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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part I: Speeches and Writings, 1879-1965 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“The Future of Communism,” undated | |||||||||||||
“How a Free Balloon Is Piloted,” 1933 | |||||||||||||
“The Influence of Stratospheric Research on Tomorrow,” 1957 | |||||||||||||
“The Piloting of the Stratosphere Balloon,” 1933 | |||||||||||||
“Why Do We Go to the Stratosphere?” undated | |||||||||||||
Jeannette Piccard | |||||||||||||
“Balloon to the Moon,” undated | |||||||||||||
“College Education,” undated | |||||||||||||
Remarks at parish meeting, 1960 | |||||||||||||
Talk to American Institute, Christmas, 1934 | |||||||||||||
Writings | |||||||||||||
Jean Piccard | |||||||||||||
Bibliographies | |||||||||||||
Holographs and typescripts | |||||||||||||
“4.4' Dinitro-diphenylamin,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Absorption Colors of the Second Order,” 1926 | |||||||||||||
“Acoustic Plasticity of Talking Films,” 1927 | |||||||||||||
“Aero-Emphysema, A Problem of Colloid Chemistry,” 1941 | |||||||||||||
“Altitude Coordinator of Compalmeter,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Apparatus for the Measurement of Diffusion and Leakage of Helium and Air through Plastic Films,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Avoidance of Midair Collisions,” 1959 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Balloni,” undated | |||||||||||||
Balloon clusters, 1946 | |||||||||||||
“Balloons for High Altitude Research Work,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Bees, Individualists or Communists?” undated | |||||||||||||
“Biphenyl Derivatives of Ammonia, p-Phenylenediamine and Benzidine Meri-Quionic Salts,” 1926 | |||||||||||||
“Brief Aus Den Vereinigten Staaten,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Century and a Half of Ballooning: 1783-1933,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Change of Boiling Point of Liquid Oxygen at High Altitudes,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Chemistry and Life in the Stratosphere and Beyond,” undated | |||||||||||||
Chemistry, fragment in French, undated | |||||||||||||
“The Co-eds and the Kite,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Color of Trivalent Titanium,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Combustions,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Comments on Analytical Methods for the Determination of Sulfur in Urine,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Commercial Long Distance Flying of the Future,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Common Market and Souverenity,” undated | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 72 | “The Compalmeter,” 1955 | ||||||||||||
“Compalmeter Memorandum,” 1958 | |||||||||||||
“The Composite Balloon versus Single Balloon,” 1937 | |||||||||||||
“The Constitution of the Colored Addition Products of Quinones with Phenols and Anilines,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Constitution of the Meri-Quinonic Salts, the Prototype of Dyes,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Coordination of Valency in Organic Chemistry,” 1926 | |||||||||||||
“Critical Radius of Bubbles,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dangers of Free Ballooning,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Derives de la Quinonediimine et Leurs Sels avec Une et Deux Molecules D'Acide,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Detection of Infernal Machines in Airplane Passenger Baggage,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Detection of the Last Traces of Basicity in Organic Compounds,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Diazodinitrophenol for Percussion Caps,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dimethy-Dipenyl-p-Phenylenediamine and Color of Mono-Salts and Di-Salts of Holo-Quinonic Compounds,” 1926 | |||||||||||||
“Disclosure of Two-Speed Altimeter,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Diverse Laboratoruimapparate,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Drag Rope and Anchor,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Drastic Saponification Method for Difficultly Saponifiable Esters, undated | |||||||||||||
“Les Dunes du Lac Michigan,” 1916 | |||||||||||||
“The Dwarf of Annivier,” undated | |||||||||||||
Education, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Die Eiserne [?]äule von Dehli,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Eleven Miles High and Why,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Erosion Phenomena,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Etimology [sic] in Science,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Exploration by Balloon,” 1936 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Exploration of the Stratosphere,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Exploration of the Stratosphere over Chicago,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Extrapolation of Various Physical Phenomena into the Region of Low G,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Fighting of Fog over Airfields,” 1952 | |||||||||||||
“Fire Hazard in Airplanes,” 1960 | |||||||||||||
“Flights with Composite Balloons,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Four Phenomena Which May Make an Object Visible,” undated | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 73 | Geometry, undated | ||||||||||||
“The Gondola of the Stratospheric Balloon,” 1933 | |||||||||||||
“Graveyard in the Mountains,” poem, undated | |||||||||||||
“A Hazardous Balloon Landing,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Human Electrolysis,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Improvement in Optical Telegraphy,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Improvement in Radio Sounding Balloons: A Short Cycle Radio Meteorosonde,” with Harold Larson, undated | |||||||||||||
“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Integration of Time Times Acceleration,” undated | |||||||||||||
“January 28, 1884,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Learning,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Legendes de Pays Helvetiques,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Letter to a Young Friend of Mine Who Is a Conscientious Objector,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Loss of Lifting Force by Leakage of Lifting Gas,” 1947 | |||||||||||||
“Mathematical Treatment of the Theory of the Unwinding Coil and the Rocket,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Means of Exploring the Upper Atmosphere,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Mein Zwillingbruder Auguste Piccard,” 1962 | |||||||||||||
“A Method for Reducing the Danger of Accidental Outbreak of Atomic War,” 1960 | |||||||||||||
“Minimum Ventilation of Sealed Aircraft Compartments,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Modern Science and the English Language,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Mrs. Crazy,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Mysteries of the Stratosphere,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Natural Science and Communism,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Need for Regulation of Liquid Nitrogen as a Defense against Sabotage,” undated | |||||||||||||
“New York,” poem, undated | |||||||||||||
“The Nitration of Triphenylamine,” 1929 | |||||||||||||
“On the Formation of Emeraldine and Aniline Black on Wool,” undated | |||||||||||||
“On Two Islands,” 1935 | |||||||||||||
“One More Argument against War,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Organic Ultimate Analysis,” 1919 | |||||||||||||
“Our Stratosphere Flight,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Our 'Trip to the Moon,'” by Betty Anderson as told to Jean Piccard, undated | |||||||||||||
“Le Père Décide,” undated | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 74 | “Photo-Electric Device for Prevention of Air Plane Collisions,” 1958 | ||||||||||||
“Physics Made Easy,” edited by Jean Piccard, undated | |||||||||||||
“Piccard Stratosphere Flight,” press release, 1934 | |||||||||||||
“Plans for Future Stratosphere Exploration,” undated | |||||||||||||
Poems in German, undated | |||||||||||||
“Pont Wheatstone pour Courant Alternatif,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Principles and Uses of Air Craft Instruments,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Problem of n Points in the Space,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Problems of A High Altitude Balloon Flight,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Problems of the Stratosphere,” undated | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Proposal for a Stratosphere Flight to an Altitude of 95,000 to 100,000 Feet,” 1947 | |||||||||||||
“Proposed 100-Balloon Stratosphere Flight,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Rare Celestial Phenomenon,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Relative Value of the Sand Test, the Insensitive Dynamite Test, and Other Tests,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Resistance Wire to Be Used in the Chemical Laboratory,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Results of Experiments with and Possibilities of the Multiple Balloon Aircraft,” 1937 | |||||||||||||
“Results of Our Stratosphere Flight,” 1934 | |||||||||||||
“Eine Rheinfahrt,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Role of the High School in Education,” undated | |||||||||||||
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