The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Phillips Petroleum Co., 1945
Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1939-1940
Photo technique, 1939
Piel, Gerard, 1954
Pierce, James F., 1946-1949
Pierson, E. F., 1947
Piggot, Charles S., 1942-1951
Pilger, T., 1942
Piore, E. R., 1950
Piston, Donald S., 1937
Pittsburgh Personnel Association, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1940
Pittsburgh, University of See same series University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1941
Plant, Lester H., 1938
Plaskon Corp., 1941
Plax Corp., 1948
Plummer, William B., 1954
Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1947
Poillon, Howard A., 1939-1941 See also same series Research Corp.
Poitras, E. J., 1942-1955
BOX 93 Polaroid Corp., 1939-1941
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Alumni Association, 1941-1951
General, 1939-1955
Popenoe, Wilson, 1950
Popular Mechanics Co., 1950-1952
Population Reference Bureau, 1945
Porter, Arthur, 1939-1951
Porter, Charles H., 1941-1951
Porter, Frederick W., 1939
Porter, Henry H., 1946-1951
Porter, William N., 1944
Postwar planning military organization, 1946
Potomac Archers, 1942-1953
Potomac Archery Club, 1945
Potter, A. A., 1943-1948
Potter, Pierce & Scheffler, 1939
Potter, Robert D., 1941
Powel, C. A., 1948
Powell, Edward V., 1945-1947
Powell, J. W., 1952
Power, Eugene B., 1939-1945
Power, Roy B., 1951-1955
Power Plant Engineering, 1943
Powers, David Guy, 1946
Powrex Switch Co., 1939-1942
Prasad, B. K. Ram, 1951
Pratt, E. D., 1946
Pratt & Gray Co., 1948
Pray, Frank, 1952
Prentice, J. Rockefeller, 1951
Prentis, Henning W., Jr., 1944-1955
Prescott, Samuel C., 1943
President's Air Policy Committee, 1947
President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, 1952
President's Scientific Research Board, 1946-1947
Pressey, Conrad C., 1947
Pressman, Zev, 1949-1951
BOX 94 Price, Don K., 1947-1955
(2 folders)
Price, Ethel M., 1948
Price, Harry, 1950
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1942-1949
Princeton University Press, 1947-1952
Printing Industry of America, 1949
Proctor, B. E. See same series Richard C. Maclaurin Lodge
Proctor, John A., 1942
Proctor, Redfield, 1938-1955
(3 folders)
Proctor, Robert, 1950
Professional Engineer, 1942
Project Whirlwind, 1949
Prouty, Lawrence R., 1950
Prudential Insurance Co., 1945-1954
Pulling, Edward, 1947-1950
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., 1945
Purnell, W. R., 1946-1954
Putnam, George, 1949
Putnam, Palmer C., 1938-1955
(2 folders)
Quarles, Donald A., 1953-1955
Queeny, Edgar M., 1955
Quigley, Margery, 1945
Quinion, George H., 1950-1951
BOX 95 Rabi, Isidor I., 1944-1948
Rabinow, Jack, 1954-1955
Rabinowitch, Eugene, 1953
Raby, C. L. S., 1939
Radar, 1951 See also same series Watson-Watt, Robert
Radio Corp. of America, 1942-1949
Railway Express Agency, 1943
Rainey, P. M., 1945
Ramsey, Dewitt C., 1947-1950
Rand, William E., 1948
Randall, Clarence B., 1955
Randall, Eugene F., 1940-1943
Rank, James L., 1952
Ransom, Mrs. William R., 1946-1948
Rapid selector, 1939-1950
(2 folders)
Rapport, Samuel, 1944-1945
Rau, G. V. Subba, 1949
Ravdin, I. S., 1949
Raymond, Arthur E., 1948-1950
Raytheon Manufacturing Co., 1939-1949
Recant, Lillian, 1948
Reder, Ott, 1952
Redfield, Kendall A., 1942
Redshaw, J. G., 1939-1942
Reed, Chauncey W., 1940
Reed, Gilbert N., 1939
Reed, Lowell J., 1942-1953
Reed, Philip D., 1953
Reed, Robert G., 1952-1954
Reed College, Portland, Oreg., 1952
Regil, Rafael, 1939
Reichard, Louis, 1946
Reichelderfer, F. W., 1951-1952
Reno, Charles L., 1952
Rentschler, Gordon, 1940-1948
Replogle, Delbert E., 1937
Research and Development Board
(3 folders)
BOX 96 1949-1952
(4 folders)
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