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Margaret Sanger papers, 1900-1966

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Clippings, 1915-1966 (continued)
(2 folders)
BOX 235 1932-1936
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1921-1932
(2 folders)
Philippine Islands
Puerto Rico, 1932-1933
General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1935
Government provision, 1933
Harrison, Ewing C., 1928
Health, 1931-1933
History and progress, 1933
How-Martyn, Edith, 1933
Humor, 1932-1933
Immigration, 1932
Individuals, 1922-1930
Insanity, 1933
Ishimoto, Shidzué, 1933
Jewish women's organizations, 1932-1933
Kaufman, Viola, estate, 1932-1933
Keynes, John Maynard, 1925
Labor, 1932-1933
Large families, 1919-1929
Law and legislation
Jan.-May 1932
(3 folders)
BOX 236 May 1932-Mar. 1933
(2 folders)
State, 1932-1933
(3 folders)
League of Women Voters, 1932-1933
Lectures, meetings, debates, 1916-1933
(3 folders)
Lectures, meetings, debates
Clark, Percy, 1926
Cooper, James, 1925-1930
England, 1921-1928
Hooker, Edith Houghton, 1922
Lindsey, Ben B., 1922-1928
New Jersey, 1921-1924
Legal cases
Birth control clinic raid, 1929
Byrne, Ethel, 1917
BOX 237 Cassidente, Mrs. Clyde, 1921-1922
Dennett, Mary Ware, 1929
Miscellaneous, 1929-1933
Rublee, Juliet, 1921
Sanger, William, 1915
Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael, 1923-1924
Town Hall, New York, N.Y., raid, 1921
Witcop, Rose, 1923
BOX 238 Legislation, 1916-1929
Legislation, Connecticut bill, 1933
Little, Clarence Cook, 1926-1929
Marion, Kitty, 1930-1933
(2 folders)
McCardie, Henry, 1931
Marriage and divorce, 1920-1931
Marriage and home, 1931-1933
Maternity, 1923-1930
Maternity (maternal and infant mortality, etc.), 1933
Medicine, 1916-1934
(2 folders)
Medicine, England, 1925
(4 folders)
BOX 239 1933-1944
(8 folders)
BOX 240 1949-1966, undated
(5 folders)
Moratorium, 1931-1932
Moving pictures, plays, poetry, etc., 1931-1933
National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control, 1933
Negro, 1933
Obituary notices, 1966
“Only child” families, 1923-1926
BOX 241 Opposition, 1916-1928
Organizations, 1931-1933
(5 folders)
Palmer, Gretta, 1931-1934
Parent-teacher associations, 1932-1933
Parenthood, 1931-1933
Partington, T. Bowen, 1924-1928
Personalities (biographical, opinions, etc.), 1931-1934
(3 folders)
Personalities, opposition, 1933
Pictorial Review, Feb. 1916 issue
Population, 1931-1935
Population, England, 1920-1927
(2 folders)
Population, U.S., 1921-1931
(7 folders)
BOX 242 Population, world, 1920-1927
(3 folders)
Radio, plays, films
Ramsay, John, and Charles E. Pell, 1923-1928
Rhythm theory, 1933
Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor, 1931-1933
Sanger, Margaret
American Woman's Association medal, 1931-1932
Articles, quotations in press, 1933
General and biographical, 1931-1933
(2 folders)
Lectures, 1931-1933
(4 folders)
Photographs, 1931-1934
Sex, 1932-1933
Social aspects, 1928-1933
Social service, 1931-1933
Sociological issues, 1921-1931
Stone, Hannah M., 1933
Stopes, Marie C., 1923-1933
(2 folders)
BOX 243 Sutherland, Halliday, 1923-1927
Van Dusen, Albert P., 1930-1933
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