The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
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General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
BOX 50 Henry, Conder C., 1947
Henry, Philip W., 1941
Henry, Stephen G., 1946-1950
Henry Holt & Co., 1951
Henry Paulson Co., 1944
Hensel, H. Struve, 1955
Herr, Donald L., 1946
Herring, Pendleton, 1949
Herter, Christian A., 1953
Herzfeld, Karl F., 1948
Hess, Victor F., 1944
Hester, Clinton M., 1940
Hewes, Thomas, 1949
Heyl, Paul R., 1947
Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 1949
Hickernell, L. F., 1947-1955
Hickman, Clarence Nichols, 1947
Hickok, Mrs. Marshall, 1944
Hicks, F. J., 1941
Hicks, W. Wesley, 1952
Higgins, John N., 1939
Higonnet, R., 1955
Hill, A. V., 1950-1954
Hill, Arthur M., 1947
Hill, Clarence E., 1948
Hill, Henry W., 1948
Hill, Myron F., 1946-1947
Hill, Robert W., 1937
Hill, Roy W., 1939
Hiltner, Walter F., 1946
Hinckley, Robert H., 1940-1941
Hinshaw, Carl, 1940-1941
Hirschfelder, J. O., 1947
Hoadley, George B., 1946-1949
Hobbs, Franklin W., 1940-1950
Hobson, J. E., 1954
Hochstadter, Martin, 1939
Hodgdon, Frederick C., 1938-1943
Hodges, A. L., 1946
Hodgins, Eric, 1938-1955 See also same series Fortune
(2 folders)
BOX 51 Hoffman, Paul G., 1947-1953
Hoffman, Robert D., 1951
Hogan, John V. L., 1947-1955
Hogan, Mervin B., 1949
Hogness, T. R., 1945-1947
Hokanson, Walcott A., 1940-1951
Holcombe, A. M., 1938
Holland, Gordon F., 1951
Holland, Maurice, 1938-1950 See also same series National Research Council, Engineering Division
Holm, John G., 1949-1951
Holman, John A., 1938
Holmes, Hector M., 1947
Holmes, Henry W., 1940
Holmes, M. C., 1937
Holmes, Sybil H., 1941-1953
Holmes, W. C., 1950
Holroyd, Howard B., 1939
Holt (Henry) & Co. See same series Henry Holt Co.
Holton, George, 1950
Honaman, Karl, 1955
Hoogerhyde, Russ, 1941
Hook, Charles R., 1941-1942
Hooper, S. C., 1936-1949
Hoover, Herbert, 1939-1955
Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 1939-1954
Hoover, John Edgar, 1937
Hoover Commission, 1948-1950
Hoover Medal, congratulations, 1946-1947
Hoover Medal Board of Award, 1946-1952
Hope, Henry W., 1937-1950
Hopkins, D. Luke, 1943-1952
Hopkins, Edwin, 1946
Hopkins, Harry, 1940
Hopkins, Warren B., 1945
Hopley, Russell J., 1948
BOX 52 Hormel, Jay C., 1942-1948
Horner, Leonard S., 1940-1943
Horsfield, Basil See same series Alabama Research Institute
Horsfield, W. R., 1942-1952
Horst, John D., 1942
Horton, Allen W., Jr., 1938-1941
Horton, J. Warren, 1953
Horton, Lawrence A., 1951
Hoskins Manufacturing Co., 1950-1951
Hossfeld, Raymond F., 1942
Hotchkiss, Eugene B., 1946-1955
Hotchkiss, William O., 1940-1947
Hotel reservations, 1938-1955
Hotel Statler, Washington, D.C., and New York, N.Y., 1943-1953
Hottel, Hoyt C., 1941-1952
Houghton, Amory, 1952
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946-1953
Houston, Holland H., 1952
Houston, W. V., 1950-1954
Hovde, Frederick L., 1941-1954
Howard, George W., 1953
Howard, John H., 1939-1949
Howard University, Washington, D.C., 1947
Howe, C. D., 1946-1948
Howe, George R., 1948
Hrdlicka, Ales, 1942
Hubbard, Canon E. A., 1949
Hubbard, E. R., 1953
Hubon, Charles W., 1947
Hulbert, Henry S., 1940
Hull, John E., 1950-1953
BOX 53 Humphrey, Winthrop, 1951
Humphreys, Walter, 1939-1940
Hungate, T. L., 1947
Hunn, Robert W., Jr., 1939-1945
Hunsaker, Jerome C., 1939-1955
Huntington, Paul O., 1948
Huntington, W. Chapin, 1948
Huntington Hotel, Pasadena, Calif., 1939-1950
Hurd, Freeman S., 1952
Hussey, George F., Jr., 1947-1953
Huston, John W., 1947
Hutchins, Robert M., 1949
Hutchinson, B. Edwin, 1940-1954
Hutchinson, Edward, 1940-1947
Hyannis Rotary Club, Hyannis, Mass., 1947
Hyde, Arthur D., 1955
Ickes, Harold L., 1948
Ide, John Jay, 1938
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