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Piccard family papers, circa 1470-1983

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Part I: Speeches and Writings, 1879-1965 (continued)
BOX I: 73 Geometry, undated
“The Gondola of the Stratospheric Balloon,” 1933
“Graveyard in the Mountains,” poem, undated
“A Hazardous Balloon Landing,” undated
“Human Electrolysis,” undated
“Improvement in Optical Telegraphy,” undated
“Improvement in Radio Sounding Balloons: A Short Cycle Radio Meteorosonde,” with Harold Larson, undated
“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” undated
“Integration of Time Times Acceleration,” undated
“January 28, 1884,” undated
“Learning,” undated
“Legendes de Pays Helvetiques,” undated
“Letter to a Young Friend of Mine Who Is a Conscientious Objector,” undated
“Loss of Lifting Force by Leakage of Lifting Gas,” 1947
“Mathematical Treatment of the Theory of the Unwinding Coil and the Rocket,” undated
“Means of Exploring the Upper Atmosphere,” undated
“Mein Zwillingbruder Auguste Piccard,” 1962
“A Method for Reducing the Danger of Accidental Outbreak of Atomic War,” 1960
“Minimum Ventilation of Sealed Aircraft Compartments,” undated
“Modern Science and the English Language,” undated
“Mrs. Crazy,” undated
“Mysteries of the Stratosphere,” undated
“Natural Science and Communism,” undated
“The Need for Regulation of Liquid Nitrogen as a Defense against Sabotage,” undated
“New York,” poem, undated
“The Nitration of Triphenylamine,” 1929
“On the Formation of Emeraldine and Aniline Black on Wool,” undated
“On Two Islands,” 1935
“One More Argument against War,” undated
“Organic Ultimate Analysis,” 1919
“Our Stratosphere Flight,” undated
“Our 'Trip to the Moon,'” by Betty Anderson as told to Jean Piccard, undated
“Le Père Décide,” undated
BOX I: 74 “Photo-Electric Device for Prevention of Air Plane Collisions,” 1958
“Physics Made Easy,” edited by Jean Piccard, undated
“Piccard Stratosphere Flight,” press release, 1934
“Plans for Future Stratosphere Exploration,” undated
Poems in German, undated
“Pont Wheatstone pour Courant Alternatif,” undated
“Principles and Uses of Air Craft Instruments,” undated
“The Problem of n Points in the Space,” undated
“The Problems of A High Altitude Balloon Flight,” undated
“Problems of the Stratosphere,” undated
(3 folders)
“Proposal for a Stratosphere Flight to an Altitude of 95,000 to 100,000 Feet,” 1947
“Proposed 100-Balloon Stratosphere Flight,” undated
“A Rare Celestial Phenomenon,” undated
“The Relative Value of the Sand Test, the Insensitive Dynamite Test, and Other Tests,” undated
“A Resistance Wire to Be Used in the Chemical Laboratory,” undated
“Results of Experiments with and Possibilities of the Multiple Balloon Aircraft,” 1937
“Results of Our Stratosphere Flight,” 1934
“Eine Rheinfahrt,” undated
“The Role of the High School in Education,” undated
“Shape of and Stresses in a Taped Balloon,” undated
“A Shield against the Glair [sic] Reflected from the Hood,” undated
“The Smile of Helen Keller,” undated
“The Source of Errors in Altitude Determination by the Reading of Barometric Pressure,” undated
“Suggestions for Beginning Research on Methods for Dampening Turbulence on High Speed Missiles and Vessels,” 1954
“Terminal Speed of Spheres Falling through Air,” 1946
BOX I: 75 “Tetranitromethane,” undated
“The Theory of the Equilibrium Temperature of a Body Exposed Simultaneously to Heat Exchange by Radiation and by Convection: Application of the Theory to Some Specific Cases,” circa 1953-circa 1954
“The Theory of Friction: Specifically Lateral Resistance of a Solid Moving through a Gas,” 1952
“Theory of Friction through Fluids,” undated
“Thin Wire Thermometer,” undated
“To the Boys and Girls of the Devil's Lake School for the Deaf,” undated
“Trinitrotriphenylamine,” undated
“Triphenylamine,” undated
“Two Concepts of a School,” 1961
“Über die Farbe von Amino--und Diamino-- Chinonimoniumsalzen,” undated
“Über die Konstitution [?] der Chinlydron und der Meri-Chinoder [?] Salzer,” undated
“Über einen Neuen Colorimeter,” undated
“The Use of Electricity,” undated
“Various Chemical Means for the Production of Gases under Pressure,” undated
“The Voyage of the Pleiades,” undated
“Welded Stratosphere Gondola,” 1938
“What Makes Objects `Visible'?” undated
“When Christmas Time Was Over,” undated
“When I Was a Teener,” undated
“Why a New Flight?” 1946
“Wing Construction,” 1960
World Book Encyclopediaarticle, 1957
BOX I: 76 Printed
“Aero-Emphysema and the Birth of Gas Bubbles,” 1941
“Aromatic Mercure-Organic Derivatives,” with Morris S. Kharasch, 1920
Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft(six articles), 1908
“Construction of Welded Gondolas for Stratospheric Balloons,” 1933
“Couleurs d'Absorption de Second Ordre,” 1922
“Determination of Oxides of Nitrogen (Except Nitrous Oxide) in Low Concentration,” with E. G. Peterson and C. D. Bitting, 1930
“A Drastic Saponification Method for Difficultly Saponifiable Esters,” with W. E. Shaefer, 1938
“Electroïsomérie,” undated
“Erosion Phenomena,” 1954
“Exploration by Balloon,” 1938
“The Flag of Switzerland,” 1941
Gliding,guest editorial, 1944
Helvetica Chimica Acta(seven articles), 1921-1924
“Improvement in Radio-Sounding Balloons: A Short Cycle Radiosonde,” 1939
“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” 1936
Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences(two articles), 1936-1937
Journal of the American Chemical Society(six articles), 1917-1921
Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie(three articles), 1911-1914
Miscellaneous chemistry writings, 1923-1924
“Principles of Flight Instruments,” 1940
“Proceedings of Altimetry Conference,” Conference to Discuss Concepts of Standard Altimeter and Altitude Coordinator, 1960
Publications from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(seven articles), 1926-1928
“Rapport entre la Constitution et la Couleur des Matière Organiques,” 1915
“The Stratosphere,” 1938
“Stratosphere--Super-Highway of the Air,” 1934
“Thin-Wire Thermometer for Radiosondes,” with Harold Larson and John Blomstrand, 1954
“This Is the Time to Move,” 1958
Translation of “Physics and Reality,” by Albert Einstein, 1936
“Über Farben zweiter Ordnung und über chinoide Salze” and “Über die Kolorimetrischen Verdünnungsregeln,” 1914
“Ueber Konstitution und Farbe der Chinonimine,” 1909
“Untersuchungen über das Dimethylpyron,” with Adolf Baeyer, 1914
“Why We Explore the Stratosphere,” 1937
BOX I: 77 Jeannette Piccard
1934 stratosphere flight, press releases, undated
Balloon inflation tests, 1947
Ballooning, 1934
“Betty and Louisa,” 1947
Childhood adventure, undated
Contest entries, undated
“Different But Equal,” undated
“Disclosure of Material to Prevent Water Damage from Roof Leakage,” 1965
Dormitory life, undated
“Education for the Future,” 1959
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