The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Margaret Sanger papers, 1900-1966
Speeches and Writings File, 1912-1960 (continued)
BOX 199-203 REEL 128-131 Works by Margaret Sanger.
Drafts and printed copies of editorials, lectures, articles, speeches, pamphlets, and other writings, including related notes and correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 199 REEL 128 “The A.B.C.'s of Birth Control”
A.W.A. (American Woman's Association) clubhouse testimonial dinner address, Apr. 20, 1932.
Address at 30th annual luncheon of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Oct. 25, 1950
Address before Conference on Contraceptive Research and Clinical Practice, Dec. 29, 1936
“Address of Welcome,” Mar. 25, 1925
“Address to the People of Japan,” Family Planning Movement in Japan, 1953
Allentown, Pa., radio address
“America Needs a Code for Babies,” American Weekly, May 27, 1934
Appeals From American Mothers(New York: New York Womans Pub. Co., 1921. 16 pp.)
Article for Independent Woman
“Asia Discovers Birth Control,” Reader's Digest, July 1956
Autobiographical sketch
Baltimore, Md., open forum lecture, Jan. 3, 1926
“Birth Control,” unpublished manuscript
“Birth Control,” Church and Society, Feb. 1932
“Birth Control,” State Government, Sept. 1934
“Birth Control Advances,” 1931
“Birth Control and Religion,” notes for speech, Feb. 4, 1936
“Birth Control and Society,” unpublished manuscript, 1916
“Birth Control Comes of Age,” dinner speech, Feb. 12, 1935
Birth Control Conference speech, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 27, 1929
“The Birth Control Crusade Marches on,” The Clubwoman, Aug. 1936
“Birth Control-For the People's Sake!”
“Birth Control in China and Japan,” speech at Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1922
“Birth Control in India,” speech for the American Eugenics Society
“Birth Control in Soviet Russia,” Birth Control Review, June 1935
“The Birth Control of a Nation”
“The Birth Control Raid,” New Republic, May 1, 1929
“Birth Control Research on the March,” Oct. 1952
“Birth Control Steps Out,” People, Apr. 1931
“Birth Control, the Concern of Youth,” Youth Conference address
“Birth Control: The Doctor's Duty,” Clinical Medicine and Surgery, June 1937
“Birth Control Through the Ages,” 1940
Book reviews
“The Case for Birth Control,” Allegheny Birth Control League address
“The Case for Birth Control,” The Crisis, June 1934
“A Chance in Life,” Champion of Youth, 1937
City Club of Rochester, N.Y., address
Colgate University, Colgate, N.Y., Chapel address, Nov. 13, 1936
“Comstockery in America”
“The Danger of Carrying an American Passport,” New York Sunday Call, Oct. 1915
“Do They Want Birth Control?” Woman's Digest, Nov. 1936
“Do Women Want Children?” unpublished manuscript
“Does the Public Want Birth Control?” True Confessions, Apr. 1936
Dutch Methods of Birth Control([New York? 191-?] 16 pp.)
BOX 200 REEL 129 Early form letters
Early speeches
Eastern Medical Society address
“Education and the Birth Control Clinic,” unpublished manuscript
Encyclopaedia Britannicaarticles
English Methods of Birth Control([n.p., 1915 ] 19 pp.)
“An Englishman's Opinion of America”
“Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda,” 1921
Fabian Hall, London, England, speech, July 5, 1915
Facts on Abortion and Legislation in Relation to Birth Control(New York: New York Womans Pub. Co., 1921. 16 pp.)
Family Limitation([New York? 1914 ] 16 pp.) and later editions
“Family Planning,” radio talk, Apr. 11, 1935
Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations address, radio broadcast, Jan. 25, 1937
Ford Hall, Boston, Mass., Forum speech, Apr. 16, 1929
“The Foundation of World Peace,” Mar. 28, 1932
Gandhi article for Libertymagazine
Gandhi article from personal diary, Asia, Nov. 1936
Gandhi debate, Wardha, India, Dec. 3, 1935
“Gandhi Discusses Birth Control,” Unity, Apr. 20, 1936
“Havelock Ellis,” Feb. 5, 1929
“Havelock Ellis-On His Eightieth Birthday,” Journal of Contraception, Feb. 1939
“Highlights in the History of Birth Control,” New York Tribune, Apr. 15, 1923
Hotel Biltmore, New York, N.Y., address, Jan. 19, 1939
Hotel Brevoort, New York, N.Y., speech, Jan. 17, 1916
Hotel Commodore, New York, N.Y., speech, Dec. 8, 1920
“How I Decided To Begin My Fight,” Redbook, Feb. 1939
“The Humanity of Birth Control,” Sept. 1952
Hygienic Methods of Family Limitation([London? 1924 ] 34 pp.)
“If Christ Come Again,” Cosmopolitan, 1932
“The Importance of Being Suppressed,” Mercury, June 1924
“Important Reasons for Amending Existing Birth Control Laws,” Unity, Feb. 4, 1935
“Impressions of Glasgow,” unpublished manuscript, 1913
BOX 201 REEL 129-130 Incomplete manuscript
India, personal notes for lectures
“International Aspects of Birth Control,” unpublished manuscript, 1920
International Planned Parenthood, speech upon acceptance of presidency, Aug. 1953
“Is Continence Not the Best Method of Birth Control?”
“Japan's Population Problem,” Nation
Kaizo (Japan) articles, 1921
Kiwanis Club address, July 1928
Lasker Foundation Award speech, Oct. 25, 1950
“Let's Talk It Over,” broadcast concerning Havelock Ellis, July 17, 1939
“A License for Mothers To Have Babies,” American Weekly, May 27, 1934
“Limitations of Eugenics,” 1921
List of One Hundred Selected Books on Human Relations for Lay and Professional Readers([New York: Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, 1931] 15 pp.)
Los Secretos del Dominio de la Natalidad(Mexico, J. Chavez, 1919. 32 pp.)
“Love and Marriage”
Magnetation Methods of Birth Control([New York? 1915] 20 pp.)
“Margaret Sanger Defends Her Battle for the Right of Birth Control,” New York Sunday Call, Dec. 5, 1915
Massachusetts radio broadcast
“The Meaning of Birth Control”
Medal speech, April 1932
“Mobilizing for Motherhood Through Birth Control,” Jan. 5, 1921
“Modern Schools in Spain”
“The Morality of Birth Control,” address given at Park Theater, New York, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1921
“Mother India-As I Saw Her,” address before the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, Nov. 10, 1936
“Mother India As I Saw Her,” address to the Union of East and West, May 21, 1936
“Motherhood Enslaved in Italy,” unpublished manuscript, 1928
The Mothers Bill of Rights([New York: National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control, 193-?])
“My Answer to the Pope on Birth Control,” The Nation, Jan. 27, 1932
“My Experiences in India,” radio address
“My Plan to Peace,” speech, Feb. 19, 1932
“My Way to Peace,” speech before the New History Society, Jan. 17, 1932
“National Health Training Service for Girls”
“National Security and Birth Control,” Forum, Mar. 1935
“The Necessity for Birth Control,” speech in Oakland, Calif., Dec. 19, 1928
“The Need for Birth Control,” 1928
“The New Women of Japan,” unpublished manuscript, 1923
The Next Step(Washington, D.C.: National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control [1937])
Notes for lectures
BOX 202 REEL 130 Notes for Town Hall, New York, N.Y., speech, 1921
Notes on address contemplating trial regarding Woman Rebel, 1916
Notes on Friedrich Nietzsche
Notes on Portet and Ferrer, 1915
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