The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
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General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
BOX 1 A. P. Peckworth Co., 1949
Abbot, Charles G., 1949
Aberle, Sophie D., 1954
Abrams, Allen, 1948
Academic Press, 1946-1947
Academy of American Poets, 1947
Academy of Political Science, 1941
Acheson, Dean, 1947-1952
Ackerman, Donald E., 1953
Acme Tool Co., 1949
Acoustical Society, 1941
Adamic, Louis, 1943
Adams, Arthur S., 1954
Adams, Comfort A., 1940-1941
Adams, J. Harold, 1949
Adams, James S., 1947
Adams, L. H., 1951-1952
Adams, M. W. See same series American Standards Association
Adams, Mildred, 1952
Adams, Porter, 1939-1944
Adams, Ralston H., 1952
Adams, Roger, 1939-1950
Adams, Walter S., 1939-1947
Aerojet Engineering Corp., 1945
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, 1944
Agriculture Department, 1947
Agriculture, secretary of, 1940-1947
Aguas, A. de Oliveira, 1953
Ahearn, Frank L., 1939
Aiken, George D., 1947
Aircraft Industries Association, 1946
Air Force, 1947-1953
Air Force Association, 1954
Air War College, Maxwell Field, Ala., 1947
Air Youth of America, 1940
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe, 1945
Akerman, Frank L., 1949
Akin, S. B., 1951
Alabama Research Institute, 1944
Alabama, University of See same series University of Alabama, University, Ala.
Albee, William, 1940-1942
Alexander, Archibald S., 1950-1954
Alexander, Holmes, 1950
Alexander, Samuel A., 1955
Alfaro, Heraclio, 1939-1951
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1942-1947
Algase, Gertrude
Alger, Philip L., 1946
Allen, Henry B., 1946-1953
Allison, Donald F., 1948-1949
Alpha Tau Omega, 1945-1954
Alsop, Stewart, 1952
Altschul, Frank, 1952
BOX 2 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1939-1954 See also same series Bunker, John W. M.
American Air Lines, 1940-1954
American Association for Adult Education, 1940
American Association for Advancement of Science, 1939-1955
American Association for the United Nations, 1945
American Association of Scientific Workers, 1944
American Automobile Association, 1946-1955
American Cancer Society, 1947-1949
American Chemical Society, 1944-1948
American Civil Liberties Union, 1948
American College of Physicians, 1946
American Council of Learned Societies, 1941
American Cyanamid Co., 1946
American Engineering Council, 1939-1940
American Eugenics Society, 1954
American Express Co., 1950
American Friends of Hebrew University, 1945
American Geological Institute, Washington, D.C., 1949
American Heart Association, 1948
American Institute of Chemists, 1943-1948
American Institute of Consulting Engineers, 1943-1954
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Congratulations on Edison Award, 1943-1944
(2 folders)
BOX 3 1941-1951
(2 folders)
Lamme Medal Committee, 1939-1955
Washington Section, 1939-1955
American Institute of Management, 1955
American Institute of Physics, 1941-1951
American Legion, 1941
American Library Association, 1946
American Magazine, 1944
American Mathematical Society, 1944-1947
American Medical Association, 1947
BOX 4 American Men of Science, 1941
American Military Institute, 1940-1941
American Mining Congress, 1946
American Museum of Health, 1941
American Nurses Association, 1948
American Optical Co., 1949
American Patent Law Association, 1941-1952
American Peoples Encyclopedia, 1945
American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, 1947-1948
American Philosophical Society, 1939-1954
(3 folders)
American Physical Society, 1940-1955
American Political Science Association, 1940
American Research and Development Corp., 1949 See also same series Dewey, Davis R., II; and Doriot, Georges F.
American Rocket Society, 1948
American Scientific Congress (Eighth Congress, May 1940), 1939
American Security & Trust Co., 1939-1953
American Society for Engineering Education, 1947-1955
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1945-1952
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1939-1955
American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1948
BOX 5 American Standards Association, 1940-1946
American Technion Society, 1952
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
(6 folders)
BOX 6 1954-1955
(6 folders)
BOX 7 American University, Washington, D.C., 1944-1949
Ames, J. S., 1938
Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., 1946
Anaconda Wire & Cable Co., 1940
Anderheggen, Erwin, 1954
Anderson, Arthur J., 1952
Anderson, Clinton, 1950-1952
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