The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
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General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Webster, William, 1949-1950
BOX 118 Weco Corp., 1947
Wedemeyer, Albert C., 1952
Weed, Lewis H., 1940-1947
Weeks, B. M., 1952
Weeks, Edward, 1944-1955 See also same series Atlantic Monthly
Weeks, Sinclair, 1954
Weigert, 1938
Weil, George L., 1952
Weil, Thomas A., 1950
Wein, Samuel, 1940
Weinberg, Sidney, 1951
Weizmann, Chaim, 1952
Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., 1946
Wellman, Hugh H., 1939
Wells, David Q., 1946
Wenger, J. N., 1937-1947
Wenley, A. G., 1946
Wensel, Henry Theodore, 1948-1952
Wentworth, R. A., 1938-1951
Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1944-1952
West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va., 1942-1950
Westergaard, Harald M., 1939-1943
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1948
Western Society of Engineers, 1947-1954 See also same series Washington Award
Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., 1947-1948
Wetmore, Alexander, 1939-1949
Wetzel, W. W., 1953
Weyl, J. Joachim, 1955
Whalen, Grover A., 1948
Wheat, Carl I., 1947
Wheeler, John A., 1942-1945
Wheeler, Peter W., 1945
Wheeler, W. H., Jr. See same series Business Advisory Council
Whipple, Allen O., 1945
Whipple, J. Van H., 1945
Whitaker, Douglas, 1951
White, Mrs. A. D., 1946
White, Bert H., 1940
White, Jesse F., 1951
White, Joe, 1949
White, Lawrence Grant, 1946
White, Merritt O., 1941
White, Peregrine, 1952
White, William Russell, 1952
White (S. S.) Dental Manufacturing Co. See same series S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co.
BOX 119 White House, 1940-1953
Whitehead, J. B., 1937-1939
Whitelaw, George P., 1951
Whitelaw, Robert, 1939
Whiting, Richard, 1946
Whitman, Vernon E., 1951
Whitman, Walter G., 1939-1953
Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash., 1946
Who Knows, 1947
Who's Important in Education, 1945
Who's Important in Government, 1946
Who's Important in Science, 1946
Who's Who in America, 1939-1948
Who's Who in American Aviation, 1939
Who's Who in Aviation, 1941
Who's Who in Commerce and Industry, 1946-1947
Who's Who in Engineering, 1941
Who's Who in Massachusetts, 1939
Who's Who in the East, 1941-1947
Who's Who in the Western Hemisphere, 1941-1943
Who's Who in Transportation and Communication, 1941-1942
Who's Who International, 1943
Wickenden, William E., 1939-1944
Wickett, Fred A., 1948
Wiener, Norbert, 1939-1943
Wiesner, Jerome B., 1949-1955
Wiess, Harry C., 1945
Wiggins, A. Lee M., 1955
Wigglesworth, Richard B., 1953
Wilburn, J. B., 1937
Wilburn, Ray Lyman, 1940
Wilcox, P. W., 1954
Wildes, Karl L., 1937-1946
Wiley (John) & Sons See same series John Wiley & Sons
Wiley, Robert A., 1945
Wilford, E. Burke, 1948-1955
Wilkes, Gilbert, 1944
Wilkey, Reginald O., 1945
Willard, Rathburn, 1937-1949
Willard & Walker, 1950
Willcutt, Frederick W., 1943
Willett, Wendell M., 1953
William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va., 1948-1950
William Mills & Son, 1948
William Sloane Associates, 1950-1951
William Morrow and Co., 1949-1954
BOX 120 Williams, C. C., 1944-1947
Williams, Charles A., 1938-1939
Williams, Harrison A., 1949
Williams, Ira Jewell, 1949
Williams, J. T., 1948
Williams, P. A., 1944
Williams, Philip A., Jr., 1942
Williams, R. R., 1945
Williams, Roger J., 1947-1948
Williams, Roy F., 1938
Williams, S. Clay, 1947
Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., 1941
Williamson, Alice B., 1946
Williamson, Floyd E., 1939 See also same series Boston University, Boston, Mass.
Williamson, Jayo, 1953
Williamson, Robert R., 1948
Willis, Bailey, 1939
Willis, H. Hugh, 1940-1953
Williston, David W., 1946
Willson, Corwin, 1946
Wilson, Carroll L., 1940-1955 See also same series Research Corp.
(2 folders)
Wilson, Charles E., 1955
Wilson, E. Bright, Jr., 1952
Wilson, Edwin B., 1938-1951
Wilson (H. W.) Co. See same series H. W. Wilson Co.
Wilson, Hester, 1950
Wilson, Leon T., 1951-1954
Wilson, Leroy A., 1949
Wilson, Lloyd B., 1947
Wilson, M. L., 1939
Wilson, Robert E., 1944-1955
(2 folders)
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