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J. Robert Oppenheimer papers, 1799-1980

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Government File, 1942-1954 (continued)
Atomic Energy Commission General Advisory Committee
Abstracting of papers, 1950-1951
Appointments, 1947-1952
Atomic power, 1948
Budget, 1950-1951
Correction notices, 1949-1952
BOX 176 Defense Department representatives, 1949
Distribution of papers, 1947-1950
Establishment and function, 1948
Fellowship program, 1949
Information, 1946-1952
Mailing addresses, 1949-1951
Meeting arrangements, 1947-1952
Office space, 1948-1952
Oppenheimer to members, 1948-1950
Personnel policy, 1947
Radioisotopes, 1947
Reactors for research, 1947
Report to president, 1947-1952
(2 folders)
Schedules for meetings, 1947
Subcommittees, 1950
Travel, 1948-1949
BOX 177 Atomic explosions, 1950
Atomic weapons handbook, 1949
Bevatron, proposal of the University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 1948
Biological warfare, Oppenheimer's note on, Undated
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., 1947-1952
(4 folders)
BOX 178 California Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., 1949-1950
California, University of, Berkeley, Calif., budget, 1947-1948
Certificates of destruction, 1946-1952
Civil defense, 1950
Classification grades, 1949
Clearance procedures, 1948-1954
Clearance reports, 1947-1954
Colby, Walter F., correspondence
General, 1948-1953
Kluych, Alex R., 1949
Communist organizations, attorney general's list, 1950-1954
Criteria for determining eligibility for personnel, 1948
Crossroads, Joint Chiefs of Staff Evaluation Board, 1945-1953
Dupont survey, 1949
Eniwetok tests, 1947-1952
BOX 179 General receipts
Incoming, 1945-1954
(9 folders)
BOX 180 Miscellaneous, 1943-1955
(5 folders)
Outgoing, 1946-1954
(9 folders)
BOX 181 Hartwell report, 1950
Harwell Declassification Conference, Harwell, England, 1948-1949
Interdepartmental Science Committee, 1949-1953
Isotopes, 1947-1949
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, 1947-1949
Joint Research and Development Board, 1946-1947
BOX 182 Los Alamos Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.Mex.
Accounting for documents, 1946-1950
Addenda, 1949
Challenger, Helen F., 1949-1951
Correction notices, 1947-1952
Correspondence, 1942-1946
Declassified documents, 1947-1948
Downgrading notices, 1947-1952
(7 folders)
Errata, 1949
BOX 183 History, 1945-1947, 1961
Inventory of documents, 1945-1949
(2 folders)
Investigation of property accounts, 1947
Receipts, 1946-1952
(2 folders)
BOX 184 (7 folders)
Reports, 1952
Upgrading, 1950
Military Liaison Committee, 1948-1952
Military Operations Subcommittee, 1954
Miscellaneous printed matter, 1945-1949
National Defense Research Committee, 1944
National Science Foundation, 1948-1952
(4 folders)
BOX 185 (1 folder)
Naval Research Advisory Committee, 1946-1965
(9 folders)
Navy Department, 1948-1951
BOX 186 Neutron-proton scattering, Undated
New Kittigazuit Group, 1952-1953
(2 folders)
Nuclear Advisory Committee, 1946
Nuclear Science Abstracts, 1950-1953
Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1946-1947
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1947-1952
(3 folders)
Office of Science Research and Development, 1943-1946
(2 folders)
Personnel security policy and criteria, 1948-1950
Personnel security questionnaires, 1951-1953
Photographs, atomic bomb, 1951, 1965
Project East River, 1951-1952, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 187 (8 folders)
Project Lincoln, 1952
Project Vista, 1951
Radioactive waste material, 1949
Reactor science and technology, 1951-1953
Registered mail, 1951
Research and Development Board, Committee on Atomic Energy
10-7 Panel, 1949-1952
Ad hoc panel on long-range objectives, 1948-1951
Ad hoc panel on technical estimates, 1950
Agenda, 1947-1952
Appointment of Oppenheimer, 1947-1950
Base Surge Panel, 1949-1953
Directives, 1947-1953
Eisenhower, Dwight D., visit, 1951
BOX 188 Inventory of documents, 1951-1954
Members, 1947-1953
Memoranda, 1947-1953
(2 folders)
Minutes, 1947-1948
Press releases, 1953
Radiological Instrument Panel, 1947
Incoming, 1947-1953
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