The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., 1939-1944
Lehman, T. Graham, 1948
Leigh, Maurice, 1952-1953
Leith, Charles K., 1947
Leland, Waldo G., 1939
Lent, Colonel, undated
Leonard, Harry, 1939
Leslie, Frank P., 1954
Lester, Robert M., 1953
Letchfield, F. T., 1938-1954
Levinson, Charles A., 1949
Levis, Bruce N., 1954
Lewis, George W., 1945
Lewis, R. W., 1947
Lewis, Warren K., 1939-1947
Lewis, William H., 1955
Lewis-Shepard Products, 1953
Libby, Willard F., 1955
Lichtenfels, W., 1954
Life, 1941-1955
Life Insurance Association of America, 1947
Light, John J., 1940
Likert, Rensis, 1947
Lilienthal, David E., 1946-1949
Lilly, Terry E., Jr., 1949
Lindbergh, Charles A., 1939-1953
Linde Air Products Co., 1940
Lindemann, Charles L., 1940-1954
Linden, Henning, 1952
Lindley, Ernest Kidder, 1946
Lindsay, Samuel M., 1953
Linsley, Duncan R., 1939
BOX 66 Lisberger, S. J., 1938
Lister, Donald K., 1942
Litchfield, P. W., 1945
Literary Society of Washington, 1940 For additional material see same series Huntington, W. Chapin
Littauer, Sebastian B., 1938
Little, C. C., 1939-1948
Little, David M., 1948
Lloyd, McAllister, 1951
Lobdell, H. E., 1942-1951
Locke, Charles E., 1946-1948
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1950-1952
Loeb, Robert F., 1948-1955
Loeffler, Heinz H., 1952-1955
Loening, Grover, 1955
Loew, E. A., 1946
Lofstrand Co., 1953
Long, Perrin H., 1953
Longmans, Green & Co., 1948
Loofbourow, John R., 1943
Loomis, Alfred L., 1939-1954
Loomis, F. Wheeler, 1951
Loomis, Farnsworth, undated
Lopata, Stanley L., 1949
Lord & Taylor, 1945-1947
Lorenz, A. J., 1949
Lorette, Vern C., 1949
Lothrup, Marcus, 1953-1955
Lotz, J. R. See same series Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La., 1947
Lovejoy, F. W., 1938-1940
Lovell, Stanley P., 1945-1953
Lovett, Robert A., 1947-1954
BOX 67 Low, F. S., 1953
Low, G. Prescott, 1955
Lowe, E. A., 1945
Lucas, Burton L., 1945-1951
Luckhurst, K. W., 1938
Lukens Steel Co., 1948
Lund, Charles C., 1947
Lundin, Harry, 1946
Lutes, LeR., 1945
Lyon, Dean A., 1940
Lyon, Edward P., 1951
Lyon, Leverett, 1947
Lyons, Claude L., 1951
Maass, Gustav, 1947-1948
Macdonald, James Ross, 1947-1948
MacDonald, Waldron S., 1937-1953
MacGregor, Charles W., 1951-1955
Machen, Claude F., 1940
Machle, Willard, 1950
Machugh, Joseph V., 1947
MacInnes, D. A., 1946
MacKay, Donald M., 1951
Mackenzie, C. J., 1947-1950
Maclaurin, W. Rupert, 1941-1948
Maclaurin (Richard C.) Lodge See same series Richard C. Maclaurin Lodge
MacLean, James B., 1937
MacLeish, Archibald, 1940-1955
Macmillan Co., 1940-1947
Macomber, John, 1942-1947
Magill, Roswell, 1947
Magnecord, Inc., 1954
Magnusson, Warren, 1950-1955
Magoun, F. Alexander, 1940-1955
(1 folder)
BOX 68 (1 folder)
Magoun, Theodore, 1940-1947
Magruder, Judith de Forest, 1941
Main, Charles T., 1939
Major, Randolph T., 1946-1953
Makin, Roger, 1952
Manco Manufacturing Co., 1951-1955
Mandelstam, Abraham, 1942
Mann, William M., 1951
Mannebach, Charles, 1947
Manter, Ruth H., 1945
Manufacturing Chemists Association, 1948
Marbury, William L., 1952
Marine Corps, 1943-1947
Marion, Guy E., 1947
Maris, Ward H., 1952
Marquand, John, 1943
Marshall, George C., 1947-1951
Marshall (John G.) Inc. See same series John G. Marshall, Inc.
Marshall, Laurence K., 1937-1952
Marshall, Lauriston C., 1948
Marshall, S. W., Jr., 1941
Marthinson, Ruth Coleman (Mrs. Detlow M.), 1946
Martin, Guy, 1950
Martin, James V., 1950
Martin, Joseph W. (1884-1968), 1940
Martin, Thomas E., 1951
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