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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part I: Speeches and Writings, 1879-1965 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Journal of the American Chemical Society(six articles), 1917-1921 | |||||||||||||
Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie(three articles), 1911-1914 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous chemistry writings, 1923-1924 | |||||||||||||
“Principles of Flight Instruments,” 1940 | |||||||||||||
“Proceedings of Altimetry Conference,” Conference to Discuss Concepts of Standard Altimeter and Altitude Coordinator, 1960 | |||||||||||||
Publications from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(seven articles), 1926-1928 | |||||||||||||
“Rapport entre la Constitution et la Couleur des Matière Organiques,” 1915 | |||||||||||||
“The Stratosphere,” 1938 | |||||||||||||
“Stratosphere--Super-Highway of the Air,” 1934 | |||||||||||||
“Thin-Wire Thermometer for Radiosondes,” with Harold Larson and John Blomstrand, 1954 | |||||||||||||
“This Is the Time to Move,” 1958 | |||||||||||||
Translation of “Physics and Reality,” by Albert Einstein, 1936 | |||||||||||||
“Über Farben zweiter Ordnung und über chinoide Salze” and “Über die Kolorimetrischen Verdünnungsregeln,” 1914 | |||||||||||||
“Ueber Konstitution und Farbe der Chinonimine,” 1909 | |||||||||||||
“Untersuchungen über das Dimethylpyron,” with Adolf Baeyer, 1914 | |||||||||||||
“Why We Explore the Stratosphere,” 1937 | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 77 | Jeannette Piccard | ||||||||||||
1934 stratosphere flight, press releases, undated | |||||||||||||
Balloon inflation tests, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Ballooning, 1934 | |||||||||||||
“Betty and Louisa,” 1947 | |||||||||||||
Childhood adventure, undated | |||||||||||||
Contest entries, undated | |||||||||||||
“Different But Equal,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Disclosure of Material to Prevent Water Damage from Roof Leakage,” 1965 | |||||||||||||
Dormitory life, undated | |||||||||||||
“Education for the Future,” 1959 | |||||||||||||
“Education of Emotionally Disturbed Feeble-Minded Children,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Every Member Canvass--October 9, 1938,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Fire,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Free! A Million Dollars! Free!,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Grandmother,” undated | |||||||||||||
“He Taught Me How to Fly,” 1958 | |||||||||||||
“Her Own Small House,” undated | |||||||||||||
“His Own Wife,” 1938 | |||||||||||||
“The Housing of Married Students at the University of Minnesota, Fall Quarter, 1939-1940, ” Ph.D. thesis, 1942 | |||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 78 | “I Go by Bus,” undated | ||||||||||||
“Jack and Ted of Switzerland,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Jacques Dives to the Bottom of the Sea,” 1958 | |||||||||||||
“Jury Duty--A Personal Experience,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Kyrie Eleison,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Laywoman's Point of View on the Concordat,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Madman,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Murder at Rocky Ledge,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Our Neighbors,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Peggie's Baby,” undated | |||||||||||||
Poems, undated | |||||||||||||
Proposal for disposable clothing, undated | |||||||||||||
“A Psychological Factor Associated with the Fire in Apollo 204,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Purpose of Learning,” undated | |||||||||||||
Reader's Digestcontributions, 1953-1957 | |||||||||||||
“Resurrection,” undated | |||||||||||||
Story of Jimmy, undated | |||||||||||||
Stratosphere, fragments, undated | |||||||||||||
“Stratosphere Blue,” 1953 | |||||||||||||
“Thin Ice,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Till Death,” undated | |||||||||||||
“To the Bottom of the Sea,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Too Much Woman,” 1939 | |||||||||||||
“The Traveler,” “The Sinner,” and “The Digger,” 1928 | |||||||||||||
“Twins,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Unknown Stratosphere,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Up Ship,” 1933 | |||||||||||||
“Wasted Women,” 1942 | |||||||||||||
“What Aren't We Doing That We Should Be Doing?” undated | |||||||||||||
“When I Was A Teener,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Whither Thou Goest,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Why I Go to Church,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Woman in Science,” undated | |||||||||||||
Untitled stories, undated | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 79 | Jean and Jeannette Piccard | ||||||||||||
“Balloon,” 1961 | |||||||||||||
“Ballooning,” poem, 1958 | |||||||||||||
“Buildings Are Not Enough,” 1958 | |||||||||||||
“Chemical Engineering in the Stratosphere,” 1935 | |||||||||||||
“The Constitution of the Meriquinonic Salts, the Prototypes of Dyes,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Exploring the Stratosphere,” 1935 | |||||||||||||
“For Our Log Book,” undated | |||||||||||||
“High Schools, Here and Elsewhere,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Plans for a New Stratosphere Flight,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Problem of Complete Separation of Airplanes Flying in Any One Direction,” 1959 | |||||||||||||
“Report on Trip East by Dr. Jean and Dr. Jeannette Piccard,” 1946 | |||||||||||||
“Stratosphere Flight,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Teaching Method in Engineering,” undated | |||||||||||||
Jean or Jeannette Piccard | |||||||||||||
“Born to Be a Queen,” undated | |||||||||||||
Determining the solubility of salicylic acid in benzene, undated | |||||||||||||
“An Easter Ceremony in Old Russia,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Great Stratosaur,” undated | |||||||||||||
“How Large Shall One Make Ships and Airships?” undated | |||||||||||||
“Instinct and Intelligence,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Is It Really Only 'Coincidence'?” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Island of Phosphobuma,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Letter Which, If Written, Could Have Prevented the Civil War,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Life Beyond Earth,” 1961 | |||||||||||||
“Men Like to Bow to Their Own Creatures,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Menagio,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Most Embarrassing Moment,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Our Little Monkey on Elephant Island,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Our Little Monkey on Lion Island,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Temperature in a Stratosphere Cabin,” undated | |||||||||||||
“What the Fairy Told Me: The Story of King Melaleucos,” undated | |||||||||||||
Untitled and fragmentary, undated | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 80 | (3 folders) | ||||||||||||
Other family members | |||||||||||||
Piccard, Auguste | |||||||||||||
Ballooning, fragment, undated | |||||||||||||
“The Exploration of the Lowest Depth of the Ocean,” 1946 | |||||||||||||
“Hypothesis Concerning the Existence of a Volatile Vitamin,” fragment, undated | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous published writings, 1917-1933 | |||||||||||||
“Polarisierende Farbstoffe und deren Anwendungen,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Rotarian Flag,” undated | |||||||||||||
Piccard, Jacques, 1957 | |||||||||||||
Piccard, Jules, 1879-1981 | |||||||||||||
Piccard, Marilyn Dickson (wife of John A. Piccard), 1944-1945 | |||||||||||||
Ridlon, Hugh | |||||||||||||
“At Plattsburg,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Get 'H.O.T.' on Welding,” 1935 | |||||||||||||
Van Ingen, Margaret | |||||||||||||
Poems, undated | |||||||||||||
“Such Troubles,” undated | |||||||||||||
Unidentified and nonfamily members, 1904-1965, undated | |||||||||||||
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