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J. Robert Oppenheimer papers, 1799-1980

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General Case File, 1799-1967 (continued)
Cornish, Edward and Robert, Spaceboard Game Co., 1950
Cornog, Robert, 1947-1949
Coryell, Charles D., 1945-1954
Cougnard, Jérôme, 1948
Council on Atomic Implications, 1950-1962
Council on Higher Education in the American Republics
Lima, Peru, 1963-1965
Mexico, 1962-1963
BOX 29 Coral Gables conference, Coral Gables, Fla., 1964-1967
(2 folders)
Courant, Richard C., 1945-1954
Crytser, Robert and Glenda, 1961-1966
Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace, 1948-1949
Curtis, Charles P., 1954-1957
Cushman, Robert E., 1949
“D” miscellaneous, 1945-1967
(5 folders)
Dale, Ted, 1953-1966
BOX 30 Dancoff (Martha) Fund, 1952
Dancoff, Sidney, 1949-1951
Daniel, Cuthbert, 1947-1949
Daniels, Farrington, 1950-1951
Dauer, Dorothea W., 1955 See also Container 76, Watanabe, Michael S.
Daughters, Charles, 1949
Davis, Robert, 1948-1954
Dean, Gordon
Correspondence, 1950-1966
(2 folders)
Speeches and lectures, 1949-1952
To commission, 1950
To press, 1950-1953
de Kauffmann, Henrik, 1949-1958
de Menasce, Jean P., 1951-1958
Democratic Advisory Committee, 1959
Dennes, William R., 1943-1962
Denver, University of, Denver, Colo., 1950-1951
de Rose, François
Auger notes, 1949-1966
Correspondence, 1947-1950
Parodi notes, 1949
Publications, undated
Deser, Stanley, 1955-1964
de Silva, Peer, 1944-1948
Deutsch, Monroe E., 1945-1955
DeWitt, Bryce Seligman, 1954-1967
Didesheim family, 1949
Dirac, Paul A. M., 1949-1965
BOX 31 Dodson, Richard, 1946-1951
Dole, Vincent P., 1945-1957
Donzelot, Pierre, 1956-1957
Douglas, William O., 1962
Dow, David, 1945-1954
Dublin conference, Dublin, Ireland, 1965
DuBridge, Lee A.
Correspondence, 1945-1963
Speeches and articles, 1947-1953
Dulles, Allen Welsh, 1952-1953
DuMond, Jessie, 1948-1966
Durr, Clifford, 1948-1952
Dyshel, Benjamin H., 1956-1960
Dyson, Freeman, 1954-1966
“E” miscellaneous, 1942-1966
(2 folders)
Earle, Edward M., 1951-1963
Eastern Theoretical Physics Conference, 1962-1966
(2 folders)
Eaton, Cyrus S., 1957-1963
BOX 32 Echo Lake Symposium on Cosmic Rays, Echo Lake, Colo., 1949
Edsall, John T., 1947-1966
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), 1945-1959
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1949-1953
Eliot, George Fielding, 1947
Eliot, T. S., 1954-1956
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 1954
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 1946-1949
Errera, Jacques, 1940-1963
European Organization for Nuclear Research See Container 26, CERN
Evans, Ward V., 1955-1956
“F” miscellaneous, 1945-1966
(4 folders)
BOX 33 Farrar, Clyde, 1948-1953
Feer, Daniel B., 1949-1951
Feis, Herbert, 1952-1966
Feldman, David, 1950-1957
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1945-1951
Fergusson, Francis, 1947-1967
Fermi, Enrico, 1943-1952
Fermi Medal Fund, 1951-1963
Ferry group, 1964
Ferry meeting
Arrangements, 1963-1964
Documentation, 1963
Feynman, Richard P., 1946-1961
Fidler, H. A., 1948-1949
Field, Richard M., 1948-1959
Fieldston School, New York, N.Y., 1952
Finkelstein, Robert, 1955-1957
Finney, Nat, 1947-1950
Fischer, Louis, 1963-1966
Fisk, James, 1948
BOX 34 Fleming, H. K., 1951
Flexner, Abraham, 1948-1957
Foldy, Leslie L., 1949-1964
Ford Foundation, 1948-1952
Fortune, 1945-1957
Frankfurter, Felix, 1947-1965
Frankfurter-Bohr papers, 1943-1962
Frederika, Queen, consort of Paul I, King of the Hellenes, 1960
Freistadt, Hans, 1949-1951
Frenkel-Brunswick, Elsa, 1952-1953
Frey, O., 1949-1951
Friedrich, W. G., 1957-1961
Friendly, Alfred, 1949
Friendly, Fred, 1963-1967
Fulton, John F., 1954-1959
Fund for the Republic, 1958
Furman, Robert R., 1943-1944
BOX 35 “G” miscellaneous, 1944-1967
(5 folders)
Galileo Conference, Italy, 1964
Galpin, Perrin, 1957-1966
Gamow, George, 1948-1956
Gandhi, Indira, 1966
Gardner, Trevor, undated
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