The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1947
Junior Achievement, 1941
Junior Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 1953-1954
Jupiter Island Club, Hobe Sound, Fla., 1947
Justice Department, 1950
BOX 61 Kahn, Robert L., 1942
Kaiser, Henry J., 1944
Kasson, C. L., 1939
Katharine Gibbs School, Boston, Mass., 1939-1940
Kattwinkel, Egon E., 1945-1955
Kaufman, Mrs. Enit, 1944-1945
Kaufmann's, 1946
Keefer, Chester S., 1946-1953
Keegan, Robert R., 1948
Keele, Harold M., 1953-1954
Keene Teachers College, Keene, N.H., 1949
Keeney, Edmund L., 1946
Keevil, Charles S., 1939
Kefauver, Estes, 1950
Keith, P. C., 1946-1952
Keller, K. T., 1945
Kellerman, K. F., 1953
Kellex Corp., 1946
Kelley, Nicholas, 1942-1949
Kelley, Walter L., 1947-1953
Kellogg, Morris W., 1950
Kelly, Mervin J., 1945-1953
Kelsey, B. S., 1953
Kem, James P., 1953
Kemp, W. van Antwerp, 1944-1946
Kendall, Henry P., 1939-1952
Kennan, George F., 1948
Kennedy, Clarence, 1939
Kennedy, John F., 1950
Kennelly, A. E., 1938
Kennelly, R. Grice, 1940
Kenney, W. John, 1947-1952
Kenrick, G. W., 1940
Kent, Ira Rich, 1937-1945
Kentucky, University of See same series University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.
Kenyon, T. W., 1947-1954
Kenyon, W. Houston, Jr., 1946-1947
Keppel, David, 1941
BOX 62 Keppel, F. P., 1939-1941
(2 folders)
Kerr, Phil, 1950
Kerrigan, James J., 1949-1955
Kettering, C. F., 1940-1945
Keyes, D. B., 1952
Keyes, F. G., 1939-1952
Keyes, Geoffrey, 1953
Kiesewetter, H. M., 1946
Kiesling, Roy, II, 1947
Killian, James Rhyne, Jr., 1936-1955
(2 folders)
Killian, Thomas J., 1937-1952
BOX 63 Kimball, A. F. See same series American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Kimball, Dan A., 1951
Kimball, Robert M., 1944-1955
King, Alexander, 1947-1949
King, Cary J., Jr., 1951
King, Ernest J., 1952
King, Mrs. Francis, 1939
King, Louis B., 1941-1953
(2 folders)
Kingsland, Lawrence, 1947
Kiplinger, Willard M., 1944
Kirner, Walter R., 1947-1955
Kirsten Pipe Co., 1938-1939
Kistiakowski, George B., 1940-1953
Kittredge, John W., 1952
Klein, Henry, 1947
Klemin, Alexander, 1939-1945
Klopsteg, Paul E., 1941-1954
Kluych, Alex R., 1948
Knight, T. S., 1939-1946
Knight, W. W., 1952
Knopf (Alfred A.) Inc. See same series Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Knowles, Harvey C., 1947
Knudsen, Vern O., 1942-1948
Koenig, Lloyd R., 1946
Kononoff, Alexis B., 1939
Kouwenhoven, William B., 1947
Kozlowski, Theodore T., 1949-1951
Krock, Arthur, 1951
Krogh, Harold W., 1953
Kroner, Hayes, 1947
Kruls, H. J., 1954
Ku, Y. H., 1944-1955
Kudner Agency, 1945
Kuhl, Barbara, 1951
Kyes, Roger, 1954
BOX 64 L. L. Bean, Inc., 1948
Ladies' Home Journal, 1952
Lafavette Camera Division, 1939
Lahm, Dorothy, 1954
Lal, Gobind Behari, 1951
Lamar, Eddie S., 1945
Lamb, Arthur B., 1940
Lamont, Thomas W., 1947
Lampee, Thomas C., 1939
Lamport, Harold, 1955
Lamson, Clement R., 1944
Land, Edwin H., 1947-1953
Landon, Marjorie A., 1940
Lane, Alfred C., 1941-1948
Lane, Herman G., 1949
Lane, Ruth McG., 1948
Langer, William, 1948
Langmuir, David B., 1946-1954
Langmuir, Irving, 1951
Larkin, Thomas B., 1950
Larsen, Roy E., 1946-1951
Laughlin, Henry A., 1950-1955
Lauritsen, Charles C., 1944
Lavender, Robert A., 1946-1952
Law & Contemporary Problems, 1947
Lawrence, Ernest O., 1939-1954
Lawrence, John H., 1950-1951
Lawrence, Mrs. Ralph R., 1939-1945
Laycock, J. N., 1955
Leach, W. Barton, 1949-1953
Leaders in Education, 1946
Leake, Chauncey D., 1940-1947
Lebanon Public School, Lebanon, N.H., 1939
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