The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Ronne, Finn, 1948
Roosevelt, C. V. S., 1953-1954
Roosevelt, Elliott, 1950
Roosevelt (Theodore) Memorial Association, 1945-1953
Root, Elihu, Jr., 1939-1955
(2 folders)
Root, Elihu, III, 1946
Roper, Denney W., 1943-1944
Roper, Elmo, 1949
Rose, E. L., 1937-1953
Rose, William Ganson, 1946
Rose, William Wallace, 1939
Rosendahl, C. E., 1940
Rosengarten, A. G., Jr., 1951-1955
Rosengarten, Frederic, 1953-1955
Rosenman, Samuel I., 1949
Rosenthal, Lessing, 1947
Rosenwald (Julius) Fund See same series Julius Rosenwald Fund
Rossby, C. G. A., 1939
Rosseland, Svein, 1941
Rosten, Leo, 1954
Roth, H. G., 1954
Roto Tiller Co., 1939
Rourke, Florence M., 1947
Rowe, Hartley, 1941-1953
(2 folders)
Rowe, L. S., 1939-1945
Rowlands, John J., 1939-1941
Royal Society, 1954
Royal Society of Arts See same series Luckhurst, K. W.
Royce, Daniel L., 1955
BOX 100 Ruble, W. J., 1937-1938
Ruddock, Albert B., 1946-1955
Rüdenberg, Reinhold, 1937-1942
Ruebhausen, Oscar M., 1945-1955
(2 folders)
Ruge, Arthur C., 1939-1951
Ruiz, A. L., 1947
Rule, John T., 1939-1954 See also same series Grabau, Martin
Ruml, Beardsley, 1949
Rusk, George Yeisley, 1945
Russell, George E., 1942
Russell, Henry Norris, 1941-1949
Russell, John M., 1939-1951
Russell Sage Foundation, 1939
Rust (H. L.) Co. See same series H. L. Rust Co.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., 1940-1947
Rutter, Josiah B., 1942-1950
Ryder, Frederick L., 1949
S. D. Warren Co., 1951
S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co., 1949
Sadler, E. J., 1942
Safford, L. F., 1938
Sage, N. L., 1939
Sage (Russell) Foundation See same series Russell Sage Foundation
Sagebeer, Richard G., 1938-1940
Saint Botolph Club, Boston, Mass., 1940-1955
Salisbury, Edward I., 1951
Salmini, Ambrose P., 1948
Saltonstall, Leverett, 1945-1953
Salvador, George, 1940
Salzer, Herbert E., 1941
Sampson, H. LeBaron, 1940
Samuel, Arthur M., 1949
Samuels, M. M., 1947
Sanborn, Mrs. Carl B., 1951
Sanctuary, William C., 1954
BOX 101 Sandee Manufacturing Co., 1945
Sands, Harold G., 1949-1950
Sands, Philip H., 1949
Sarason, Burton Z., 1949
Sargeant, Howland, 1940
Sargent, Porter, 1939
Sarrate, Casimiro Lana, 1947-1951
Savage, E. W., 1940-1947
Savage, John Lucian, 1949
Savoy, Prew, 1948
Sawyer, Alfred P., 1950
Sawyer, David R., 1942
Sawyer, Donald, 1954-1955
Sayles, Phil W., 1938
Scaife, Roger L. See same series Harvard University Press
Schaaf, Oscar R., 1953
Schaefer, E. J., 1952
Schaeffers, Joseph, 1949
Schafer, Elwood W., 1953
Scharff, Maurice R., 1947-1948
Schaurte, Werner T., 1937
Schell, Erwin H., 1937-1939
Schell, Orville J., Jr., 1955
(2 folders)
Scherer, Paul A., 1946-1948
Schick Inc., 1950
Schindler, W. S., 1951
Schlenker, Vesper A., 1941
Schlytter, Leslie Evan, 1940
Schmidt, A. W., 1948
Schoenberger, Walter S., 1955
Schultz, D. T., 1940-1947
Schuyler, Garret L., 1950
Schwarz, Edward R., 1937-1950
Schwarz, Jandon, 1948
Science, 1941
Science Service, 1939-1951
Scientific Computing Service See same series Comrie, L. T.
Scientific Manpower Advisory Committee, 1950-1951
BOX 102 Scientific Manpower Mobilization Committee, 1948
Scientific Research Personnel, Committee on, 1945
Scientific Research Society of America, 1949
Scott, Clinton Lee, 1946
Scottish Rite Bodies, 1950-1951
Scribner's (Charles) Sons See same series Charles Scribner's Sons
Scrivener, Samuel, Jr., 1939
Scudder, Stevens, and Clark, 1951-1955
(2 folders)
Seares, Frederick H., 1940-1942
Sechrist, G. H., 1941
Second International Congress of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, 1940
Securities and Exchange Commission, 1939
Security Storage Co., 1950
Seidell, 1946
Seidell, Glenn E., 1954
Seil, Gilbert E., 1939
Seismological Society of America, 1939
Selawry, Oleg, 1954
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