The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Margaret Sanger papers, 1900-1966
Professional File, 1914-1965 (continued)
National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control. (continued)
Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Fosdick, Raymond B.
Fox, Esther Taber
Fuld, Carrie B. F. (Mrs. Felix)
Fund-raising ledger
“G” miscellany
Gandhi, Mohandas
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Jan. 1928-Apr. 1935
(3 folders)
BOX 83 REEL 54 May 1935-June 1938, undated
(3 folders)
Goldstein, Jonah J.
Goldstein, Sidney E.
Good Housekeeping
The Grange
Greeves-Carpenter, C. F.
“H” miscellany
(2 folders)
Harper's Magazine
BOX 84 REEL 54-55 Hastings, George Aubrey
Hepburn, Ethel Remington
Hepburn, Katharine Houghton (Mrs. Thomas N.)
Higgins bill
Himes, Norman E.
Historical summary of birth control bills
Hoffman, Arnold
Holden, Frederick C.
Holland-Rantos Co.
Homeopathic Medical Society
How-Martyn, Edith
BOX 85 REEL 55 Hurst, Fannie
Huse, Penelope B. P. (Mrs. Robert S.)
Huxley, Julian
“I” miscellany
Incorporation of committee
Informational requests, 1931-1938, undated
(5 folders)
Institute of Family Relations
International Congress of Eugenics
International Medical Assembly
BOX 86 REEL 56 Ishimoto, Shidzué
“J” miscellany
Jones (John Price) Corp.
Journal of Contraception
Journal of the American Medical Association
Junior Leagues of America
“K” miscellany
Kahn, Addie W. (Mrs. Otto)
Kaufman, A. R., 1936-1938
(2 folders)
BOX 87 REEL 56-57 Kaufman, Viola, 1926-1937
(5 folders)
Kavinoky, Nadina R.
Kendrick, John F.
Kennedy, Anne, 1928-1938
(2 folders)
Kingsbury, John A., 1928-1939
(3 folders)
BOX 88 REEL 57 Knopf, S. Adolphus, 1927-1939
(5 folders)
Kohut, George Alexander and Rebekah
“L” miscellany
Ladies' Home Journal
Lamont, Margaret I. (Mrs. Corliss)
Lamont, Elinor M. (Mrs. Thomas S.) and Florence (Mrs. Thomas W.)
Lanteen Laboratories
Lasker, Florina
Laski, Frida
BOX 89 REEL 58 Lectures, 1930-1938
(4 folders)
Legal file
Arrests of Norman Shapiro and Richard Miller
Birth Control in Asia (1933), edited by Michael Fielding
Birth control legislation
Birth Control Methods (1936), by Norman Haire
Criminal Code of the United States
Cutting, Bronson
Ernst, Morris, and associates
(4 folders)
BOX 90 REEL 59 1937-1938
(2 folders)
Federal Trade Commission
German shipment of birth control material
Hawaii test case
How-Martyn, Edith
International medical group report, 1933
Legal opinions
Marriage Hygiene
Massachusetts legal briefs
Medical test pamphlet
Minnesota Birth Control League
Miscellaneous, 1931-1939, undated
(2 folders)
National Committee for the Revision of the Comstock Law, 1938
National Legal Advisory Committee, 1933-1936
BOX 91 REEL 59-60 Outline of birth control legislation, 1873-1931
People of the State of New York v. Sideri
People of the State of New York v. Sanger
Practical Book on Birth Control (circa 1936), by K. V. Mathew
The Practice of Contraception (1931), edited by Margaret Sanger and Hannah M. Stone
Principles of Contraception (1935), by Joan Malleson
Revision of legal pamphlets and codes, 1929-1936, undated
(5 folders)
The Rhythm of Sterility and Fertility in Women (1932), by Leo J. Latz
Scribner, Charles E.
State of Iowa v. L. E. Wilson
Summary of test cases
BOX 92 REEL 60 Sweet, Robert B.
Tweed, Harrison
United States v. One book
United States v. One package, 1932-1937, undated
(3 folders)
United States v. Parenthood: Design or Accident? (1928), by Michael Fielding
United States v. 3 Boxes
U.S. Customs Service See also Container 46, Customs Bureau, and Container 170, same heading
Youngs Rubber Corp. v. Lee
Legislative conference, 1936
Legislative procedure
Lewis, Joseph
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