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Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974

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BOX 123-126 Family Papers, 1932-1960
Family letters, financial matter and residential data, and other personal and Bush family miscellany.
Arranged according to type of material or subject.
BOX 123 Correspondence
Bush, Edith L., 1939-1951, undated
Bush, John H., 1941-1955
Bush, Phoebe Davis, 1939-1942
Bush, Richard D., 1939-1955
Automobile, 1940-1955
Boat house, 1947-1948
General, 1939-1955
Sawyer, Jason C., 1941-1955
Government Salary, 1947
House, sale of, 1955-1956
New England Trust Co.
(4 folders)
BOX 124 1943-1955
(7 folders)
BOX 125 Shop, 1945-1955 See also General Correspondence Dewey, Bradley (Container 32)
European trip, 1944-1954
(3 folders)
General, 1940-1954
Medical, 1944-1954
Office of Scientific Research and Development party, 1947
(2 folders)
Patents, 1944
Photographs, requests for, 1945-1946
BOX 126 Portrait, 1947-1955
Prescott home, 1954
Sherman Camp at Big Lyford Pond, Kokadjo, Me., 1949
Biographical data, 1932-1960, undated
(2 folders)
Expense statements, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1938-1954
(2 folders)
Passports, 1939-1950
Tax returns, 1943-1954
BOX 127-154 Speeches and Writings, 1901-1956
Speech, article, and book manuscripts and related outlines, galleys, correspondence, clippings, financial data, reviews, press releases, research material, and other miscellany, organized according to type of presentation.
Speeches are arranged chronologically. Articles are organized alphabetically by title. Introductions, letters to the editor, and book reviews are filed after the articles. Book manuscripts are arranged chronologically by date of draft and the related material by subject.
BOX 127 Speeches
8 June 1935-1922 Feb. 1946
(9 folders)
BOX 128 30 Mar.-16 May 1946
(5 folders)
BOX 129 17 May-13 Nov. 1946
(8 folders)
BOX 130 30 Jan. 1947-22 Feb. 1948
(11 folders)
BOX 131 4 Mar. 1948-3 Dec. 1949
(9 folders)
BOX 132 5 Dec. 1949-23 Jan. 1951
(7 folders)
BOX 133 4 Mar.-12 Sept. 1951
(8 folders)
BOX 134 16 Apr.-11 Oct. 1952
(6 folders)
BOX 135 12 Feb. 1953-16 Oct. 1954
(9 folders)
BOX 136 30 Dec. 1954-June 1955
(7 folders)
BOX 137 Articles
“A Band-saw for Cutting Thin Tissue Sections” (1956)
“A Few Quick”
“A New Type of Differential Analyzer” (1945)
“As We May Think” (1945)
“The Builders” (1945)
(2 folders)
“Concentration of Economic Power” (1935)
“Correction of Spherical Error of a Pendulum” (1951)
“For Man To Know” (1955)
“Frederick Gardner Cottrell” (1950)
BOX 138 “If War Ends” (1956)
“If We Alienate Our Scientists” (1954)
“James Bryant Conant” (1946)
“Make Our Security System Secure” (1955)
“Mechanization and the Record”
“Nim, a Game With Complete Mathematical Theory” (circa 1901)
“Organization for Research” (1946)
“Organization of Defense Research” (1941)
BOX 139 “Report to the President on OSRD in the War” (1945)
(3 folders)
“Research and Strategy” (1948)
“Richard Chace Tolman” (1948)
“Science and Defense” (1954)
“Science Pauses” (1965)
“The Scientist and His Government” (1946)
“Trends in American Science” (1948)
“Unconventional Warfare” (1951)
“The Weapons We Need for Freedom” (1950)
(3 folders)
BOX 140 Introductions to
Organizing Scientific Research for War, by Irvin Stewart (1946)
Power From the Wind, by Palmer C. Putnam (1947)
Radiation Laboratory technical monograph series (1948)
Scientist Against Time, by James Phinney Baxter (1946)
(3 folders)
Letters to editor
American Scholar, 1947
United States News, 1947
Reviews, 1951
BOX 141 Book file
Endless Horizons (1946)
Modern Arms and Free Men (1949)
Notes and miscellaneous chapter drafts
Florida manuscript
(2 folders)
New draft of Florida manuscript
BOX 142 Pre-Honduras version
Dennis draft
Edited Dennis draft
BOX 143 Draft
(2 folders)
Chapters 1-14
(14 folders)
BOX 144 Chapters 15-16
(2 folders)
Manuscript reviewed by Joint Intelligence Group
BOX 145 Distribution and corrections on manuscript
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