The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
May 1951-Dec. 1952 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX 73 Jan. 1953-Feb. 1954
(5 folders)
BOX 74 Mar. 1954-Mar. 1955
(5 folders)
BOX 75 Apr.-Dec. 1955
(5 folders)
BOX 76 Merger legislation, 1947
Merner, Garfield D., 1947
Merriam, Charles E., 1946
Merriam, John C., 1939-1943
Merrill, Charles E., 1954
Mershon, R. D., 1938-1946
Merson, Martin, 1954
Merz, Charles, 1946
Metals & Controls Corp., 1941-1955
(5 folders)
BOX 77 Methodist Church, New York East Conference, 1947
Metropolitan Club, Washington, D.C., 1951-1954
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y., 1945
Metropolitan News Agency, 1942
Michigan, University of See same series University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Microfilms, Inc., 1942
Mid-American Exposition, 1947
Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.
Alumni association, 1940-1941
General, 1939-1949
Midgley, Thomas, Jr., 1942
Milbank Memorial Fund, 1939
Military Engineer, 1940
Military Order of Foreign Wars, 1947
Millard, Earl B., 1951-1953
Millbrook School, Millbrook, N.Y., 1945
Miller, Dayton C., 1939
Miller, Edward, 1952
Miller, George J., 1941
Miller, George S., 1952
Miller, Roswell, 1939-1952
Miller (W. C. & A. N.) Development Co. See same series W. C. & A. N. Miller Development Co.
Millikan, Clark B., 1939
Mills (William) & Son See same series William Mills & Son
Milton, George Fort, 1946
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., 1951-1954
Minnesota, University of See same series University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Minor, E. E., 1941
Minor, John, 1940-1955
Mintener, Bradshaw, 1947
Mitchell, Carl R., 1946
Mitchell, Walter, Jr., 1951
Moe, Henry Allen, 1942-1952
Moehlman, Arthur H., 1946
Mokrzycki, Gustor Audrzey, 1941
Molina, Ignacio, 1939
Monarch Radio Shop, 1944
Mongan, Charles E., Jr., 1947
Monroney, Mike, 1941
Monsanto Chemical Co., 1948
Montgomery, Eugene A., 1945
Montgomery of Alamien, Bernard Law Montgomery, Viscount, 1954
Montgomery Homeworkshop Club, 1949
Montgomery Ward & Co., 1948-1951
BOX 78 Moody, Herbert R., 1939-1940
Moon, Parry, 1938-1943
Moore, Irwin L., 1950
Moore, Raymond G., 1953
Moore, Richard Curtis, 1947
Moore, Roy, 1949
Moore, Swinfen Bramley, 1948
Moreell, Ben, 1948-1951
Moreland, Edward L., 1939-1951
Morgan, Arthur E., 1948
Morgan, Henry S., 1940-1953
Morgan, Hugh J., 1948
Morgan, T. H., 1939
Morgantown Post, 1946
Morley, Sylvanus G., 1939
Morris, Dave H., 1940-1941
Morris, Frederick K., 1950
Morris, Henry Curtis, 1944
Morris, Robert M., 1950-1955
Morrison, W. M., 1939
Morrow (William) and Co. See same series William Morrow and Co.
Morse, K. P., 1946
Morse, Philip M., 1942-1953
Morse, Richard S., 1941-1953
Morton, H. S., 1947
Moseley, William H., 1940
Moses, Raymond G., 1949-1953
Moss, James E., 1952
Moss, Sanford A., 1940
Mott, N. F., 1954
Moulton, Harold G., 1952
Mount, Wadsworth W., 1948-1951
Mount Holyoke College Club of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1949
Mount Vernon Seminary, Washington, D.C., 1946-1947
Mowrer, Edgar Ansel, 1948
BOX 79 Mudd, Harvey S., 1950-1955
Mudd, Seeley G., 1945-1953
Mumford, Lewis, 1955
Murphree, E. V., 1947-1950
Murphy, Eugene F., 1951
Murphy, James, 1945
Murphy, J. J. See same series Linde Air Products Co.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., undated
Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Ill., 1939 See also same series Commercial Club of Chicago
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 1948
Myers, Gilbert B., 1946-1951
Myers, William I., 1953
Nalle, John M., 1937-1954
National Academy of Sciences
Advisory Committee on International Science Policy, 1949-1950
California, 1948
Carty Fund, 1942-1954
Committee on a National Science Fund, 1941
Committee on Arrangements, 1939-1941
Cyrus B. Comstock Fund, 1949
Engineering section
(3 folders)
BOX 80 1948-1955
(3 folders)
Finance Committee, 1947-1953
(4 folders)
BOX 81 Government Relations and Science Advisory Committee, 1939
Joseph Henry Fund, 1939
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