Lately-Published Parliamentary Evidence (Hastings, England: D. Williams, [1883], 53 pp.), with revisions in the author's hand |
Digital content available
Wrong and Right Methods of Dealing with Social Evil, as Shown by English Parliamentary Evidence (New York: A. Brentano, [1883?], 80 pp.) |
Digital content available
Bibliography |
Digital content available
Book reviews |
Digital content available
Miscellaneous notes |
1 of 3 |
Digital content available
2 of 3 |
Digital content available
3 of 3 |
Digital content available
Notes for speech on English
charities |
Digital content available
Poetry |
Digital content available
Stories and translations |
1 of 3 |
Digital content available
2 of 3 |
Digital content available
3 of 3 |
Digital content available
BOX 61 REEL 46 |
Subject File, 1847-1910
Correspondence, notes, and printed matter. |
Arranged alphabetically by topic. |
BOX 61 REEL 46 |
Association of Registered Medical
Women |
Digital content available
French notes |
Digital content available
Home Colonization Society |
Digital content available
Hydrophobia |
Digital content available
Ladies' Association for the Promotion of
Horticulture and Food Industries |
Digital content available
Leigh Browne Trust, notes and articles
concerning |
1 of 2 |
Digital content available
2 of 2 |
Digital content available
Medical notes |
1 of 2 |
Digital content available
2 of 2 |
Digital content available
Medical papers |
1 of 3 |
Digital content available
2 of 3 |
Digital content available
3 of 3 (See also OV 61A) |
Digital content available
Moral Reform Union |
Digital content available
National Health Society |
Digital content available
New hospital for women |
Digital content available
Vivisection |
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