The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Batt, William L., 1939-1942 See also same series National Research Council, Engineering Division
Batt, William L., Jr., 1951
Baumrucker, William, Jr., 1943-1953
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 1948-1953
Baxter, James P., III, 1942-1952
Bayne-Jones, S., 1939
Beach, Robin, 1940-1955
Beale, Mrs. Truxtun, 1953
Bean (L. L.) See same series L. L. Bean, Inc.
Beardall, J. R., 1944
Beatty, Frank E., 1948
Becker, Mrs. George F., 1939
Beckler, David Z., 1954
Beedle, John H., 1953-1954
Beers, Roland F., 1946-1953
Beers, Roland F., Jr., 1953-1955
Begg, A. S., 1939
Behn, Sosthenes, 1946
Behre, Charles H., Jr., 1947
Belgium, ambassador of, 1939-1946
Bell, Charles H., 1950
Bell, D. W., 1947
BOX 11 Bell, James F., 1939-1955
(4 folders)
Bell, W. B., 1947
Bellaschi, P. L., 1951-1952
Bemis, Alan C., 1940-1946
Benedict, Francis G., 1939-1940
Benjamin, Edward B., 1947
Benjamin, Roy, Jr., 1947
Bennett, Ann, 1948
Bennett Junior College, Millbrook, N.Y., 1947
Bennett, Ralph D., 1939-1952
Bensinger, George C., 1941-1942
Benson, Earl O., 1940
Bentley, George Patterson, 1939-1946
Beran, Oscar, 1939
Berczeller, L., 1947
Berkner, Lloyd V., 1946-1954
(2 folders)
BOX 12 Berkson, Joseph, 1939
Bernstein, David, 1949
Bernton, Harry S., 1941
Berresford, A. W., 1939
Berryman, Clifford K., 1947
Beseler (Charles) Co. See same series Charles Beseler Co.
Bibb, Eugene Sharp, 1940
Bickford, Russell, 1947
Bickford, William J., 1948
Bigelow, Henry B., 1947
Biggers, John D., 1941-1952
Binaural Sons of the “C”, 1941-1945
Bingham, Walter V., 1949
Binkley, Robert C., 1940
Biographical Directory of Leaders in Education, 1948
Biographical Encyclopedia of America, 1940
Biographical Encyclopedia of the World, 1943-1947
Bird, Remsen, 1955
Birdsall, Gregg Custis, 1939
Birkhoff, Garrett, 1941
Birth Control Federation of America, 1940
Bitter, Francis, 1939-1951
Bittinger, Charles, 1940
Bixler, J. S., 1949-1953
Black, Edwin F., 1949
Black, K. Charlton, 1947
Blackall, Frederick S., Jr., 1948
Blackwelder, Eliot, 1951
Blakeslee, Albert F., 1940-1946
Blakeslee, Howard W., 1945-1946
Blandford, John B., Jr., undated
Blanding, Sarah, 1951
Bliss, Raymond W., 1947-1955
Bliss, Robert Woods, 1939-1955
Bliven, Bruce, 1941
Bloch, Alfred N., 1946
Bloch, Emanuel H., 1952
Blotner, Harry, 1939-1940
Boardman, H. C., 1953
Boehne, E. W., 1954
Bohemian Club, San Francisco, Calif., 1947
Bohr, Niels, 1946-1950
BOX 13 Bolling, Richard, 1954
Bolt, Richard H., 1947-1951 See also same series Ballantine, H. Thomas, Jr.
Bond, Horatio, 1946
Book-of-the-Month Club, 1945
Books ordered, 1939
Booth, Ralph D., 1939-1954
Booth, Robert E., 1949
Borden, William A., 1955
Boss, Lucinda, 1939
Bossert, T. W., 1946
Boston Medical Library, Boston, Mass., 1954
Boston University, Boston, Mass., 1946 See also same series Williamson, Floyd E.
Bosworth, Halliam, 1949
Bosworth, Welles, 1938-1947
Botanical Society of America, 1947
Boudreau, Frank G., 1951
Bowden, B. V., 1952-1953
Bowden, E. G., 1951
Bowen, Harold, 1940
Bowen, I. S., 1946-1948
Bowen, William Storrs, 1948
Bowers, Thomas W., 1947
Bowie, Robert M., 1954
Bowker, Roy C., 1948
Bowles, Edward L., 1939-1949
Bowman, Isaiah, 1939-1950
Bown, Ralph, 1954
BOX 14 Boy Scouts of America, Troop 326, Washington, D.C., 1940
Boyce, J. C., 1943-1955
Boyle, John, Jr., 1940
Braden, George D., 1951
Bradford, Lindsay, 1946-1955
Bradley, Charles H., 1938-1944
(2 folders)
Bradley, Omar N., 1948-1954
Bradley, Thomas H., 1953
Bradner, Donald B., 1951
Bradner, Mead, 1951
Bradshaw, David Y., 1952
Bragg, W. L., 1946-1950
Brainard, Millar, 1939
Bramhall, E. H., 1951
Breed, Charles B., 1945
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