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Piccard family papers, circa 1470-1983

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BOX I: 71-80 Part I: Speeches and Writings, 1879-1965
Manuscripts, typescripts, and printed copies of speeches and writings.
Grouped by author or type of material and arranged alphabetically therein.
BOX I: 71 Speeches
Jean Piccard
“The Construction of the Stratospheric Balloon,” 1933
Death of Auguste Piccard, undated
“The Future of Communism,” undated
“How a Free Balloon Is Piloted,” 1933
“The Influence of Stratospheric Research on Tomorrow,” 1957
“The Piloting of the Stratosphere Balloon,” 1933
“Why Do We Go to the Stratosphere?” undated
Jeannette Piccard
“Balloon to the Moon,” undated
“College Education,” undated
Remarks at parish meeting, 1960
Talk to American Institute, Christmas, 1934
Jean Piccard
Holographs and typescripts
“4.4' Dinitro-diphenylamin,” undated
“Absorption Colors of the Second Order,” 1926
“Acoustic Plasticity of Talking Films,” 1927
“Aero-Emphysema, A Problem of Colloid Chemistry,” 1941
“Altitude Coordinator of Compalmeter,” undated
“Apparatus for the Measurement of Diffusion and Leakage of Helium and Air through Plastic Films,” undated
“Avoidance of Midair Collisions,” 1959
(2 folders)
“Balloni,” undated
Balloon clusters, 1946
“Balloons for High Altitude Research Work,” undated
“The Bees, Individualists or Communists?” undated
“Biphenyl Derivatives of Ammonia, p-Phenylenediamine and Benzidine Meri-Quionic Salts,” 1926
“Brief Aus Den Vereinigten Staaten,” undated
“A Century and a Half of Ballooning: 1783-1933,” undated
“Change of Boiling Point of Liquid Oxygen at High Altitudes,” undated
“Chemistry and Life in the Stratosphere and Beyond,” undated
Chemistry, fragment in French, undated
“The Co-eds and the Kite,” undated
“The Color of Trivalent Titanium,” undated
“Combustions,” undated
“Comments on Analytical Methods for the Determination of Sulfur in Urine,” undated
“Commercial Long Distance Flying of the Future,” undated
“The Common Market and Souverenity,” undated
BOX I: 72 “The Compalmeter,” 1955
“Compalmeter Memorandum,” 1958
“The Composite Balloon versus Single Balloon,” 1937
“The Constitution of the Colored Addition Products of Quinones with Phenols and Anilines,” undated
“The Constitution of the Meri-Quinonic Salts, the Prototype of Dyes,” undated
“Coordination of Valency in Organic Chemistry,” 1926
“Critical Radius of Bubbles,” undated
“Dangers of Free Ballooning,” undated
“Derives de la Quinonediimine et Leurs Sels avec Une et Deux Molecules D'Acide,” undated
“Detection of Infernal Machines in Airplane Passenger Baggage,” undated
“Detection of the Last Traces of Basicity in Organic Compounds,” undated
“Diazodinitrophenol for Percussion Caps,” undated
“Dimethy-Dipenyl-p-Phenylenediamine and Color of Mono-Salts and Di-Salts of Holo-Quinonic Compounds,” 1926
“Disclosure of Two-Speed Altimeter,” undated
“Diverse Laboratoruimapparate,” undated
“Drag Rope and Anchor,” undated
“A Drastic Saponification Method for Difficultly Saponifiable Esters, undated
“Les Dunes du Lac Michigan,” 1916
“The Dwarf of Annivier,” undated
Education, undated
(2 folders)
“Die Eiserne [?]äule von Dehli,” undated
“Eleven Miles High and Why,” undated
“Erosion Phenomena,” undated
“Etimology [sic] in Science,” undated
“Exploration by Balloon,” 1936
(2 folders)
“Exploration of the Stratosphere,” undated
“Exploration of the Stratosphere over Chicago,” undated
“Extrapolation of Various Physical Phenomena into the Region of Low G,” undated
“Fighting of Fog over Airfields,” 1952
“Fire Hazard in Airplanes,” 1960
“Flights with Composite Balloons,” undated
“The Four Phenomena Which May Make an Object Visible,” undated
BOX I: 73 Geometry, undated
“The Gondola of the Stratospheric Balloon,” 1933
“Graveyard in the Mountains,” poem, undated
“A Hazardous Balloon Landing,” undated
“Human Electrolysis,” undated
“Improvement in Optical Telegraphy,” undated
“Improvement in Radio Sounding Balloons: A Short Cycle Radio Meteorosonde,” with Harold Larson, undated
“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” undated
“Integration of Time Times Acceleration,” undated
“January 28, 1884,” undated
“Learning,” undated
“Legendes de Pays Helvetiques,” undated
“Letter to a Young Friend of Mine Who Is a Conscientious Objector,” undated
“Loss of Lifting Force by Leakage of Lifting Gas,” 1947
“Mathematical Treatment of the Theory of the Unwinding Coil and the Rocket,” undated
“Means of Exploring the Upper Atmosphere,” undated
“Mein Zwillingbruder Auguste Piccard,” 1962
“A Method for Reducing the Danger of Accidental Outbreak of Atomic War,” 1960
“Minimum Ventilation of Sealed Aircraft Compartments,” undated
“Modern Science and the English Language,” undated
“Mrs. Crazy,” undated
“Mysteries of the Stratosphere,” undated
“Natural Science and Communism,” undated
“The Need for Regulation of Liquid Nitrogen as a Defense against Sabotage,” undated
“New York,” poem, undated
“The Nitration of Triphenylamine,” 1929
“On the Formation of Emeraldine and Aniline Black on Wool,” undated
“On Two Islands,” 1935
“One More Argument against War,” undated
“Organic Ultimate Analysis,” 1919
“Our Stratosphere Flight,” undated
“Our 'Trip to the Moon,'” by Betty Anderson as told to Jean Piccard, undated
“Le Père Décide,” undated
BOX I: 74 “Photo-Electric Device for Prevention of Air Plane Collisions,” 1958
“Physics Made Easy,” edited by Jean Piccard, undated
“Piccard Stratosphere Flight,” press release, 1934
“Plans for Future Stratosphere Exploration,” undated
Poems in German, undated
“Pont Wheatstone pour Courant Alternatif,” undated
“Principles and Uses of Air Craft Instruments,” undated
“The Problem of n Points in the Space,” undated
“The Problems of A High Altitude Balloon Flight,” undated
“Problems of the Stratosphere,” undated
(3 folders)
“Proposal for a Stratosphere Flight to an Altitude of 95,000 to 100,000 Feet,” 1947
“Proposed 100-Balloon Stratosphere Flight,” undated
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