The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vannevar Bush papers, 1901-1974
Some or all content stored offsite.
General Correspondence, 1936-1955 (continued)
Brode, Wallace R., 1946
Bronk, Detlev, 1946-1954
Brooking, J. W., 1947-1948
Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1940-1946
(2 folders)
Brooklyn Polytechnic Alumni Association See same series Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Brooklyn, Polytechnic Institute of See same series Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
BOX 16 Brooks, E. P., 1939-1953
Brooks, Paul, 1944
Brown, Bruce, 1948
Brown, Charles F., 1947-1952
Brown, Gordon S., 1939-1954
Brown, Harry Gunnison, 1950
Brown, James M., 1945
Brown, John Nicholas, 1947
Brown, Leslie O., 1948
Brown, Levi Stanley, 1943
Brown, Lewis H., 1950
Brown, Michael J., 1949
Brown University, Providence, R.I., 1939-1952
Browne, Ken, 1951
Brownrigg, William, 1952-1953
Brulatour (J. E.) Inc. See same series J. E. Brulatour Inc.
Brune, Otto, 1952
Bruyn, Gertrude V., 1940
Bryant, Harold C., 1940-1941
Bryant, May, 1942
Bryson, Lyman, 1946
Buck, Pearl S., 1945
BOX 17 Buckley, Oliver E., 1940-1952
Buerger, Martin J., 1939-1950
Buffalo, University of, Alumni Association See same series University of Buffalo Alumni Association
Buffalo, University of See same series University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y.
Buhl Foundation, 1939
Bullene, E. F., 1952
Bullis, Harry A., 1950-1954
Bullitt, Mrs. Orville H., 1944
Bullock, Charles, 1954
Bullock, Hugh, 1954
Bullock, W. C., 1954
Bumpus, H. C., 1939-1940
Bundy, Harvey H., 1941
Bundy, McGeorge, 1953-1955
Bunker, John W. M., 1939-1950 See also same series American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Bunkley, J. W., 1947
Burch, Charles W., 1946
Burchard, John E., 1941-1954
(2 folders)
Burdell, Edwin S., 1948-1951
Burden, W. Douglas, 1946
Burden, William A. M., 1944-1951
Bureau of Standards, 1942-1951
(2 folders)
Burgan, Meyer M., 1949
Burgess, W. Randolph, 1945-1952
Burgess Battery Co., 1949
Burington, Richard S., 1940-1949
BOX 18 Burke, William J., 1947
Burks, Barbara S., 1939
Burlew, John S., 1947
Burnham, R. P., Jr., 1952
Burns, Ross, 1951
Burns, Stanley L. 1954
Burrow, Trigant, 1948-1949
Burton, Harold H., 1945
Bush, Mrs. E. L. H., 1950
Bush, Homer M., 1949
Bush, S. P., 1945
Bushnell Congregational Church, Detroit, Mich., 1946
Business Advisory Council, 1945-1950
(2 folders)
Business Bulletin, 1941
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1944
Byrnes, James F., 1947-1948
Cabot, Godfrey L., 1939-1955
(2 folders)
Cabot, Thomas D., 1943-1954
Caldwell, Samuel H., 1939-1954
(2 folders)
BOX 19 Calesco Corp., 1940
California Earthworm Farms, 1941
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., 1946
California, University of See same series University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
Cambridge School, Kendall Green, Mass., 1939
Cambridge, University of See same series University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Cammerer, Arno B., 1939-1940
Campbell, Donald P., 1951
Cancer research legislation, 1947
Cannon, Clarence, 1945-1955
Cape & Vineyard Electric Co., 1951
Capen, Norman, 1949
Capen, Samuel P., 1950
Capital Cadillac Co., 1940
Carlisle, William H., Jr., 1954
Carlson, Harry J., 1943
Carlstrom, Robert E., 1953
Carmichael, Leonard, 1939-1954 See also same series Tufts College, and Smithsonian Institution
(5 folders)
BOX 20 Carmichael, Oliver C., 1949-1953
Carnegie, Mrs. Andrew, 1942-1944
Carnegie Corp. of New York, 1944-1955
(6 folders)
BOX 21 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1943-1955
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1943-1953
Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., 1940
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1944-1949
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.
(11 folders)
BOX 22 1953-1956
(3 folders)
Carpenter, Donald F., 1948-1955
Carpenter, Thorne M., 1942
Carpenter Steel Co., 1950
Carr, Stanly, 1941
Carroll, George A., 1949
Carruthers, John F., 1949-1955
Carruthers, John F., Jr., 1948
Carstensen, Viggo, 1949
Carter, Edward J., 1943
Carver, Alvin, 1947
Case, Ralph B., 1947-1948
Case School of Applied Science, 1947-1953
Caslon Press, 1939-1945
Cassidy, James E., 1947
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