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Piccard family papers, circa 1470-1983

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Part I: Speeches and Writings, 1879-1965 (continued)
Journal of the American Chemical Society(six articles), 1917-1921
Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie(three articles), 1911-1914
Miscellaneous chemistry writings, 1923-1924
“Principles of Flight Instruments,” 1940
“Proceedings of Altimetry Conference,” Conference to Discuss Concepts of Standard Altimeter and Altitude Coordinator, 1960
Publications from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(seven articles), 1926-1928
“Rapport entre la Constitution et la Couleur des Matière Organiques,” 1915
“The Stratosphere,” 1938
“Stratosphere--Super-Highway of the Air,” 1934
“Thin-Wire Thermometer for Radiosondes,” with Harold Larson and John Blomstrand, 1954
“This Is the Time to Move,” 1958
Translation of “Physics and Reality,” by Albert Einstein, 1936
“Über Farben zweiter Ordnung und über chinoide Salze” and “Über die Kolorimetrischen Verdünnungsregeln,” 1914
“Ueber Konstitution und Farbe der Chinonimine,” 1909
“Untersuchungen über das Dimethylpyron,” with Adolf Baeyer, 1914
“Why We Explore the Stratosphere,” 1937
BOX I: 77 Jeannette Piccard
1934 stratosphere flight, press releases, undated
Balloon inflation tests, 1947
Ballooning, 1934
“Betty and Louisa,” 1947
Childhood adventure, undated
Contest entries, undated
“Different But Equal,” undated
“Disclosure of Material to Prevent Water Damage from Roof Leakage,” 1965
Dormitory life, undated
“Education for the Future,” 1959
“Education of Emotionally Disturbed Feeble-Minded Children,” undated
“Every Member Canvass--October 9, 1938,” undated
“Fire,” undated
“Free! A Million Dollars! Free!,” undated
“Grandmother,” undated
“He Taught Me How to Fly,” 1958
“Her Own Small House,” undated
“His Own Wife,” 1938
“The Housing of Married Students at the University of Minnesota, Fall Quarter, 1939-1940, ” Ph.D. thesis, 1942
(6 folders)
BOX I: 78 “I Go by Bus,” undated
“Jack and Ted of Switzerland,” undated
“Jacques Dives to the Bottom of the Sea,” 1958
“Jury Duty--A Personal Experience,” undated
“Kyrie Eleison,” undated
“A Laywoman's Point of View on the Concordat,” undated
“Madman,” undated
“The Murder at Rocky Ledge,” undated
“Our Neighbors,” undated
“Peggie's Baby,” undated
Poems, undated
Proposal for disposable clothing, undated
“A Psychological Factor Associated with the Fire in Apollo 204,” undated
“The Purpose of Learning,” undated
Reader's Digestcontributions, 1953-1957
“Resurrection,” undated
Story of Jimmy, undated
Stratosphere, fragments, undated
“Stratosphere Blue,” 1953
“Thin Ice,” undated
“Till Death,” undated
“To the Bottom of the Sea,” undated
“Too Much Woman,” 1939
“The Traveler,” “The Sinner,” and “The Digger,” 1928
“Twins,” undated
“The Unknown Stratosphere,” undated
“Up Ship,” 1933
“Wasted Women,” 1942
“What Aren't We Doing That We Should Be Doing?” undated
“When I Was A Teener,” undated
“Whither Thou Goest,” undated
“Why I Go to Church,” undated
“Woman in Science,” undated
Untitled stories, undated
(3 folders)
BOX I: 79 Jean and Jeannette Piccard
“Balloon,” 1961
“Ballooning,” poem, 1958
“Buildings Are Not Enough,” 1958
“Chemical Engineering in the Stratosphere,” 1935
“The Constitution of the Meriquinonic Salts, the Prototypes of Dyes,” undated
“Exploring the Stratosphere,” 1935
“For Our Log Book,” undated
“High Schools, Here and Elsewhere,” undated
“Plans for a New Stratosphere Flight,” undated
“The Problem of Complete Separation of Airplanes Flying in Any One Direction,” 1959
“Report on Trip East by Dr. Jean and Dr. Jeannette Piccard,” 1946
“Stratosphere Flight,” undated
“Teaching Method in Engineering,” undated
Jean or Jeannette Piccard
“Born to Be a Queen,” undated
Determining the solubility of salicylic acid in benzene, undated
“An Easter Ceremony in Old Russia,” undated
“The Great Stratosaur,” undated
“How Large Shall One Make Ships and Airships?” undated
“Instinct and Intelligence,” undated
“Is It Really Only 'Coincidence'?” undated
“The Island of Phosphobuma,” undated
“A Letter Which, If Written, Could Have Prevented the Civil War,” undated
“Life Beyond Earth,” 1961
“Men Like to Bow to Their Own Creatures,” undated
“Menagio,” undated
“A Most Embarrassing Moment,” undated
“Our Little Monkey on Elephant Island,” undated
“Our Little Monkey on Lion Island,” undated
“Temperature in a Stratosphere Cabin,” undated
“What the Fairy Told Me: The Story of King Melaleucos,” undated
Untitled and fragmentary, undated
(1 folder)
BOX I: 80 (3 folders)
Other family members
Piccard, Auguste
Ballooning, fragment, undated
“The Exploration of the Lowest Depth of the Ocean,” 1946
“Hypothesis Concerning the Existence of a Volatile Vitamin,” fragment, undated
Miscellaneous published writings, 1917-1933
“Polarisierende Farbstoffe und deren Anwendungen,” undated
“The Rotarian Flag,” undated
Piccard, Jacques, 1957
Piccard, Jules, 1879-1981
Piccard, Marilyn Dickson (wife of John A. Piccard), 1944-1945
Ridlon, Hugh
“At Plattsburg,” undated
“Get 'H.O.T.' on Welding,” 1935
Van Ingen, Margaret
Poems, undated
“Such Troubles,” undated
Unidentified and nonfamily members, 1904-1965, undated
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