The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Carmichael, Leonard, 1939-1954 See also same series Tufts College, and Smithsonian Institution
(5 folders)
BOX 20 Carmichael, Oliver C., 1949-1953
Carnegie, Mrs. Andrew, 1942-1944
Carnegie Corp. of New York, 1944-1955
(6 folders)
BOX 21 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1943-1955
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1943-1953
Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., 1940
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1944-1949
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.
(11 folders)
BOX 22 1953-1956
(3 folders)
Carpenter, Donald F., 1948-1955
Carpenter, Thorne M., 1942
Carpenter Steel Co., 1950
Carr, Stanly, 1941
Carroll, George A., 1949
Carruthers, John F., 1949-1955
Carruthers, John F., Jr., 1948
Carstensen, Viggo, 1949
Carter, Edward J., 1943
Carver, Alvin, 1947
Case, Ralph B., 1947-1948
Case School of Applied Science, 1947-1953
Caslon Press, 1939-1945
Cassidy, James E., 1947
Castetter, L. L., 1951
Cat Cay (Bahamas), 1941
Catalogs requested, 1945-1955
Cather, W. A., 1940
Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1939-1945
Cattell, Jaques, 1942-1945
Centennial of Engineering (1952), 1951
Century Association, 1939-1954
BOX 23 Chadwell, H. Marshall, 1947-1950
Chadwick, George A., 1946
Chadwick, James, 1946 See also same series British Embassy
Chalkley, Lyman, 1946-1948
Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, 1950
Chamber of Commerce, United States, 1939-1953
Chamery, Mrs. J. M., 1939
Champion Recording Corp., 1941
Chance, Britton, 1940
Chandler Schools, Boston, Mass., 1940-1941
Chaney, Ralph W., 1948
Chang, K. Y., 1949
Chapman, John R., 1945
Chapman, Marshall Ivelaw, 1948
Charles Beseler Co., 1939-1940
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1949
Charlesworth, H. P., 1940 See also same series Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering, Visiting committee
Chase, George H., 1939
Chase, P. H., 1940
Chassan, J. B., 1954
Chelsea Senior High School, Chelsea, Mass., 1947
Chemical Corps Technical Command, 1948-1955
Chemical & Engineering News, 1947
Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering, 1947
Chemical Warfare Association, 1946
Chen, Li-Fu See same series Ku, Y. H.
Cheney, J. Burleigh, 1941
Chereau, L. See same series Seidell
Cherrington, Ben M., 1949
Cherry, Charles Robert, 1942
Chesterman, F. J., 1939-1951
Children's Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1946
Childs, Marquis, 1955
Choate, Robert A., 1950-1955
Chramiec, Mrs. A., 1940
Christian, John, 1947
Christie, A. G., 1947
Chrysler Corp., 1939-1947
Chubb, L. W., 1948
Church, Samuel Harden, 1940
Churchill, Jack, 1955
Chute, Richard, 1953-1954
Chute, Roger, 1952
BOX 24 Cincinnati Technical and Scientific Societies' Council, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1946
Cirerol, Manuel, 1939
Citizens Committee for Reorganization of Executive Branch of the Government, 1949-1953
Civil Service Commission, 1949
Claflin, William H., Jr., 1944-1954
Clark, Austin H., 1940-1950
Clark, Charles Upson, 1948
Clark, George R., 1948-1951
Clark, Grenville, 1944
Clark, Harold D., 1945
Clark, J. M., 1949
Clark, Lloyd M., 1940
Clark, Melville, 1947
Clark, Dr. (Peterboro, N.H., Hospital), 1952
Clarke, Eric T., 1940
Clarke, Gilmore D., 1951
Clarksburg, West Virginia, First Presbyterian Church, 1947
Clay, Lucius D., 1948-1953
Clayton, Will L., 1939-1954
Cleary, Thomas, 1949
Clemens, Cyril, 1955
Cleveland, Treadwell, 1939
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland, Ohio, 1946
Cleveland Junior Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland, Ohio, 1947
Cloke, Paul, 1947-1951
Cochrane, E. L., 1945-1955
Cockroft, John, 1948
Coddington, Philip L., 1938-1945
Coe, Conway P., 1939-1944
Coes, Harold V., 1945-1947
Coffey, Daniel L, 1947
Coffin, Tris, 1952-1955
Coghill, Robert D., 1953
Cohn, Edwin J., 1949-1950
Cohn, Victor, 1951-1952
Colby College, Waterville, Maine, 1951-1955
Cole, Aschley T., 1946
Coleman, Laurence Vail, 1941
Coleman, Warren, 1941
Collbohm, F. R., 1951
Collier, Mrs. William, undated
Collier, William C., 1942
Collier's, 1949
Collins, J. Lawton, 1947-1950
Collins, Ross A., 1940
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