| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Copland Library, 1908-1988
(continued) |
By Author
P. G. |
Réflexions sur l'univers sonore. Éditions Richard-Masse, 1954. |
Note: signed by author. |
Knopf |
Read at a luncheon given by Fannie Hurst, Anne O'Hare McCormack, and H. L. Mencken.... Alfred Knopf, 1941. |
Jorge |
ABC de Castro Alves. Livraria Martins, 1945. |
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) |
Copyright Law Symposium, no. 21-34. Columbia University, 1986. |
Note: front cover embossed with Aaron
Copland. |
Andreis, Josip and Slavko Zlatic (editors) |
Yugoslav music. Edition Jugoslavija Beograd, 1959. |
Andrews, Edward D. |
The gift to be simple. J. J. Augustin, 1940. |
Anouilh, Jean |
Pièces brillantes. La Table Ronde, 1951. |
Samuel |
This was Toscanini. Vanguard, 1963. |
Note: Presented to Copland by the Toscanini
Association. |
Ausubel, Nathan (editor) |
A treasury of Jewish folklore. Crown, 1948. |
Ernst |
Notes on the piano. Syracuse, 1963. |
Note: signed by author. |
Bakeless, Katherine Little |
Story-lives of American composers. Stokes, 1941. |
Note: includes Copland. |
Balzac, Honoré de |
Le Lys dans la Vallée. Éditions R. Simon, n.d. |
Herman |
Erzentrische Novellen. Fischer, 1921. |
Barolini, Antonio |
Elegie di Croton. Feltrinelli, 1959. |
Note: signed by author. |
Victor |
The Béla Bartók Archives: history and catalogue. Bartók Archives, 1963. |
Note: signed by author. |
Bayard, Samuel Preston (editor) |
Hill country tunes. American Folklore Society, 1944. |
Bearsley, Aubrey |
The later work of Aubrey Beardsley. Dover, 1967 |
Note: signed. |
Georg |
Guide to the beauty of Bamberg. Bayerische, 1969. |
Note: annotations by Copland. |
Georges |
Darius Milhaud. Heugel, 1949. |
Becker, John |
After Geneva. London Magazine Editions, 1975. |
Note: signed by author. |
Berger, Arthur |
Aaron Copland. Oxford, 1953. |
Note: notated. |
Aaron Copland. Club du Libre Americain, 1962. |
Berger, Melvin |
Masters of modern music. Lothrop, 1970. |
Note: includes Copland. |
Bergson, Henri |
The two sources of morality and religion. Doubleday, 1954. |
Bernanos, Georges |
Sous le soleil de Satan. Plon, 1926. |
Bernstein, Leonard |
Findings. Simon and Schuster, 1982. |
Note: signed by author. |
The joy of music. Simon and Schuster, 1959. |
Note: signed by author. |
Adolphe van and Paul Léautaud |
Poètes d'aujourd'hui. Mercure, 1922. |
Boccaccio, Giovanni |
Decameròn. Rizzoli, 1950. |
Note: 2 vols. |
Borevitz, Victor |
B. C. E. Biggest Century Enterprise. Borevitz, 1972. |
Botkin, B. A. (editor) |
The pocket treasury of American folklore. Pocket, 1950. |
Boucher, Maurice |
La philosophie de Hermann Keyserling. Les Éditions Rieder, 1927. |
Breton, André |
Situation du surréalisme entre les deux guerres. Éditions de la Revue Fontaine, 1945. |
Brincourt, André |
La farandole. La Table Ronde, 1952. |
Brindle, Reginald Smith |
Serial composition. Oxford, 1967. |
Brooks, Van Wyck |
The pilgrimage of Henry James. Dutton, 1925. |
José |
L'écran des musiciens. Les Cahiers de France, 1930. |
Note: signed by author. |
Honegger et son oeuvre. Éditions Corrêa, 1947. |
Bynner, Witter |
Cake. Knopf, 1926. |
Note: signed by author. |
John |
Writing through Finnegans Wake. University of Tulsa, 1978. |
Note: presented to Copland by the Oswego
County Council on the Arts. |
Campos, Jorge Hernandez |
La parabola del Terron. 1945. |
Campos, Rubén |
El folklore y la música méxicana. Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1928. |
Albert |
L'étranger. Gallimard, 1942. |
Le mythe de Sisyphe. Gallimard, 1942. |
La peste. Gallimard, 1947. |
Francis |
Jésus-la-Caille. Artheme Fayard, n.d. |
Cartwright, Jean and John Cartwright |
Enjoy Santa Fe more. New Mexico Publishing Co., 1976. |
Castillo, B. Díaz del |
Conquista de la nueva españa, tomo II. Espasa-Calpe, 1928. |
Cendrars, Blaise |
Histoires vraies. Grasset, 1938. |
Chapin, Katherine Garrisoin |
Lament for the stolen. Centaur, 1938. |
Note: signed by author. |
Chevalier, Maurice and Robert Doisneau |
My Paris. Macmillan, 1972. |
Note: signed. |
Childs, Barney |
...and other poems. Privately printed, 1955. |
Note: numbered, signed by author. |
Citron, Samuel and David Diamond |
The golden slippers. Friends of the Jewish Theatre for Children, 1967. |
Clermont-Tonnerre, E. de |
Robert de Montequiou et Marcel Proust. Flammarion, 1925. |
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