The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Society of Chemical Industry, 1944-1948
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1941-1954
Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., 1942
Solandt, O. M., 1946-1952
Solberg, T. A., 1947-1951
Sole, Jack H., 1949
Sollberger, Dwight E., 1945
Sosinski, Paul P. See same series Higgins, John N.; Hill, Roy W.
Souers, Sidney W., 1952
South Africa Scientific Liaison Office, 1948
Southern Police Institute, 1952
Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, Calif., 1939
Spaatz, Carl, 1947-1948
Spade, H. N., 1945
Spaght, M. E., 1947
Spanner, G. O., 1946
Sparks, William J., 1955
Spaulding, Ann N., 1952
Spencer, Hugh H., 1947
Spencer, J. A., 1940-1948
Spencer, John L., 1953-1954
Spencer, Percy, 1944-1955
Spencer, Samuel, 1952
Spiers, J. L., 1949-1951
Spivak, Lawrence E., 1950-1954
Spoehr, H. A., 1940-1953
Sproul, Robert G., 1948
Squibb (E. R.) & Sons See same series E. R. Squibb & Sons
Standard Engine Co., 1951
BOX 108 Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif., 1954-1955
Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., 1940-1955
Stanley Co., 1940
Stanton, Charles I., 1945
Stanton, Frank C., 1946
Starkweather, Louis P., 1940
Starr, Isaac, 1951
Starrett, C. V. See same series Buhl Foundation
Stassen, Harold E., 1950
State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash., 1944
State Department, 1939-1955
(4 folders)
BOX 109 Stearns, A. Warren, 1939-1940
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1951
Steilen, George C., 1947-1948
Stein, I. Melville, 1949
Steiner, W. F., 1945
Steinhart, Lawrence R., 1950
Stephenson, Mrs. B. F., undated
Stern, Alexander W., 1944
Stetson, George A., 1942
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 1943-1949
Stevens, Ezra F., 1947
Stevens, J. C., 1946
Stevens, M. P., 1942-1955
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J., 1943-1948
Stevenson, Earl P., 1945-1951
Stever, Guy H., 1946
Stewart, Fred W., 1951
Stewart, Irwin, 1946-1954
Stewart, Robert B., 1948
Stewart, S. Floyd, 1941
Stilson, Eunice C., 1941
Stimson, Henry L., 1945-1950
Stitsky, Harry, 1939
Stock, Fred J., 1939
Stoddard, George D., 1953
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1944-1946
Stone, Albert M., 1942
Stone, Roger T., 1952
Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., 1940-1949
Stormont, R. J., 1948
Stoughton, Bradley, 1947
Stratton, Julius A., 1941-1955
Strauss, Lewis, 1947-1955
Streeter, George L., 1941
Strong, Richard P., 1942-1947
Strong, William D., 1944
Strong, William J. H., 1940
Strong, William M., 1951
Struve, Otto, 1947
Stryker, W. B., 1950
Stuart, Alvah Wood, 1942
Stuart, Lyall L., 1939-1940
Stuart, Spencer R., 1951
Styer, George D., 1945
Styer, Wilhelm D., 1946-1947
BOX 110 Submarine Signal Co., 1939
Suddath, Thomas H., 1952
Suits, C. G., 1951
Sullivan, Harry Stack, 1940
Sullivan, John L., 1949
Summerbell, R. K., 1952
Sutherland, Hale, 1949
Suverkrop, Lew, 1947
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa., 1941
Sweatt, Harold W., 1952
Sweet, Harold E., 1940
Swezey, Kenneth M., 1948
Swift, Lloyd W., 1948
Swing, Raymond, 1943
Swope, Gerard, 1945-1948
Sydnor, James R., 1952-1953
Sykes, Godfrey, 1945
Symington, W. Stuart, 1946-1951
Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y., 1946
Tabor Academy, Marion, Mass., 1946
Taft, Charles P., 1950-1955
Talisman Farm, Graysonville, Md., 1940-1941
Tate, John T., 1942-1950
Tate, Vernon D., 1947-1950
Tau Beta Pi, 1941-1949
Taube, Mortimer, 1954-1955
Taylor, C. Fayette, 1940-1955
Taylor, George D., 1948
Taylor, Hugh S., 1950
Taylor, J. F. M., 1941
Taylor, Maxwell D., 1953
Taylor, Richard, 1946-1951
Taylor, Willoughby, 1941
Teagle, Walter C., Jr., 1954-1955
Tech Engineering News, 1939-1944
Technology Christian Association, 1941-1952
Technology Club of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 1944-1946
Technology Club of New York, New York, N.Y., 1940-1941
Technology Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., 1946
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