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Ellis & Allan Company records, 1795-1889

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BOX 588 Cash, Letter, and Invoice Book, 1804-1805
Record of cash receipts and payments showing date of transaction, invoice number, name of customer or client, type of transaction, type of merchandise, and amounts debited and credited. Laid in are two pieces of correspondence.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 588 1804-1805
BOX 589-594 Invoice Books, 1812-1851
Log of merchandise shipped and received showing date of transaction, shipping container number, description of merchandise, identification marks, quantities, method of shipment, vessel's name, captain, and itinerary, and amounts
Arranged chronologically
BOX 589 1812-1816
BOX 590 1812-1817
BOX 591 1817-1818
BOX 592 1818
BOX 593 1819-1843
BOX 594 1851
BOX 595-603 Bill Books, 1813-1852
Record of bills of credit extended and collected showing date, bill number, by whom drawn, to whom payable, by whom payable, where payable, length of credit, amount of credit, date payment due, amount of bill, and remarks.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 595 1813-1817
BOX 596 1815-1818
BOX 597 1815-1820
BOX 598 1817-1829
BOX 599 1837-1841
BOX 600 1839-1840
BOX 601 1841-1851
BOX 602 1844-1845
BOX 603 1846-1852
BOX 604-606 Receipt Books, 1844-1852
Entries for 1844-1852 contain copies of financial settlements showing name of customer, date account opened, description of items purchased on account, amount of purchase, interest charges, and remarks. Between 1851 and 1852 they record merchandise sold showing date of sale, name and address of customer, method of shipment, description of merchandise, amount of sale, and signature of customer.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 604 1844-1845
BOX 605 1850-1851
BOX 606 1851-1852
BOX 607-608 Checkbooks, 1813-1853
Blank instruments of payment drawn on account of Ellis & Allan at Farmers' Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Va. Stubs show checks written and deposits made to account and include check number, date, to whom paid, from whom received, amount of transaction, and notes.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 607 1813-1817
BOX 608 1851-1853
BOX 609-633 Miscellany, 1789-1845
BOX 609-619 Bound, 1799-1845
Includes sales books, tobacco books, order books, and debt statements, as well as material on settlement of the estate of Charles Ellis.
Grouped by topic or type of material.
BOX 609 Commission and sales book
BOX 610 Ellis & Higginbotham sales book “B,” 1815-1816
BOX 611 Sales book, 1816
BOX 612 Tobacco sales book, 1816-1820
BOX 613 Tobacco book, 1845
BOX 614 Order book, 1818-1819
BOX 615 Debt and statement, 1812-1817
BOX 616 Condition of firm, 1817
BOX 617 Inventory of the stock of Charles Ellis and Sons, 1841
BOX 618 Charles Ellis estate, 1842
BOX 619 Charles Ellis administration, 1840-1843
BOX 620-633 Unbound, 1789-1842
Journals, ledgers, checks, receipts, circulars, broadsides, business cards, insurance records, price lists, ships papers, duty bonds, and other records of Ellis & Allan Co. Also includes letters and circulars of Charles Simms, Charles Lee, and John Fitzgerald, collectors of customs for the port of Alexandria, Va., and material of James N. Ellis while a student at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Grouped by topic or type of material.
Ellis's papers from the United States Naval Academy are available on microfilm. Shelf no. 16,799.
BOX 620 Account books, journals, and ledgers, 1827-1842
(6 folders)
BOX 621 (1 folder)
Checks and receipts, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 622 Circulars, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 623 (1 folder)
Circulars, bills of lading, notes, etc., undated
(6 folders)
BOX 624 (1 folder)
Business and calling cards, undated
Newspaper clippings, undated
Miscellaneous records, undated
BOX 625 Marine insurance records, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 626 Market advice from European commercial agents, 1816-1817
(7 folders)
BOX 627 List of current prices, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 628 (6 folders)
BOX 629 (2 folders)
Ships papers, duty bonds, and samples, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 630 Collector of customs records, Alexandria, Va.
Simms, Charles, 1799-1818
BOX 631 Lee, Charles, 1789-1792
Fitzgerald, John, 1793-1799
BOX 632 Ellis, James N., papers from United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 16,799
Elementary Treatise on the Forms of Cannon and Various Systems of Artillery, 1832
Notes of lectures on Blair's rhetoric, lectures 2-9, undated
Military Pyrotechny for the Use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy, 1832 (2 folders)
Notes on architecture, 1834-1835
Notes supplementary to the course of permanent fortification
BOX 633 Outline of a course in "Bayard's Constitutional Law," undated
"Outlines of the Course of Civil Engineering," undated (2 folders)
Outline of a course in electricity, 1834

Contents List