The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Who's Who in Massachusetts, 1939
Who's Who in the East, 1941-1947
Who's Who in the Western Hemisphere, 1941-1943
Who's Who in Transportation and Communication, 1941-1942
Who's Who International, 1943
Wickenden, William E., 1939-1944
Wickett, Fred A., 1948
Wiener, Norbert, 1939-1943
Wiesner, Jerome B., 1949-1955
Wiess, Harry C., 1945
Wiggins, A. Lee M., 1955
Wigglesworth, Richard B., 1953
Wilburn, J. B., 1937
Wilburn, Ray Lyman, 1940
Wilcox, P. W., 1954
Wildes, Karl L., 1937-1946
Wiley (John) & Sons See same series John Wiley & Sons
Wiley, Robert A., 1945
Wilford, E. Burke, 1948-1955
Wilkes, Gilbert, 1944
Wilkey, Reginald O., 1945
Willard, Rathburn, 1937-1949
Willard & Walker, 1950
Willcutt, Frederick W., 1943
Willett, Wendell M., 1953
William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va., 1948-1950
William Mills & Son, 1948
William Sloane Associates, 1950-1951
William Morrow and Co., 1949-1954
BOX 120 Williams, C. C., 1944-1947
Williams, Charles A., 1938-1939
Williams, Harrison A., 1949
Williams, Ira Jewell, 1949
Williams, J. T., 1948
Williams, P. A., 1944
Williams, Philip A., Jr., 1942
Williams, R. R., 1945
Williams, Roger J., 1947-1948
Williams, Roy F., 1938
Williams, S. Clay, 1947
Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., 1941
Williamson, Alice B., 1946
Williamson, Floyd E., 1939 See also same series Boston University, Boston, Mass.
Williamson, Jayo, 1953
Williamson, Robert R., 1948
Willis, Bailey, 1939
Willis, H. Hugh, 1940-1953
Williston, David W., 1946
Willson, Corwin, 1946
Wilson, Carroll L., 1940-1955 See also same series Research Corp.
(2 folders)
Wilson, Charles E., 1955
Wilson, E. Bright, Jr., 1952
Wilson, Edwin B., 1938-1951
Wilson (H. W.) Co. See same series H. W. Wilson Co.
Wilson, Hester, 1950
Wilson, Leon T., 1951-1954
Wilson, Leroy A., 1949
Wilson, Lloyd B., 1947
Wilson, M. L., 1939
Wilson, Robert E., 1944-1955
(2 folders)
Wilson, Stanley, 1954-1955
BOX 121 Wiman, Virginia, undated
Winant House, London, England, 1951
Wings Club, 1945
Winnek, Douglas, 1954
Winship, Theodore, 1952-1954
Winslow, C. E. A., 1939
Winslow, Guy M., 1938
Wiren, Alexis R., 1940
Wisconsin, University of See same series University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1948-1954
Wise, Edmund M., 1947-1955
Wise, Robert E., 1937
Wiswall, Paul M., 1938-1947
Witmer, George S., 1938
Wohlford, Pauline, 1946
Wolff, Harold G., 1954
Wolff, Joseph A., 1946
Women's National Press Club, 1950
Women's Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1946
Woo, Y. H., 1947
Wood, Elizabeth Ogden, 1939
Wood, Henry A. Wise, 1939
Wood, Lawrence I., 1940
Wood, Richardson, 1948-1949
Woodbury, Charles G., 1943
Woodbury, David O., 1939-1946
Woodhull, S. T., 1942
Woods, Baldwin M., 1939-1946
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1941-1946
Woodworth, G. Wallace, 1940
Wooton, Paul, 1946
Worchester, Henry E., 1940-1948
Workman, E. J., 1951
World Trade Foundation, 1946
Worthy, James C., 1955
BOX 122 Wrather, William E., 1951
Wren, Frank G., 1939
Wright, Charles, undated
Wright, E. A., 1946
Wright (E. T.) and Co. See same series E. T. Wright and Co.
Wright, Ernest Hunter, 1944
Wright, Fred E., 1945
Wright, Jerauld, 1954
Wright, L. Austin, 1943
Wright, T. P., 1947-1953
Wright Aeronautical Corp., 1941 See also same series Nutt, Arthur
Wriston, Henry M. See same series Brown University
Wulff, John, 1939-1941
Wyatt, Kenneth S., 1937-1954
Wylie, C. C., 1940
Wyman, Edwin T., 1937-1944
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., 1953
Yale Political Union, 1946
Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1942-1949
Yao, S. S., 1955
Yardeny, Michel N., 1948-1954
Yeagley, John D., 1946
Yerkes, Robert M., 1943
Young, Bradley H., 1947
Young, Louis H., 1947-1953
Young Republican National Federation, 1947
Yucatan, governor of, 1939
Zacharias, Jerrold R., 1948-1950
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