The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Irving Fine collection, 1930-1993
Music, 1930s-1960s (continued)
Sketchbooks, undated (continued)
Sketchbook no. 12 (continued)
The Spiral Music
Contents: Pencil sketches, consisting of a tone row very similar to that in Sketchbook no. 9
BOX-FOLDER 4/13 Sketchbook no. 13
Schirmer's Spiral Music Writing Book
Contents: Unidentified pencil sketches
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Sketchbook no. 14
The Spiral Music
Contents: Unidentified pencil sketches
BOX-FOLDER 4/15 Sketchbook no. 15
Champion music book
Contents: Unidentified pencil sketches
BOX-FOLDER 4/16 Sketchbook no. 16
Contents: Pencil sketches, including some for a violin sonata
BOX-FOLDER 4/17 Sketchbook no. 17
Perfect Riter Music Book
Contents: Unidentified sketches in pencil and ink
BOX-FOLDER 4/18 Sketchbook no. 18
Champion music book
Contents: Holograph sketches in pencil and dream description
Music by Others, 1943-1963
Manuscript and printed scores, many of which are inscribed to Fine. Includes works by David Diamond, Jack Gottlieb, Walter Piston, Gardner Read, Claudio Spies, and Louise Talma.
Arranged alphabetically by composer and title therein.
Ballantine, Edward
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Early in the morning and other pieces, for pianoforte. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt Co., 1947.
Note: Inscribed by the composer
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Variations for piano on Mary had a little lamb (2nd series). Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt Co., 1943.
Note: Inscribed by the composer
Berger, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 Three bagatelles for piano. New York: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, 1948.
Note: "For Irving--recalling old friendship that endures. Arthur. Jan. 1948" written on title page
Boulanger, Nadia
BOX-FOLDER 2a/3 Harmony course
Harmony/figured bass exercises (copy of manuscript); 2 books
Briggs, Mary
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 Sonata for flute and piano, 1947 December
Ozalid manuscript score with annotations; flute part
Note: "To Irving & Verna for multiple kindnesses" written at top
Cazden, Norman
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 Passacaglia for piano, opus 46, 1944
Ozalid manuscript score; 7 pages
Note: Inscribed by the composer
Diamond, David
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 Timon of Athens: a symphonic portrait after Shakespeare. New York: Leeds Music Corporation, 1950.
Study score
Note: "For Verna & Irving, with much affection, David, July 31, 1950, Tanglewood" written on title page
Gottlieb, Jack
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 Songs of loneliness, on seven poems by Constantine Cavafy, 1962
Ozalid manuscript score for voice and piano; 36 pages
Note: Dedicated to Irving Fine
Haieff, Alexei
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 Saints' wheel: variations on a circle of fifths, for piano, 1960
Ozalid holograph score; 6 pages
Note: "To my dear Irving with love, admiration and a 'prehistoric' friendship, Alexei, NY, Dec. 1960" written on cover
Note: Commissioned by the Naumburg Foundation
Jones, Collier
BOX-FOLDER 3/8 Sonata for piano, 1956
Ozalid manuscript score; 14 pages
Note: Inscribed by the composer
Laid in: Manuscript letter to Irving Fine from Collier (Charlie) Jones
Kohn, Karl
BOX-FOLDER 3/9 Five pieces for piano, 1955
Ozalid copyist score; 18 pages
Note: "For Irving, with best wishes, from Karl" written at top
BOX-FOLDER 3/9 Sonatina for piano, 1950
Ozalid copyist score; 11 pages
Note: "For my friend and teacher Irving Fine, from Karl Kohn" written at top
Lukewitz, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 3/10 Poems by a little girl, for mixed chorus a capella, 1959
Ozalid copyist score; 26 pages
Note: "To Irving Fine--in friendship, Joseph Lukewitz, Feb. 1960" written at top
Orgad, Ben-Zion
BOX-FOLDER 3/11 Out of the dust: three songs by Er'ela Ur, 1960
Ozalid copyist score for mezzo-soprano or alto, flute, bassoon, viola, and cello; 45 pages
Note: "To Prof. Fine, with many thanks and admiration, Ben-Zion Orgad, Brandeis 1961" written on title page
Piston, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 3/12 Passacaglia for piano. New York: Mercury Music Corporation, 1943.
Note: Inscribed by the composer
BOX-FOLDER 3/12 Prelude and allegro, for organ and strings. New York: Arrow Music Press, Inc., 1944.
Note: Inscribed by the composer
Read, Gardner
BOX-FOLDER 16/1 Passacaglia and fugue, in D minor, for organ, op. 34. Boston: R.D. Row Music Company, 1937.
Note: "To Irving and Verna, with warmest good wishes, Gardner Read, 9/15/47" written on title page
Salas, Juan Orrego
BOX-FOLDER 16/2 Canticos de Navidad
Ozalid 3-part vocal score; 4 pages
Note: "To my good friend and colleague Irving Fine with best wishes, Juan Orrego Salas, 1952" written on cover
  • Villancico I
  • Aleluya
  • Villancico (Danza)
Sapp, Allen
BOX-FOLDER 16/3 A maiden's complaint in spring-time: chamber cantata for women's voices and nine instruments, 1959
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score; 30 pages
Note: "To Irving Fine, from whom I learned how to be a musician and for whom my admiration has continued to grow" written on cover
BOX-FOLDER 16/3 Trio no. 1 for piano, violin, and cello, 1949
Ozalid holograph score; 37 pages
Note: "To Irving in appreciation for everything, Allen" written on cover
Shapero, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 16/4 Three amateur sonatas, 1944
Ozalid holograph score for piano with annotations; 33 pages
Note: "To Irving and Verna in real friendship from H. S., January 3, 1945" written on cover
BOX-FOLDER 16/4 Variations in C minor, for piano, 1947
Ozalid holograph score; 17 pages
Note: "To Igor Stravinsky" written at top and "To Irving on his birthday, December 3, 1947, from Harold" written on cover
Spies, Claudio
BOX-FOLDER 16/5 Descanso en jardín: tres cantos por los míos en Conchalí, for tenor, baritone, flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon, 1957
Ozalid holograph score with annotations; 24 pages
Note: "For Irving, in ancient friendship!, Claudio, 2.VI.1957" written on cover
BOX-FOLDER 16/5 Recitativo and aria, for flute and piano, 1946
Ozalid holograph score; 11 pages
Note: "For Irving and Verna with my best wishes, Claudio, Cambridge, 7.X.1947" written on title page
BOX-FOLDER 16/5 Sonata-allegro, for piano, 1945
Ozalid holograph score; 9 pages
Note: "For Irving with my gratitude, Claudio, 24.XI.1946" written on title page
Talma, Louise
BOX-FOLDER 16/6 Alleluia in form of toccata, for piano. New York: Carl Fischer, Inc., 1947.
Note: "For Irving, with admiration and affection, Louise" written on cover
BOX-FOLDER 16/6 String quartet, 1954
Ozalid holograph score; 35 pages
Note: "To dear Irving, from whom I learned how to write this quartet, Love Louise, November 17, 1954" written on cover
Wernick, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 16/7 Trio for clarinet, violin, and violoncello, 1962
Ozalid copyist's score; 20 pages
Note: "For my dear friend Verna Fine with much love, Dick, 3/23/63" written on title page
BOX 5 Writings, 1940s-1963
Mostly drafts of articles, lectures, and program notes by Fine. Includes a small amount of material by other authors.
Organized as two subseries.
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