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Margaret Sanger papers, 1900-1966

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Clippings, 1915-1966 (continued)
Organizations, 1931-1933
(5 folders)
Palmer, Gretta, 1931-1934
Parent-teacher associations, 1932-1933
Parenthood, 1931-1933
Partington, T. Bowen, 1924-1928
Personalities (biographical, opinions, etc.), 1931-1934
(3 folders)
Personalities, opposition, 1933
Pictorial Review, Feb. 1916 issue
Population, 1931-1935
Population, England, 1920-1927
(2 folders)
Population, U.S., 1921-1931
(7 folders)
BOX 242 Population, world, 1920-1927
(3 folders)
Radio, plays, films
Ramsay, John, and Charles E. Pell, 1923-1928
Rhythm theory, 1933
Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor, 1931-1933
Sanger, Margaret
American Woman's Association medal, 1931-1932
Articles, quotations in press, 1933
General and biographical, 1931-1933
(2 folders)
Lectures, 1931-1933
(4 folders)
Photographs, 1931-1934
Sex, 1932-1933
Social aspects, 1928-1933
Social service, 1931-1933
Sociological issues, 1921-1931
Stone, Hannah M., 1933
Stopes, Marie C., 1923-1933
(2 folders)
BOX 243 Sutherland, Halliday, 1923-1927
Van Dusen, Albert P., 1930-1933
(2 folders)
War and peace, 1921-1932
(2 folders)
Wells, H. G., dinner, 1931
Women, 1931-1933
Women's clubs, 1932-1933
BOX 243-247 REEL 138-142 Miscellany, 1914-1961
Correspondence, biographical material, passports, and other miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically.
BOX 243 REEL 138 Address book, 1914-1915
American Committee for the Relief of Victimized German Children
Biographical sketches
Book lists
Brownsville, New York, N.Y., clinic raid, Oct. 16, 1916
Cards and invitations
Catalog of Margaret Sanger Papers, by Florence Rose
(2 folders)
BOX 244 REEL 139 Chronologies of the birth control movement
City Affairs Committee of New York, New York, N.Y.
Committee To Nominate Margaret Sanger for Nobel Peace Prize, 1960
(2 folders)
Copies of correspondence deposited at Smith College, Northampton, Mass. (typed carbons)
Cross reference sheets
Cummins-Vaile bill, 1923
Freethinkers of America
Friends of the Smith College library, Northampton, Mass.
Guest book, 1935-1941
Guest lists
Henri Barbusse Memorial Committee
Indictment, Oct. 13, 1914
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Annual reports
Budgets and expense accounts
Constitutions and bylaws
BOX 245 REEL 140 Memoranda
Minutes of meetings
Special reports
Letters of congratulations
Lists of notable people
MacArthur, Douglas, denial of permit for Sanger to enter Japan, 1950
Manuscript articles by persons other than Margaret Sanger, 1916-1942, undated
(2 folders)
Margaret Sanger fellowship
Membership in organizations
Oct. 1924-Mar. 1933
BOX 246 REEL 140-141 May 1933-Apr. 1954
(2 folders)
Mooney (Tom) Molders' Defense Committee
Mothers Health Clinic
Notebook of quotations
Notes and photographs on Chinese footbinding
Notes, correspondence, and memoranda, 1916-1958, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 247 REEL 142 Opinions of prominent individuals on birth control issue
Sanger, Margaret, 1921
Slee, J. Noah H., 1920
Slee, Margaret Sanger, 1924, 1926
Watson, Bertha (Margaret Sanger), 1915
People of the State of N.Y. v. Sanger, Jan. 1918
People of the State of N.Y. v. Sanger, Jan. 1919
Petition protesting the arrest of William Sanger
Petition which formed basis for the Committee of 100
Press sheet and stills from motion picture Birth Control, 1916
Proceedings of the Malthusian League dinner, July 26, 1927
Record of Sanger family traits
Rhythm method calendars
Rosenman bill, 1923
Social events
Testimonial dinner to Margaret Sanger, Apr. 20, 1932
Thomas Paine Bicentennial Committee
Ukraine Farming and Machinery Corp.
Visiting cards
Willowlake estate
Willowlake lawn party, June 1931
World tribute to Margaret Sanger, May 11-12, 1961
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