The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991
Victor Kraft Materials, 1918-1976 (continued)
Photoprints (continued)
Victor Kraft: Portraits and Family (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 522/2-6 BOX-FOLDER 547/1 Portraits
BOX-FOLDER 522/2 Early
BOX-FOLDER 522/3 Early and Middle
  • Portraits (Cecil Beaton)
  • Self-portraits
  • Self-portraits with camera
BOX-FOLDER 522/4 Middle
Includes: Self-portraits
BOX-FOLDER 547/1 Middle with camera
BOX-FOLDER 522/6 Middle with camera
BOX-FOLDER 522/5 Middle and Late
Includes: Passport photos
BOX-FOLDER 522/1,7,8 BOX-FOLDER 523/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 535/1-2 Family
BOX-FOLDER 522/1 Family and childhood
BOX-FOLDER 522/7 Alone and with Jeremy Kraft: Late
BOX-FOLDER 535/1-2 With Jeremy Kraft, [ca. 1970s, snapshots] (Color)
BOX-FOLDER 522/8 VK with others
BOX-FOLDER 523/1 VK with Pearl Kazin
  • Brazil [curled prints]
  • Wedding photos, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 523/2 Kazin, Pearl alone [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 424/1-4 BOX-FOLDER 535/2 BOX-FOLDER 547/2-12 Composers and Performers
BOX-FOLDER 547/2 Copland, Aaron: Portraits: [Middle]
BOX-FOLDER 547/3 Copland, Aaron: 1948, Tanglewood, "Copland-Milhaud with composition students"
BOX-FOLDER 535/2 Copland, Aaron: With others (Color)
Includes: Kraft, Jeremy
BOX-FOLDER 547/6 Dancers, in studio
BOX-FOLDER 547/4 Foss, Lukas and Alexei Haieff
BOX-FOLDER 524/2 Johns, Erik and Frances Garman, [ca. 1940s?]
BOX-FOLDER 547/7 Kapell, William
BOX-FOLDER 524/1 Kraft, Victor with camera
BOX-FOLDER 547/5 McPhee, Colin, Walter Piston, and Igor Stravinsky
BOX-FOLDER 547/8 Mitropoulos, Dmitri
BOX-FOLDER 547/9 Robbins, Jerome
BOX-FOLDER 547/10 Shaw, Robert, 1947, City Center, New York
BOX-FOLDER 547/11 Tanglewood, 1940s
  • Hofman, Irwin, conducting
  • Percussion class
  • Violinist, unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 524/3 Miscellaneous
  • Haeiff, Alexei
  • Lopatnikoff, Nicolai
  • Mitropoulos, Dmitri
BOX-FOLDER 524/4 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 547/12 Unidentified performers, backstage
BOX-FOLDER 525/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 548/1-4 Famous People
BOX-FOLDER 548/1 Bowles, Paul, [ca. 1930s]
BOX-FOLDER 548/2 Denby, Edwin, [ca. 1930s, Mexico]
BOX-FOLDER 548/3 Laughton, Charles and Elsa Lanchester
BOX-FOLDER 548/4 McCullugh, Carson, signed (Ronny Jaques)
BOX-FOLDER 548/5 Rosenfeld, Isaac
BOX-FOLDER 525/1 Van Vechten, Carl, portrait series
BOX-FOLDER 525/2 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 525/3-7 BOX-FOLDER 548/7-13 Miscellaneous People
BOX-FOLDER 548/7 "The Captain with friend", 8 prints
BOX-FOLDER 548/8 Soldiers descending steps, 2 copies
BOX-FOLDER 525/3 Men, mostly unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 548/13 [Unidentified], 4 prints
BOX-FOLDER 525/6 [Unidentified], Children
BOX-FOLDER 525/7 [Unidentified], Group photos
BOX-FOLDER 548/9 [Unidentified], Men
BOX-FOLDER 525/4 [Unidentified], Women
BOX-FOLDER 548/12 [Unidentified], Woman, elderly
BOX-FOLDER 548/10-11 [Unidentified], Women, [story photos ?]
BOX-FOLDER 525/8-11 BOX-FOLDER 551/1-6 New York City
BOX-FOLDER 551/4 Baseball game
BOX-FOLDER 551/1-2 Brooklyn Bridge
BOX-FOLDER 525/8 Cityscapes
BOX-FOLDER 551/3 Columbus Circle
BOX-FOLDER 525/9-11 Street Scenes
BOX-FOLDER 551/5-6 Street Scenes
BOX-FOLDER 526/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 527/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 528/1-3 BOX-FOLDER 529/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 530/1-3 BOX-FOLDER 531/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 532/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 533/1-9 BOX-FOLDER 534/1-2 BOX-FOLDER 552/1-7 BOX-FOLDER 553/1-7 Foreign Countries
BOX-FOLDER 529/2 1951, "Maranhao Uprising, 10-16-51" [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 526/1-2 1951-52 [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 527/1-2 1951-52 [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 530/1-3 1951-52, miscellaneous [slightly curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 528/1-3 1952, "Cooperativa Agraria" [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 529/1 1952, "Cooperativa Agraria" [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 531/1-2 Guatemala photoprints, [curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 533/1-7 Mexico photoprints
BOX-FOLDER 533/8-9 508 W114 Ca8-7621 [slightly curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 532/2 "Parana Dupes" [badly curled prints]
BOX-FOLDER 532/1 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 552/1-7 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 553/1-7 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 534/1-2 Miscellaneous: Italy
BOX-FOLDER 534/1-2 Miscellaneous: France
BOX-FOLDER 534/1-2 Miscellaneous: Photo post cards
BOX-FOLDER 534/1-2 Miscellaneous: Unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 534/3-5 BOX-FOLDER 550/1-8 Story Photos
BOX-FOLDER 550/8 Butcher
BOX-FOLDER 550/5-7 BOX-FOLDER 534/3 Harper's Bazaar
  • 550/5 Dresden, Professor [for Harper's Bazaar ?]
  • 550/6 Potter-Ladd, Mrs., 6/5/47
  • 534/3 Wernick, Robert for Harper's Bazaar
  • 550/7 Unidentified woman [for Harper's Bazaar ?]
BOX-FOLDER 550/1-4 Junior Bazaar , 1947 Feb., "How They Got Started"
  • Brier, Mary
  • Haas, Betty
  • Happel, Erika
  • Faculty
BOX-FOLDER 534/4-5 Miscellaneous, [mostly unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 534/6 BOX-FOLDER 549/1-10 Fashion / Models
BOX-FOLDER 549/2-6 Garman, Frances
BOX-FOLDER 549/7-10 Models, miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 549/1 Studies, nude figures, 4 prints
BOX-FOLDER 534/6 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 534/7-9 Magazine Product Photos
BOX-FOLDER 534/7-9 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 534/10-12 BOX-FOLDER 535/4 BOX-FOLDER 550/9-10 Miscellaneous Subjects
BOX-FOLDER 534/11 Animals
BOX-FOLDER 534/12 General
BOX-FOLDER 550/10 General
BOX-FOLDER 534/10 Landscapes
BOX-FOLDER 535/4 Landscapes (Color)
BOX-FOLDER 550/9 Landscape
BOX 536-546 BOX 561-562 Contact Sheets
BOX-FOLDER 536/1 Kraft, Victor
  • Portraits
  • Self-portraits
Composers and Performers
BOX-FOLDER 536/2 AC and AC with others
BOX 562 AC [rolled contact strip]
BOX-FOLDER 561/1 AC, in England
BOX-FOLDER 546/1 Mitropoulos, Dmitri
BOX-FOLDER 536/3 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 536/4 Famous people
BOX-FOLDER 536/5-7 Miscellaneous people
BOX 562 Miscellaneous people
BOX-FOLDER 561/2 Miscellaneous people
BOX-FOLDER 537/1 New York City
United States
BOX-FOLDER 546/5 "Pendle Hill July 1955 w. Orders !"
BOX-FOLDER 546/2 Street scenes
BOX-FOLDER 544/3 Travel
Foreign Countries
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