The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Selective Service System, 1940-1950 See also same series Dykstra, Clarence A.
Semmes, J. Gibson, 1953
Setzler, F. M., 1953
Severance Tool Industries, 1950
Shaler, Amos J., 1939-1940
Shannon, Claude, 1938-1940
Shapiro, Ascher H., 1940
Shapley, Harlow, 1946-1947
Sharp & Dohme See same series Wentworth, R. A.
Sharples, Philip P., 1951
Shaver, J. M., 1953
Shaw, Alfred E., 1954
Shaw, Ralph M., Jr., 1945
Shaw, Ralph R., 1946-1953
Shaw, Robert P., 1950-1953
BOX 103 Shea, Hamilton, 1949
Shea, Timothy E., 1947-1948
Shell Development Co., 1952
Shepard, Norman A., 1948-1949
Shepardson, Whitney H., 1950-1953
Shepley, Henry R., 1937-1952
Sheppard, Harry R., 1947
Sherbondy, E. H., 1946
Sherman, Forrest P., 1949
Sherwood, Robert E., 1946
Sherwood, Thomas K., 1947-1952
Shields, Robert H., 1951
Shields, Warren, 1950
Shockley, William, 1954-1955
Shrock, Robert R., 1950
Shurcliff, William A., 1951-1953
Sidgwick, Nevil V., 1948-1955
Sigmi Xi, 1941-1947 See also same series Barnes, George E.; Creighton, H. Jermain
Sillcox, Lewis K., 1937-1955
Silverman, Daniel, 1947
Silvia, John A., 1951-1952
Simmons, James Stevens, 1947-1953
Simon, Leslie E., 1950-1955
(2 folders)
Simon and Schuster, 1944-1952
Simonds, G. G., 1949-1950
Simpson, John, 1939
Sinclair, D. B., 1951
BOX 104 Skilling, Hugh, 1937-1949
Skinker, Murray F., 1946
Slagle, Robert O., 1951
Slepian, Joseph, 1948-1955
Slessor, John, 1949-1954
Slichter, Louis B., 1946
Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 1936-1955
Sloan, George A., 1948
Sloan, Howard, 1955
Sloanaker, Hiram L., 1947
Sloane (William) Associates See same series William Sloane Associates
Small, Carlton L. ("Pete"), 1949
Small, E. B., 1948
Small, Neal E., 1948
Smalley, Frank H., 1951
Smith, Albert, 1944
Smith, Blackwell, 1940-1953
Smith, Burwell B., 1948
Smith, Edwin K., 1939
Smith, Elliott Dunlap, 1948-1955
Smith, George H. E., 1947
Smith, H. Alexander, 1948-1955
Smith (H. B.) Company See same series H. B. Smith Co.
Smith, H. Monmouth, 1942
Smith, Homer W., 1947-1948
Smith, J. Alex, 1955
Smith, Jesse R., 1948
Smith, Lybrand P., 1942-1948
Smith, Margaret Chase, 1955
Smith, Paul C., 1948-1949
Smith, Richard M., 1947-1948
Smith, Theodore, 1954
Smith, Tom K., 1950-1955
Smith, William M., 1940
Smith College, Northampton, Mass., 1946-1955
BOX 105 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. See also same series Carmichael, Leonard
(6 folders)
BOX 106 1953-1955
(6 folders)
Successor to A. Wetmore, 1951-1952
BOX 107 Smyth, H. D., 1946-1947
Snavely, Guy E., 1954
Snow, A. J., 1938
Snow, Sydney J., 1939
Snyder, C. L., 1941
Social security, 1948
Social Security Board, 1939
Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, 1941-1946
Society of American Bacteriologists, 1953-1954
Society of American Military Engineers, 1940-1942
Society of Automotive Engineers, 1940-1948
Society of Chemical Industry, 1944-1948
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1941-1954
Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., 1942
Solandt, O. M., 1946-1952
Solberg, T. A., 1947-1951
Sole, Jack H., 1949
Sollberger, Dwight E., 1945
Sosinski, Paul P. See same series Higgins, John N.; Hill, Roy W.
Souers, Sidney W., 1952
South Africa Scientific Liaison Office, 1948
Southern Police Institute, 1952
Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, Calif., 1939
Spaatz, Carl, 1947-1948
Spade, H. N., 1945
Spaght, M. E., 1947
Spanner, G. O., 1946
Sparks, William J., 1955
Spaulding, Ann N., 1952
Spencer, Hugh H., 1947
Spencer, J. A., 1940-1948
Spencer, John L., 1953-1954
Spencer, Percy, 1944-1955
Spencer, Samuel, 1952
Spiers, J. L., 1949-1951
Spivak, Lawrence E., 1950-1954
Spoehr, H. A., 1940-1953
Sproul, Robert G., 1948
Squibb (E. R.) & Sons See same series E. R. Squibb & Sons
Standard Engine Co., 1951
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