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Speeches and Writings, 1848-1902
(continued) |
8 Dec., “Home Life a
Century Ago,” Philadelphia Sunday Press
Digital content available
5 Oct., “An Honored
Place for the Bible in English Literature,” New York American and Journal
Digital content available
13 Oct., “How Shall
We Solve the Divorce Problem,” New York American and Journal
Digital content available
“Home Patriotism,” undated
Digital content available
“Jails and Jubilees,” The Open Court,
Digital content available
“Shall Women Ride the Bicycle?” undated
Digital content available
“What Should Be Our Attitude Towards
Political Parties,” Woman's Tribune with draft, undated
Digital content available
“Worship of God in Man,” The Open Court with draft, undated
Digital content available
“The Woman's Bible,” undated
Digital content available
Miscellaneous articles in
newspapers |
Digital content available
BOX 4 REEL 2 |
Speeches |
1848, untitled |
Digital content available
[1850s], “Education,”
address delivered before village lyceum, Seneca Falls, N.Y. |
Digital content available
[1856?], “Woman” |
Digital content available
[1860?], “Antislavery” |
Digital content available
4-5 Feb., “Free
Speech,” Fourth Annual New York State Anti-Slavery Convention, Albany,
New York |
Digital content available
8 Feb., address on
divorce bill before the Judiciary Committee, New York State Senate |
Digital content available
1861, speech in
Orleans County and speech on slavery |
Digital content available
[1861-1864?], “What Can
Woman Do for the War?” New York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
BOX 4 REEL 3 |
[1861-1865?], “The
Future of the Republic,” Boston, Mass., with partial draft of another speech |
Digital content available
1863, address before
Woman's Loyal League |
Digital content available
[1863?], untitled |
Digital content available
[1865-1869?], untitled |
Digital content available
1866, 10 Oct., speech to
electors of Eighth Congressional District, New York |
Digital content available
May, speech at
hearing before the Judiciary Committee of the New York Senate |
Digital content available
Address on right of women to vote for
delegates to constitutional convention, New York |
Digital content available
First speech in suffrage campaign in
Kansas |
Digital content available
Untitled speech in Kansas
campaign |
Digital content available
1868, “Labor” |
Digital content available
1869, 19-20 Jan.,
address before first convention, National Woman Suffrage Association,
Washington, D.C. |
Digital content available
BOX 5 REEL 3 |
[circa 1869], speech
before club of men and women in New York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
17 May, speech on the
McFarland trial, Apollo Hall, extract |
Digital content available
[June], “The True
Republic” |
Digital content available
Speech before Young Men's Suffrage
Association, Plympton Hall |
Digital content available
[1870's], extract from a
lyceum lecture |
Digital content available
1872, 12 Jan., speech
before Judiciary Committee, U.S. Senate |
Digital content available
“Co-education” |
Digital content available
“Our Young Girls” |
Digital content available
“Presidents and Parties” |
Digital content available
BOX 5 REEL 4 |
[circa 1874],
“Self-Government” |
Digital content available
BOX 6 REEL 4 |
[1875], “Our Boys” |
Digital content available
1876, “Prison Life” |
Digital content available
[circa 1876], “The
Subjection of Woman” |
Digital content available
1878, 11 Jan., “Address
on National Protection for National Citizens,” before the Committee on
Privileges and Elections, U.S. Senate |
Digital content available
1878, 19-20 July, Third
Decade Meeting of Woman's Rights Convention, Rochester |
Digital content available
[Aug.], “Home Life,”
Providence, R.I. |
Digital content available
8 Feb. 1861, address on
divorce bill before the Judiciary Committee of the New York Senate |
Digital content available
1885, 12 Nov., “The
Pleasures of Age,” an address delivered on her seventieth birthday |
Digital content available
[1880-1890], “Taxation” |
Digital content available
1883 June, Princess
Hall, London, England |
Digital content available
1884, Washington, D.C. |
Digital content available
25 Mar. -1 Apr.,
welcome address, International Council of Women, Washington, D.C. |
Digital content available
2 Apr., statement at
hearing before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, U.S. Senate |
Digital content available
1889, 21 Jan., speech to
members of National Woman Suffrage Association |
Digital content available
15 Feb., address
before U.S. Senate Special Committee on Woman Suffrage, Woman's Tribune
Digital content available
BOX 7 REEL 4 |
23 Feb., “Change Is
the Law of Progress,” National American Woman's Suffrage Convention,
Washington, D.C. |
Digital content available
4 Dec., speech to
National American Woman Association Suffrage Association convention |
Digital content available
1891, “The Degradation
of Disfranchisement,” National American Woman Suffrage Association
convention, Washington, D.C., with clipping |
Digital content available
18 Jan., “Solitude of
Self,” address delivered before Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Congress |
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