The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Margaret Sanger papers, 1900-1966
Speeches and Writings File, 1912-1960 (continued)
Works by Margaret Sanger. (continued)
“My Plan to Peace,” speech, Feb. 19, 1932
“My Way to Peace,” speech before the New History Society, Jan. 17, 1932
“National Health Training Service for Girls”
“National Security and Birth Control,” Forum, Mar. 1935
“The Necessity for Birth Control,” speech in Oakland, Calif., Dec. 19, 1928
“The Need for Birth Control,” 1928
“The New Women of Japan,” unpublished manuscript, 1923
The Next Step(Washington, D.C.: National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control [1937])
Notes for lectures
BOX 202 REEL 130 Notes for Town Hall, New York, N.Y., speech, 1921
Notes on address contemplating trial regarding Woman Rebel, 1916
Notes on Friedrich Nietzsche
Notes on Portet and Ferrer, 1915
Notes written in Paris, France, 1915
“One of Eleven,” North American Review, May 1929
“Open Letter to Cardinal Hayes,” May 28, 1928
“Opinions of American Women in Europe”
Parson's Theatre address, Feb. 11, 1923
“Passports for Babies,” Feb. 1926
“The Physician and Birth Control,” Medical Times, Mar. 1923
“A Plan for Peace,” Birth Control Review, Apr. 1932
“Planning Your Children,” Voice of Youth, June 1936
Plaza Hotel address, 1929
“The Pope's Position on Birth Control,” Nation, Jan. 27, 1932
“Population Pressure and War,” lecture delivered at University of Arizona, Tuscon, Mar. 8, 1938
A Program of Contraceptive Research,” 1928
“The Pros and Cons of Birth Control,” Jan. 14, 1931
Radio address, Jan. 11, 1937
“Reasons for Amending Existing Birth Control Laws,” Unity, Feb. 4, 1935
Sayings of Others on Birth Control(New York: New York Womans Pub. Co., 1921. 19 pp.)
“Schools and Education in Spain,” 1915
7th International Birth Control Conference address, Sept. 1930
“The Soul-less Maid,” unpublished short story
“The Soviet Abortion Law”
Statement before House Ways and Means Committee, May 19, 1932
Statement prior to birth control campaign in Far East, Oct. 30, 1935
“Statement re. Federal Law,” 1929
“The Status of Birth Control: 1938, ” New Republic, Apr. 20, 1938
The Suppressed “Obscene” Articles([New York? 1917?] 16 pp.)
Surveymagazine article
“This I Believe,” radio broadcast, May 18, 1954
“This Is Why I Fight for Birth Control,” Look, Aug. 15, 1939
“To the Mothers of America,” 1917
“Too Many People,” radio talk
Town Hall, New York, N.Y., speech, Jan. 15, 1937
True Confessionsarticle
“Two Words Changed the Whole Course of My Life,” unpublished manuscript, 1926
Unidentified speeches and writings
BOX 203 REEL 131 Undated
“The Unity of American Motherhood,” unpublished manuscript
“The Unrecorded Battle,” unpublished manuscript., 1912
“A Victory, a New Year and a New Day,” Birth Control Review, Feb. 1919
Voluntary Motherhood([New York, National Birth Control League, 1917? ] 2 leaves)
“Wanted-A Bigger Motherhood,” unpublished manuscript.
“The War Against Birth Control,” American Mercury, June 1924
“The War and Birth Control,” notes for an article
“We Must Breed a Race of Thoroughbreds,” unpublished manuscript.
Wells, H. G., dinner speech, Oct. 23, 1931
What Every Girl Should Know(New York: M. N. Maisel, 1916. 91 pp.), and later editions
What Every Mother Should Know(New York: Rabelais Press, 1914. 59 pp.)
“What Margaret Sanger Thinks of Mussolini,” Plain Talk, May 1937
“Why I Went to Jail,” Together, Feb. 1960
“Why We Need Birth Control in America”
Woman, Morality, and Birth Control(New York: New York Womans Pub. Co., 1922. 55 pp.)
“Woman of the Future,” Unity, Nov. 27, 1933
“Woman of the Future,” speech delivered at World Fellowship of Faiths, Sept. 9, 1933
Woman Rebelarticle
Woman's Digestarticle, Nov. 1936
“Women and Birth Control,” North American Review, May 1929
“Women Free”
“Women in England,” 1915
“Women in Germany,” 1920
“Zurich Proceedings,” introduction, July 27, 1931
BOX 204-208 REEL 131-135 Lecture and Publication Correspondence.
Correspondence relating to speaking engagements and publishing arrangements.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 204 REEL 131-132 Announcements
Dutton (E. P.) & Co.
Happiness in Marriage(New York: Brentano's, 1926. 231 pp.)
Lake, George B.
Lecture requests
Bennington College, Bennington, Vt., 1936
Chester, Pa., 1936-1937
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1936
Community Church of New York, 1936-1937
Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, N.Y., 1933-1936
Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations, 1936-1937
Fitchburg, Mass., 1936-1937
Oct. 1916-Feb. 1935
(5 folders)
BOX 205 REEL 132-133 Mar. 1935-May 1938
(7 folders)
BOX 206 REEL 133 June 1938-Mar. 1953, undated
(4 folders)
Illinois Birth Control League, 1936-1937
Louisville, Ky., 1936
Luzerne, Pa., County Birth Control League, 1937
Montreal, Canada, 1936-1937
New Haven, Conn., 1937
Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 1931
Pennsylvania Birth Control Federation
Richmond, Va., 1936-1937
Washington, D.C.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Minnesota branch), 1936-1937
BOX 207 REEL 133-134 Lecture requests, Apr. 1953-Apr. 1954
Margaret Sanger; an Autobiography (1938)
Miscellaneous articles
Motherhood in Bondage(New York: Brentano's, 1928. 446 pp.), 1928-1940
(4 folders)
My Fight for Birth Control (1931)
BOX 208 REEL 134-135 New Republic
The Pivot of Civilization(New York: Brentano's [c1922] 284 pp.)
Pond Bureau, 1929-1935
(3 folders)
The Practice of Contraception (1931), edited by Margaret Sanger and Hannah M. Stone
Preferred Publications, Inc.
Questions asked at meetings
Reply to Pope Pius XI's encyclical Casti Connubii, 1931
Shearwood-Smith, Inc.
Woman and the New Race(New York: Brentano's [c1920] 234 pp.)
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