The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Tower, Benjamin C., 1948
Towers, John H., 1942
Towl, Andrew R., 1947
Townsend, Alan R., 1949
Townsend, Leonard G., 1939-1940
Towsley, Prentice W., 1947
Traver, Harold A., 1952-1954
Tresidder, Donald B., 1943-1947
Trichel, Gervais W., 1949
Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1947-1955
Trippe, Juan, 1941-1950
Truesdell, S. D., undated
Truman, Harry S., 1947
Trump, John G., 1939-1951
Trusts and estates, 1941
Trytten, M. H., 1946-1948
Tucker, Carlton E., 1952
Tufts Alumni Club of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1939-1941
Tufts Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., 1946-1948
Tufts College, Medford, Mass. See also same series Carmichael, Leonard
(4 folders)
BOX 113 1953-1955
(3 folders)
Successor to L. Carmichael, 1952-1953
(2 folders)
Tuttle, Charles R. M., 1947
Tuve, Merle A., 1949-1955
Twentieth Century Club, 1942
Twentieth Century Fund, 1939
Tydings, Millard E., 1950
Tyson, Levering, 1941
Underhill, Garrett, 1952-1954
Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., 1949-1954
Union College, Barbourville, Ky., 1951
United Electric Controls, 1953
United Fruit Co., 1948-1949
BOX 114 United Shoe Machinery Corp., 1946-1950
United States Associates, 1948
United States Gasket Co., 1952
United States Gauge Co, 1939
United States Institute for Textile Research, 1939-1941
United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1951
United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 1944-1950
United States News, 1939
United World Federalists, 1950
Universal Yonkers Corp., 1948
Universalist Historical Society, Brookline, Mass., 1941
University Club, New York, N. Y., 1939-1949
University of Alabama, University, Ala., 1939
University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y., 1946-1950
University of Buffalo Alumni Association, Buffalo, N.Y., 1946
University of California, Berkeley, Calif., 1943-1952
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1949-1950
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., 1950
University of Denver, Denver, Colo., 1945-1953
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1949
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., 1947-1953
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1942
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., 1947
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1946-1948
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., 1944-1951
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., 1947
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C., 1945
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1946
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1940-1951
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1941
University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., 1944-1947
University of Texas, Austin, Tex., 1946-1954
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, 1949
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., 1947-1950
University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., 1947-1948
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1948-1954
Upjohn Co., 1948-1951
Urey, Harold C., 1941 See also same series Second International Congress of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
U.S. News & World Report, 1948-1955
Vachon, Fran (Mrs. Robert J.), 1950
Valentine, Alan, 1947-1952
Vallarta, Manuel Sandoval, 1939-1946
BOX 115 Van Atta, L. C., 1940-1947
Van de Graaff, R. J., 1939
Van Doren, Carl, 1948
Van Evera, B. C., 1952
Van Hollen, Christopher, 1946
Van Norman Co., 1951
van Stirum, John, 1941
van Vliet, C., 1950
Vandegrift, A. A., 1947
Vandenberg, Arthur H., 1949
Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 1949
Vanderbilt, Paul, 1937
Vaughan, T. Wayland, 1949
Veblen, Oswald, 1939
Velander, Edy, 1944-1949
Velie, Lester, 1943
Vermilye, William M., 1939-1941
Ver Planck, D. W., 1938
Veterans Administration, 1949-1955
Victor Machinery Exchange, 1949
Victory, John F., 1943-1950
Victory Bulletin, 1944
Viking Press, 1952-1954 For additional material see same series Algase, Gertrude
Vilstrup, A., 1939
Vinoy Park Hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla., 1953
Vinson, Carl, 1949
Vinti, John P., 1950
Virginia Academy of Science, 1942
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va., 1939
Virginia, University of See same series University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., 1947-1950
Visson, Andre, 1951
Vital Speeches, 1939-1941
von Karman, Theodore, 1938-1952
Von Neumann, John, 1950
Voorhees, Tracy S., 1950-1955 See same series Committee on the Present Danger
(3 folders)
BOX 116 Voorhies, Hugh Gordon, 1954
Voss, Walter C., 1939-1953
W. C. & A. N. Miller Development Co., 1953-1955
W. H. Nichols Co., 1945
W. W. Norton & Co., 1950-1953
Wachsmann, Herbert, 1941-1951
Wadsworth, Eliot, 1946
Wadsworth, James W., 1946-1952
Wagner, K. W., 1951
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