The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Miscellaneous, 1940-1949
Office of Scientific Personnel, 1941-1951
Survey of Research in Industry, 1941
National Resources Committee, 1939
National Resources Planning Board, 1942
National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, 1942-1945
BOX 85 National Safety Council, 1939
National Science Foundation
Advisory Committee on Government-University Relationships
Jan. 1954-10 Mar. 1955
(4 folders)
BOX 86 11 Mar. 1955-Nov. 1955
(4 folders)
BOX 87 General, 1946-1955
(4 folders)
National Security Council, 1952-1953
National Security Resources Board, 1952
National Shoe Foundation, 1953
National Society of Professional Engineers, 1953-1955
National Speleological Society, 1947
National War College, Washington, D.C., 1947-1953
BOX 88 Naval Ordnance Test Station, Inyokern, 1947
Navy Department, 1946-1948
Navy League of the United States, 1941
Navy Public Relations Board, 1939
Navy, secretary of, 1941-1953
Nebraska, University of See same series University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., 1947
Nelson, Donald M., 1940-1952
Nelson, J. Thomas, 1945
Nemeth, S. P., 1941
Nepple, Edward, 1947
Netherlands, research organizations, 1946
New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1944-1946
New England Aviation Conference, 1940
New England Library Association, 1946-1947
New England Telephone & Telegraph Co., 1944-1948
New Hampshire Society for Crippled Children and Handicapped Persons, 1947
New Hampshire War Chest, 1943
New York Academy of Sciences, 1948
New York Board of Trade, 1944-1948
New York Patent Law Association, 1947
New York Times, 1947-1953
New York University, New York, N.Y., 1945-1951
Newburn, Harry K., 1941
Newcomb, P. R., 1950
Newcomen Society, 1936-1948
Newell, Ralph W., 1946
Newman, Frederick Johnston, 1947
Newman, James R., 1945
Newmyer, A. G., 1949
Newsweek, 1950-1952
Nichols, John, 1952
Nichols (W. H.) Co. See same series W. H. Nichols Co.
Nichols Co., 1947
Nickerson, Norton H., 1952-1954
Nimitz, Chester W., 1947
Nitze, Paul H., 1955
Nobel anniversary dinner, 1942
Noble, Edward J., 1940
Norcross, Cleveland, 1947
Norcross, T. W., 1947
Noren, H. W., 1939
Norris, Howes, Jr., 1940
North Carolina, University of See same series University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Northeast Airlines, 1950-1951
Northeastern University, Boston, Mass., 1944-1949
Northrup, Doyle L., 1951
Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 1942-1949
Norton, A. Warren, 1947-1951
Norton, Louisa E., 1942
Norton, Thomas H., 1938
Norton (W. W.) & Co. See same series W. W. Norton & Co.
Norton, Walter C. N., 1951-1953
BOX 89 Norwich University, Northfield, Vt., 1938-1944
Nourse, Edwin Griswold and Mrs., 1948-1955
Noyes, W. A., 1947
Nusbaum, Jesse L., 1939-1940
Nutrition Foundation, 1944-1949
Nutt, Arthur, 1941 See also same series Wright Aeronautical Corp.
Nyman, R. Carter, 1950
O'Brien, Brian, 1946-1954
O'Connell, W. J., Jr., 1941
Odegaard, Charles E., 1951
Office of Price Administration, 1942-1943
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 1947
Ohly, John H., 1949
Oklahoma, University of See same series University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1946
Old, Bruce S., 1955
Old Dartmouth Historical Society and Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass., 1939
Oldenburger, Rufus, 1951
Olive, George M., Jr., 1939
O'Melveny, John, 1949
O'Neill, John J., 1949
Ooms, Casper W., 1947
Operations Research Office, 1952
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1945-1955
Ordway, Mildred R., 1945
Organic Gardening, 1944
Orr, Pearl B., undated
Osborn, Fairfield, 1955
Osborn, Frederick, 1938-1953
Osborn, John J., 1941
Osborne, Harold S., 1943-1947
BOX 90 Osgood, Phillips E., 1948
Osiris, 1948
Overbeck, Wilcox P., 1939
Overholser, Winfred, 1953
Pace, Frank, Jr., 1949-1955
Pacific war memorial, 1949
Page, Arthur W., 1939-1954
Page, James R., 1945-1946
Paine, Ellery B., 1938
Paine, Mrs. Joshua, undated
Palmer, Archie M., 1950
Palmer, E. W., 1953
Palmer, Walter W., 1948-1949
Panzer, Fred, 1954
Pappas, Thomas A., 1953
Park, Robert H., 1941-1953
Parker, John C., 1941 For additional material see same series American Standards Association
Parker, Wright, 1948
Parkin, Norman C., 1946-1947
Parkinson, Thomas I., 1951
Parran, Thomas, 1944
Parrish, Maxfield, Jr., 1937-1950
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